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Arwen Evenstar

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Posts posted by Arwen Evenstar

  1. It apparently became such a problem that the poor lads were forced to watch Jeremy's series of anti masturbation sermons.

    Boob is so uptight and repressed because Gothardism doesn't allow for curiosity about bodies, but sadly Gothardism seems to look the other way when it comes to boys diddling their sisters.

    • Love 11
  2. 1 hour ago, Meowwww said:

    I think it's all about a better life.  Her parents were glad she was "going" to an American.   She can send money home.  It's a sign of the desperation of families in poverty.  Made me sad for her parents and mad on her behalf that they will settle.  

    It is the wish of parents the world over that their children have an easier time of their life than they did.  Doubtless, many people in Tonantins at best ,dream of being able to make a life for themselves in Manaus.  There aren't too many ways out for the locals. Being able to marry someone from a big city or the US or Europe would almost be like winning the lottery wrt statistics.

    • Love 2
  3. 9 minutes ago, Nancypants said:

    This is the portrait of a whinging succubus!

    That's it! The title of the next Lifetime movie or 48 hours documentary 

    Portrait of a Whining Succubus

    Stalker behavior is creepy and dangerous and nobody really knows how far she's going to go to "make Mahammit pay for what he's done".  Though I dislike Mohamed as much as anyone else who watches the show, he deserves to live his life in peace.

    Danielle needs to stop this behavior before she finds herself in legal trouble or in a padded cell.  He's not worth it.

    • Love 11
  4. Mo will be spending the rest of his existence being stalked by and running from that batshit crazy, whingeing, whiny succubus.

    Even though there's a lid for every pot, and there's no accounting for taste, I don't get what she sees in him that makes it worth making a fool of herself over him. If he looked like Brad Pitt or Javier Bardem, then maybe I could understand though not excuse her behavior.

    • Love 3
  5. 1 hour ago, Temperance said:

    Meanwhile I do wonder how the Duggar expectations play into what is happening with Derick. It doesn't help that in-laws are probably encouraging him to pursue missionary work versus getting a good office job. 

    Considering his only other marketable skill is interpretive dance that cannot be unseen, he should never have quit his Walmart job.

    • Love 12
  6. 52 minutes ago, LilJen said:
    6 hours ago, Jynnan tonnix said:


    Hate the cold shoulder look. I don't see the point. I have good posture and great shoulders but I just CAN'T wear this look.

    I'm sure Jim Boob's greasy melon head was expliding at the sight of Cousin Famy and that eye trap schmatte she was wearing.

    It may be an "in" style, but not everyone always has the right body or height to look well in every style that comes along.

    • Love 4
  7. What I understood from Abby was that Sean and Abby didn't have conversations about what they liked and how they liked it, so they found out the first night together.

    Considering Old Liverlips was into all this voyeuristic, fetishy behavior I find it odd that he would have been able to restrain himself from talking  about little else.

    From the dead, fed up look in Abby's eyes, I think Old Liverlips enjoyed it far more than she did.

    • Love 2
  8. 41 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

    So, the latest on Mo's Instagram is that he's staying in town [Tampa?] for the hurricane.

    He was walking down the street and telling  everyone, "It's just windy."

    Will he be documenting it with his selfie stick?  Will he cry like a bitch when a gust of wind blows up his prissy ass?

    • Love 9
  9. I'm humbled by the oower of nature as much as any other human being, but most certainly not going to say that in a way that it's understood that God is punishing people. I wonder how many times God smacks his head as these Fundy pronouncements of judgment upon all and sundry.

     Aaaaaand, the Kellers live there as well. 

    • Love 11
  10. Ok, I saw the coconut video.

    Tata for now? How many times did he say that?

    Jills foodgasms over the coconut were cringeworthy.  Only one freaking coconut, but more importantly free?

    Chimpy is definitely the missing link! I thought primates were somewhat more accomplished at using tools.  He did in fairness offer the kids some to try. Those poor pale children. So sickly, skittish, and underfed. Not much coconut to go round, was it.

    I also tried to listen to one of their performances.  JRod drowning them out. Her vocal notes were so off key and so were the kids that my ears were bleeding in under 30 seconds. Didn't want to frighten the cat, so I had to stop.  Perhaps they have a future in their music being played to enemy combatants, but it might be banned by the Geneva convention.

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