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Arwen Evenstar

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Posts posted by Arwen Evenstar

  1. 8 hours ago, BitterApple said:

    I saw it and it reminded me of one of those National Geographic specials where they show alpha wolves devouring an elk carcass while the weaker pack members are forced to look on and then fight for the scraps. The Rodrigues kids were downright feral with the way they looked ready to pounce once Chimpy offered them a sliver of coconut.

    Only a sliver?  Where do I find this abomination on YouTube? Mr E is going grocery shopping tonight, so maybe I can witness this without embarrassment.

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  2. 6 hours ago, ChaChaSlide said:

    He's unwilling to do the work it takes to be in a serious relationship with someone here, which would require some self reflection and bettering his station in life (because what woman do you know will take a baby daddy DJ living with mommy in his mid 20s seriously?). Instead of seeing the problem is him, he broadbrushes women and goes after a woman he think will settle for his mediocrity because it's American mediocrity. 

    I think this post calls out Patrick in particular, but in general (bolded) plenty of the others seeking love as well.  We've heard Paul, Jorge, and many others complain about American women this and American women that.

    Why would any woman who lives somewhere fabulous like Paris and is living in a country where workers demand their rights and get them, get universal healthcare, and have a social safety net, want to come to a country that really has none of those things?  But, I digress, our mediocrity is better than anyone else's.

    And a mediocre individual here fancies his chances abroad because any woman should be so grateful to come to 'Murica that she'd be so willing to put up with his shit. I've worked with a lot of insufferable men who have foreign brides, and all I can think of is that she must be some poor woman who was so desperate to escape the poverty or political climate of her homeland, that putting up with his shit is preferable.

    • Love 18
  3. 11 hours ago, Mollie said:

    I guess the Dillards didn't receive enough donations to pay for sunscreen and a hat for the baby.  I also guess they don't teach about skin cancer in homeschool.

    They may have forgotten his little hat.  The tortilla seems to be doing its job in the meantime.  As humorless as they are, that was actually funny.  Maybe Izzy did it.

    Dont give these dumb fucks any ideas.  They might put up a gift, I mean a grift, registry. 

    • Love 13
  4. 9 minutes ago, galaxychaser said:

    don't want to sound mean, but husband david is hideous beyond belief. how he got anyone to marry that face is a miracle. and the kids just tragic looking. all homely. i know its mean, but wow.

    A 17 year old homeschooled Virgin who'd never been kissed until her wedding day, that's who. Maybe having a Portuguese surname made him all the more "exotic", even though he probably doesn't speak or understand a word of it.

    Chimpy wasn't as unfortunate looking back then because he was slimmer and younger, but he wasn't anything to swoon over, either.

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  5. The coconut video sounds horrible.  Unless of course what we don't know was JRod tries it first and convinces them it's good, and there are more coconuts for the kids. I get they didn't video all their kids eating it, but they might have reassured us they were going to get some too. Of course, we are always going to think the worst of them because of their sickly starving kids.

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