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Arwen Evenstar

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Posts posted by Arwen Evenstar

  1. 38 minutes ago, b2H said:

    With the hurricane Maria bearing down on DR, has anyone heard about Pedro's family, particularly the grandmother, getting out of the country?

    Oddly enough, I thought about them as well.  Hope they are ok. Abuela's house isn't concrete construction. 

     My inlaws live in PR, so it's been all eyes on.  Feel sad for those poor folks in Mexico with the earthquake.  

    PR has zero power, limited cell phone availability, and most of island has no running water right now. Mudslides everywhere.  The DR has similar terrain. It will be a long road back for all in the wake of the storm.

    • Love 4
  2. 1 hour ago, ariel said:

    I think when push comes to shove, the males can get out these fundy marriages easier than the women can.  If the woman doesn't conceive (and we know in fundy circles it's always the woman's fault) the men get to pass go & collect $200.

    And if you get caught with porn, you go directly to Jesus Jail and you do not collect $200.

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  3. My hair at its longest was halfway down my back. It was a pain to wash, dry, and style and was always tangled.  Even when I wasn't working, I had no time for hair.  All these Duggettes do is spend hours a day styling their hair.  They don't go to work, so I guess playing with their manes and taking selfies is their job.  If it was all healthy hair, I wouldn't mind the length, but it's a fried mess. 

    I got my long hair bobbed after my dx. Thanks to chemo, my hairstyle is more reminiscent of Sinead O'Connor's now.  It's liberating, but even Texas will feel cold soon. 

    • Love 17
  4. 51 minutes ago, Major Bigtime said:

    She definitely looks stoned there. I do believe her posts that she was high or drunk during filming. And it was all a setup for money. Antonio would say he was dating a porcupine if it meant a pay-day.

    Maybe that's why she gets so excited about dip, because she's always got the munchies!

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  5. 50 minutes ago, SoshulMeedya said:

    I just do a Google image search for "Danielle and Mohamed". It's a gold mine, lol. 

    I was reading Danielle's Twitter last night. She's not as dumb or vulnerable as she seems on tv.

    From what I've read of her SM postings, I would definitely agree with you.

    You could be the nicest person in the world and this show would portray you as an asshat .  You could be a Rhodes scholar and be portrayed as dumb as a sock. 

    Both she and Mo and any other couple for that matter are portrayed, scripted, and edited as TLC sees fit. We can only guess what's on the cutting room floor.

    I wonder if she and Mahammit knock down a few drinks together and laugh about how they got one over on all of us.  Maybe they are BFFs IRL.  Doubtful, as the hate and rage between these two is all too real.

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  6. I'm loving the Mahammit memes that I can't find on my iPad.  Since my participation in Soshul Meedya is minimal, I don't expect to have access to all the goodies.


    Damn, if I were Danielle, I would want to crawl under a rock right about now.  She's just pitiful.  I feel bad sometimes snarking on her because I'm convinced she's several slices shy of a loaf.

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  7. 29 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

    bigskygirl, I'm sorry for the loss of your fur baby. Even when it's the right thing to do, letting go is never easy.

    No it's not. I've had to do it nearly 10 times for meezers and once for a dog.  I can tell you it never gets any easier. 

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  8. Actually, I think the perfect lesson for Old Liverlips would be something along the lines of this old Richard Pryor monologue.  The language (for those unfamiliar with Richard Pryor's humor) is blue and typical of his material. Take it away, Mambo Gladys. It's a long skit, but he ends up having to take his friend to see "the voodoo lady".  He came up with some crazy shit in his lifetime. 

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  9. 13 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

    Oh no!!!  One of my favorite participants on another board has Cornholio as her screen name, and she is a lovely person (inside and out).  She told me that every time she tried to come up with a screen name, she got back a "That name is already in use" message.  In desperation, she tried Cornholio . . . and is now stuck with it because  no one else wanted it.  

    Mambo Gladys was briefly available until someone snapped it up!

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