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Arwen Evenstar

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Posts posted by Arwen Evenstar

  1. 13 hours ago, Totally said:

    But a great percentage of the world do walk around barefoot, I just don't see it on the same level of danger as driving without seatbelts or being outside on a hot day without sun protection

    That's what a tortilla hat is for! 

    • Love 7
  2. 3 hours ago, Nancypants said:

    Oh my god she's snacking on him! Ear cartilage must be a part of her. ...."weight lose journey" endquote..

    Cannibalism alive and well in Sandusky!

    It's just gross the way she pawed all over him. He should have at least had the sense to pick someone he could at least get it up for.  Obviously, Most women in their right mind with 4 kids aren't going to pick a guy almost the same age as her kids.  The poor woman has a most unfortunate face and figure, a nasty personality, and is as dumb as a sock.  Mo thought he'd picked an easy mark, but maybe the joke's on him. 

    Now, she consoles herself with baloney cake.  She doesn't have to share it with Mahammit because it ain't hala meat.

    • Love 7
  3. Kirlyam is lovely.  Was impressed at how well her husband speaks Portuguese, but as I understand, he had worked as a missionary in Brazil. They seem like a very sweet and happy couple.  Kirlyam is GLOWING!

    Duggars, word to your mother, missionaries actually learn the language of a country before they go there.  I think Alan did more than hand out DumDums and perform interpretive dance very badly.  Paul, take a lesson from Alan and learn some Portuguese.  Karine's English already outpaces your Portuguese. 

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  4. Even if she decides nursing is too rigorous for her, she could still make good money doing medical coding and a good many other things.  I think that anything she can do for herself that betters her and her lot in this life will be a plus.

     I took a look at her Facebook page and I don't think I'd like to constantly get the kind of criticism she's constantly on the receiving end of.  She got a bunch of guff for not changing her name, but with kids, grandkids, two jobs, school, and homework, I don't see how she's got as much time as she does for soshul meedya.  Yeah, I don't mind snarking on her here, but I'm not going out of my way to bother her or any of them on SM.  She would do well to take herself off SM.

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  5. Hey, if Danielle is doing something to better herself instead of whingeing, histrionics, and sniveling. more power to her.  It's not going to be easy for anyone in their 40s to start college or pick it up again after so many years. Whether or not she finishes remains to be seen, but that she's moving forward is a good thing.  Studying is far more productive than chasin' Mahammit!

    • Love 8
  6. Joe looks so much better after getting laid. 20 years of Fundy misery and repressive upbringing of Nike and masturbation sermons.  His spotty, greasy complexion and melon head seemingly cleared up overnight.

    Maybe now Joe can be a bit more his own person and hopefully make his own way out of the Duggarverse.

    Kendra really looked lovely on her wedding day.

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