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Arwen Evenstar

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Posts posted by Arwen Evenstar

  1. 45 minutes ago, Barb23 said:

    I might give Jessa a pass if the sandals were nicer, better made & more formal looking.  But they came from the run of the mill shoe store, 3 years ago for Jill's wedding.   I'm surprised they've held up as long as they have.

    I think Jess has some problems with her feet and finds those shoes most comfortable.   She must have purchased more than one pair to still be wearing the same one since Muffy's wedding.

    The girls accidentally ended up being admired by foot fetishists on Wikifeet. Maybe she likes showing off her feet, because any attention is better than none. After all, Jess wants to keep reminding everyone that she's "the pretty one".

    • Love 3
  2. 55 minutes ago, SoshulMeedya said:

    To be honest, I see more mental deficiency in Cortney than I do in Danielle. To me, Danielle seems stubbornly dysfunctional, but Cortney is many, many bricks short of a load.

    Cortney's parents are older or look older than most parents of a 26 year old. The slightly wonky eye and life as a Disney princess makes me wonder if Cortney is on some sort of Auspberger's other special needs spectrum. It is still possible to be very high functioning in spite of that. She might not have any disadvantages in the developmental department.  I'm thinking that she may be one of those more sensitive spirits out there that needs to be protected from being chewed up and spat out.Antonio can get all the poon he wants already; I really hope he doesn't exploit this girl. 

    • Love 5
  3. 24 minutes ago, Barb23 said:

    It is sad they think MEchelle is a skating professional because of her backwards skating & that she can water ski.  I guess one of the reasons is they grew up knowing nothing but broom ball & anything else is considered worldly.

    The children used to enjoy broom ball, but then they stopped going because JB and MeChelle were too lazy/too cheap to keep taking them.

    • Love 2
  4. 1 hour ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

    His view on masturbation is obviously not a popular one, but I don't think he's a "doofus" for having certain beliefs.

    Simply my own opinion, as I find it hard to want to take anything he has to say seriously after that. I have been personally damaged by extremism in beliefs as in some of those he holds. Causing guilt and shame over natural bodily curiosity and urges can do more harm than good, though I agree he's not the only one out there doing this by far. 

     I don't really follow the argument that having unpopular views about something negates the attempt to better oneself through reading.

    It doesn't by any means.  Jeremy is college educated and pastors have volumes of books they use.  I'd expect any pastor worth his or her salt to have a library, but they don't go out on social media all the time trumpeting that they have this book or that or that they are the only one who's ever read a book. The rest of the Duggar family would do well to read some of Jeremy's books. I snark on Jeremy only because he purports to pastor a church, but it seems he's rarely if ever there ministering to his little flock.  He's left many with the impression he's not taking his vocation as seriously as most pastors many of us know that do.  

    It's odd to me how conservative evangelicals are held to a social and cultural standard they never signed up for.

    Putting oneself on TV, YouTube, TeeVee and social media pretty much signs them up for that. He got on the TLC gravy train and hooked himself up to a Duggar daughter, albeit my favorite one.  Those other conservatives evangelicals who choose to be on social media generally choose to keep their accounts and views among their likeminded ilk private and not public accounts. 

    The YouTube sermons seem like an entirely separate issue to me. (I'm not really into sermons on YouTube as a general rule, and I'd definitely avoid the ones posted by a small-time pastor of a church I'd never attend, so they don't really factor in here.)

    • Love 10
  5. 7 minutes ago, JoanArc said:

    Any situation is easy to 'win' - just don't be an argent asshole. None of these people can do that, books or no.

    It also helps one's cred if one wasn't posting anti masturbation sermons on YouTube. Just sayin'. You can have all the books you want, but you're still a doofus if you do that.

    • Love 11
  6. 7 minutes ago, Christina87 said:


    I really, really wonder if joy is further along than she "should" be. She looks HUGE in that picture!!! I really do hope she is, because that would mean she broke a big rule and would be hilarious!

    If they weren't always crowing about purity and courtship rules, nobody would care less if they'd broken any rules or not. Other than wanting to see Boobs Lego head explode, most people familiar with Duggar rules would know that Joy wasn't even allowed to pee on her own.

    • Love 9
  7. Most online tales do not end up as happily ever after. And, a good many of them end very badly. Fortunately, oh so dumb Cortney has the benefit of a film crew to look out for her.  I can see why her parents might be worried for her, because the poor stunted girl doesn't have the sense God gave a goose.

    • Love 6
  8. 4 minutes ago, KateHearts said:


    So here's my reaction to Paul (contrasting to others' "he's a creep" impression): the guy is an IT guy.  He is socially awkward, attached to his mommy and over-prepares for this visit (seeing the "travel doctor," worrying about germs and his urethra).


    LOL! I married the IT guy, but I promise you, he's not weird like Paul. 

    • LOL 1
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  9. 27 minutes ago, spankydoll said:

    A pregnancy would be her hook to stay on television. 90 days and a bottle or some such basic shit. Pao should Google Jamie Otis to see how successful that career path is.  

    We would be treated to all her revealing esexy and espicy preggo belly shots with her ass hanging out of her shorts...

    • Love 4
  10. 36 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

    Amen. Are we sure she doesn't live in the shed? We know JD moved out of the boys dorm a while ago although they keep that "hush hush". 

    Yeah, but JD brought his laundry home and came home to eat. He even had the audacity to claim that his sisters enjoy doing his laundry. Grown ass man should know how to wash his skivvies.

    • Love 15
  11. 2 minutes ago, andromeda331 said:

    Those comments on twitter are awesome.

    I had a good laugh.  I don't know why he puts himself up for ridicule like that though. Does he use this to feed his martyrdom? The more snark, the more persecuted he can claim he is? 

    Jim Boob needs to put a stop to this and give Derick a stern talking to. Derick is all kinds of messed up and he's becoming more and more unhinged.

    • Love 5
  12. 9 hours ago, Marshmallow Mollie said:

    Agreed. I thought they seemed very comfortable around each other. In the scenes at the auction, she seemed very natural instead of trying to be girlie and flirty in front of Joe. 

    Just wish she'd stifle that annoying dolphin squeal laugh of hers. But, they do seem happy and compatible.

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