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Arwen Evenstar

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Posts posted by Arwen Evenstar

  1. 35 minutes ago, PradaKitty said:

    Okay, why does the baby (Sammy) always have mittens on - are they hiding something? Does he have webbed fingers? extra fingers? Missing fingers?

    He's probably one of those babies that scratches himself all the time. I think I've seen his hands before and they looked fine to me.


    4 minutes ago, Genevrier said:

    Jesus Christ. Is that another black eye on this child?

    Looks like it, but I'd feel better thinking it was the angle of the shot.  Again, Dillweeds should look before they post.

  2. 12 hours ago, magemaud said:

    The show producers must have been pissed when she lured them to Sandusky with the promise of some kind of update and they sent a crew all the way there only to find out that her big news was that she's "suin' Mahammit" 

    Tenacious D ain't never lettin' Mahammit go!

    This woman is tragic all around, from things she can't help (like some of her physical and mental attributes) to her appalling grammar and awkward to stalkerish social behavior.

    What is particularly telling is that English is either Mo's second or third language, and his enunciation and grammar are far superior to hers. Fortunately, the wailing, grizzling, blubbering, and sniveling of hers makes most of what she says unintelligible anyway, so you can't really tell how bad her grammar is.

    Now she doesn't get her makeover show, so she can "show Mahammit what he's missin'!"

    • Love 6
  3. 7 hours ago, Matias130 said:

    True. However, Cortney looked completely dolled up at the cathedral, like a freshly applied face of makeup that easily took 45 minutes, and she was wearing glasses at the airport. She in no way looked like she had hopped off the plane, took a train, and went straight to the park without checking in at some hotel first with the TLC camera crew. I just cant with this fake storyline 

    Exactly!  She would have had a hard time putting in her contact lenses. Most definitely checked into a hotel and freshened up. I call bullshit. That makeup was fresh, nit the sticky faceful of slap that results from a red eye flight.

    • Love 5
  4. 16 minutes ago, Sprockets said:

    Those lips are ridiculous.  If you threw her at a wall she'd stick.  

    Many of the posters referred to her lips as "that anal prolapse on her face". She looked like the Joker.  Fortunately this season, she looks a lot softer, so she must have cut back on whatever she was using.

    • Love 1
  5. 2 hours ago, SoshulMeedya said:

    Lol she is a nutter. I guess she figures any publicity is good publicity. 

    It's got to be so embarrassing for her kids and family to see her carrying on like this...the wailing, blubbering, whingeing, whining, histrionics.  This woman is in serious need of an intervention and mental health follow ups.  Mental problems should never be mocked. 

    Her latest obsession to sue Mo and that maniacal glint in her eyes when she announced it  tells me that she's definitely escalating in her behavior.  Though I at first found her amusing, I next found her pathetic, and now she's just downright disturbing.

    • Love 4
  6. 59 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

    I have a really cute knee-length denim skirt I got at Steinmart. It's stretchy and super comfortable. I think the Duggar girls gave denim skirts a bad name because they always paired them with those Polo shirts and God awful crunchy permed hair. 

    Don't forget to mention their grubby little toes wiggling about in busted flip flops to complete their Fundie Misery Fashion ensemble.

    • Love 8
  7. 10 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

    Also, her bragging about Nurie fasting completely flies in the face of the humble, personal nature of Christian fasting. The bible specifically says not to advertise that you are on a fast.  It is supposed to be between just you and God.  The reward is supposed to be developing a better relationship with the lord, not attention or acclaim for your sacrifice. 

    Thank you. That's exactly the sentiment I was trying to communicate when JRod blathered that all over the interwebz, only you did a better job of communicating it.

    @GeeGolly has found in you a most godly woman!

    • Love 7
  8. 1 hour ago, kalamac said:

    they are willing to let everything else slide, but you better not touch yourself, someone of the same sex, or before marriage, and they will do their best to make sure you don't.

    I guess they sure looked the other way when Joshley touched his sisters and at least one other underaged girl.

    • Love 11
  9. 22 hours ago, Liamsmom617 said:

    Pedro, why can't I quit you? He is too fucking adorable. 

    He is such a cutie. Love his accent and Family Chantel, Brother Chantel, etc , was the gift that keeps on giving. But most of all, I love that laugh of his.

    22 hours ago, hawkhd said:

    Chantel won the night with "I'm not even done"

    I've got to hand it to her. That was just about the classiest way to tell someone to STFU that I've ever seen.  Pao is such an empty headed doll. I don't know why engineers marry such dimwits sometimes.

    21 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:


    The pizza on the paper plate. OMG. She will never let it go. 

    What? Mo, the pizza, or both?

    • Love 8
  10. Old Liverlips better be glad that eczema is all there was to worry about.  I'd shit a brick if someone took me to a voodoo doctor.  Abby best mind the advice of the priestess, because it is not a game.

    Antonio seems like he could be an ass if Cortney won't fall in line with what he wants.

    Darcey, cool your jets.  Just enjoy yourself for now.  Thirsty much?

    24 minutes ago, eggsnbacon said:

    Not to mention those that lie about  it, imagine a lot of virgins would lie about it. Also people for religious/cultural purposes, those honestly simply too shy/unattractive/socially awkward. Its higher than we think. 

    Those who do it for religious/cultural purposes know that typically their families will arrange a marriage for them so they won't need to fret about not getting any, and usually it's a choice with those who are religious.

    Shy/unattractive/socially awkward might be in for a longer wait.

  11. Maybe Nurie is a more sincere Christian than her idiotic parents. I get that people will sometimes fast if they want to pray about an important or serious matter. Obviously, Nurie didn't expect her parents to broadcast this over SM.

    Nurie is painfully thin already, so giving up her dinner was probably a big sacrifice for her to make. Chimpy was probably elated do he could have more food. That poor kid needs her nourishment.  Hopefully, a kind Fundy man will take her away from this nutter Famiky of hers.

    • Love 8
  12. Melanie at least receives respect and adoration from Devar. I love his accent and how he calls her "my lovely lady". He's also willing to work his tail end off as well. They're also expecting their first child and seem to be quite pleased with one another.

    You never saw Mohamed say anything nice about Danielle, other than she was "acceptable".

    My mom reminded me of a funny Brit expression. It describes Danielle perfectly--She's got a face like a slapped arse!

    • Love 10
  13. 2 minutes ago, JoanArc said:

    She's the closest thing a living woman can get to becoming a Real Doll.

    She probably still plays with dolls.  Didn't she register for little girly stuff at Claire's?

    When will we get to see the meringue she wore in its full glory?

    • Love 5
  14. 20 minutes ago, dreamingtree said:

    Ok, I looked back a few pages, and I can't find the coconut video,  Can someone link it?

    I thought that the Rods had a house now, but are they back to living in the RV?

    And, I readily confess that the Zuppa Toscana at my local OG makes my mouth water. 

    Just go to YouTube and type Rodrigues Family Coconut.

    Chimpy was so proud of the coconut being "free" because they found it.

    Thought of them as Irma knocked coconuts off the trees in Florida.  Maybe we'll be treated to a video of the Rodriguii going scrumping for coconuts.

    • Love 4
  15. 12 hours ago, 7isBlue said:

    I am rewatching this episode in the TLC GO app tonight, and talking back to my screen! Mostly, "You're an idiot," repeatedly, at Paul, and, "Gross!" at creepy Sean. 47-yr-old Sean calling 20-yr-old Abby "baby" just skeeves me out! Ugh. I think he's the worst of the group. 

    You're braver than I and your stomach is stronger than mine.  Once was enough for me.  Old Liverlips creeps me out. 

    • Love 2
  16. On tap for tonight: Larry and Jenny, brain trust Cortney, Old Liverlips, and a visit to Cougar Town. 

    I can just picture Cortney sitting in the main square of Barcelona or Madrid forlornly finishing off the dip that Mother Cortney packed for her. 

    Got no time for that stupidity.  My first stop in Spain after I check into my hotel, shower, and sleep (if I can), would be to get myself to a tapas bar and have tapas and sangria.  Deelish!

    • Love 8
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