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Arwen Evenstar

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Posts posted by Arwen Evenstar

  1. 1 hour ago, sasha206 said:

    And so sorry about your sister.  Lost my hubby in Dec.to colon cancer.  I know how you feel with the roller coaster ride.

    I can empathize as well.  So sorry for the loss of your husband. Lost my dad in 2014 to gastric cancer.

    @Emmeline, so sorry to hear about your sister. 11 years is a long time to still be keeping going. I was diagnosed earlier this year myself and mine is somewhat rare.  I only hope I can keep on for my husband and family as long as your sister has. That said, I realize it's a roller coaster ride.  More treatment options are becoming available for many types of cancer, so hopefully you will be able to have your sister around longer with a better quality of life.

    • Love 5
  2. 9 hours ago, slf said:

    The wardrobe thing always makes me laugh on this show. The tattoo, however, we saw her get when she and Pote went to the store where the little girl was; she inked Teresa herself. That's why Teresa had the bandage on her arm when she faced off with Epifanio and Camila.

    I missed that, thanks. I was too busy being tripped out by her hallucinations. 

    And 8 year olds aren't normally skilled in giving tats or herbal medicine or removing bullets. I call shenanigans.

    • Love 1
  3. I just love how scrappy Teresa is.  She's got 9 lives for sure. Every show has me wondering just how she'll get herself out of the next scrape she finds herself in. I find Pote's loyalty to her to be endearing, and he's always there to save the day.

    Though none of the characters are nice people that you'd want to have over for Sundaybdinner, Camila is pure evil. I do, however, think wardrobe has done a fantastic job with herl She's always impeccably dressed in stylish, age appropriate clothing that also flatters her curvy figure and petite stature. I wanted just about every outfit she wore.

    The show has a lot of disconnects as many back stories from the original series are likely not told.  Teresa is trying t escape the wrath of Camila, but has time to buy a new wardrobe and get a tattoo before she sails away? Some things just don't make sense.

    • Love 1
  4. 15 minutes ago, cmr2014 said:

    No. No jobs. Gothard does not approve of his acolytes working for other people -- Gothardites are supposed to be self-employed. The Biblical economics thing is an off-shoor of that, but not (as far as I know) required by Gothard.

    This makes me wonder, and I'm sure this was speculated several times before I joined the forum: Did Boob pressure Derick to leave Walmart to prevent him from being able to change Jilly Muffin too much? I'm sure the prospect of any of his kids or their spouses working anywhere but for him or self employment rankled him.

    Since Derick was inept at doing any of the Duggar Enterprises jobs and the Toilet Scrubber job was taken, Boob decided the only respectable vocation outside of the enterprise was being a missionary  or preacher.  Then, he bribed them with the house and presto changeo, Dreck is now a missionary! Either that or a Boob realized he was a slacker.

    • Love 6
  5. 1 hour ago, JoanArc said:

    Very well. She'll go back to sleeping in her old bedroom in the TTH,with Jana raising two kids she's responsible for, under ma and pa's thumb. It'll be just like before old Picasso face shattered her dreams. Heaven! 12 days of being a 12 year old again.

    There! Fixed it for ya!?

    • Love 19
  6. 55 minutes ago, millennium said:

    Can anyone think of a reason why this episode is not offered on demand?   I have Free On Demand feature on my cable package.   We turned it on one night and saw episode 1 and 2 were available.   We watched episode 1, planning to watch Episode 2 the following evening.   Then Episode 2 vanished from the On Demand list -- and never came back.  Episode 1 is still available, Episodes 3 and 4 are available.  Still no episode 2.   This has been going on for a month.   I am reluctant to continue the series without having seen Episode 2.   There is no sane reason I can think of why it shouldn't be available.  But it isn't!   

    Look for it on TLC.com

  7. 36 minutes ago, happy hobo said:

    Nah, Cortney probably forgot to get off the plane in Spain and flew onto Borneo. There, she is entranced by an Orangutang named Antonio., who woos her with Banana smoothies. When she is told of her mistake , she (sadly) makes her goodbyes and is off to Spain again next week,       THAT is why she is not on this weeks episode. 

    Actually, your version of the story is far more interesting. 

    • LOL 1
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  8. A mother only a few weeks postpartum, a new baby, and also a toddler should not be going off to Malawi.  Too many health risks.  No matter how much faith one may have, God gave us all some sense.  Well, most of us anyway. 

    The Duggars don't have the sense that God gave  a goose.

    Will Dreck get to go without an accountability partner, or does he have to travel a la Mike Pence with his wife always in tow? (As if having Secret Service and other security detail isn't enough).

    • Love 10
  9. How will Muffy fare since she's spent the past three years being suctioned onto her headship? There will be the clinging and crying scene similar to her clinging to Jim Boob and crying hysterically when she had to have her wisdom teeth out.

    Most women have husbands who have to travel on business and be gone for that much time or longer. What makes her think she's so fucking special? Grow the fuck up, Muffy!

    Maybe she'll pleasantly surprise us all and finally grow up a bit? Still we live in hope. Miss Cathy will doubtless be happy to keep the boys, so we won't worry about them if that's the case.  It's a pity she only gets them because Jill and Dreck are too bone idle to care for their kids.

    • Love 7
  10. 52 minutes ago, nightmeri said:

    Can you imagine? Poor Anna had Josh the perv as her only experience. Poor Pris must have been utterly confused when it was time to lie down w TFDW.  Probably very different experiences

    Well, it seems the marriage between Prissy and TFDW was an unqualified success. They look healthy and have 3 healthy kids.

    Josh is pasty and corpulent and has disgraced his family. TFDW may be a smug and obnoxious little pecan thief, but he has done right by his wife and kids and has managed to stay employed and isn't on his family's teat.

    Josh is sadly and woefully unemployable.  His only hope is to write a tell all.  I think Josh despises Boob as much as Boob despised his father.

    • Love 20
  11. @PaTatertots, I'm reading all your stories with rapt attention and so happy you escaped the crazy and are now enjoying the life you wanted to have. I grew up in East Texas and experienced the crazy of extreme IFB when I was very young. Even though I only had a pinky toe in the pool, that was more than enough to make me realize that though most of them were nice people, they had some very toxic beliefs indeed. Sadly, most of them didn't realize how drunk on the Koolaid they were, and many of them missed out on a lot. Many of them could have been so much more.

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