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Arwen Evenstar

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Posts posted by Arwen Evenstar

  1. 3 hours ago, Landlord said:

    She's not selfish. It's her career. She's doing this for them, mi amor!

    Those TH she does with the straw colored hair and the garish red lipstick...I'm thinking I'm nowhere near model material myself, and even I know that's not a good look for anyone.  Yep, same TH where she says "my career" at least 3 to 4 times.  It's not a cah-reeeeer, Sweetie, to pay others to take your picture.

    • Love 4
  2. Whenever Pao isn't in swimsuits or lingerie, most of what she wears makes her look like a sausage about to blow out of its casing. The only time she doesn't look like Jessica Rabbit is when she's in jeans. Russ can't be that much of a prude, or he would be complaining about that too.

    Though I'm on Team Russ about most things, when he starts going on about things he doesn't approve of, I want to shout, " Hey, did someone just order a Victorian straight up?"

    • Love 6
  3. 21 hours ago, questionfear said:

    Speaking of intolerance, my alma mater, Brandeis, is shut down  (https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2017/08/23/brandeis-campus-closed-after-mail-threats/PtrMAy9FkZ3BmEbgZWn5PI/story.html) due to threats. It's hard to imagine this is anything other than anti-semitism. Scary. 

    This just makes my heart hurt.  When is this madness going to stop?

    In Houston we've had severa of our synagogues vandalized or bomb threats just a few months ago. 

    • Love 6
  4. 3 hours ago, Swim mom said:

    I guess one could argue that exercise encourages the body to produce hgh, which would make you feel a little better. I know I feel better when I go out with girlfriends and dance to

     I want to put on my my my my my Boogie shoes

    Sitting at a rowing machine, eh, not so much.

    Exercising doesn't feel so much like work if someone can find an activity they actually enjoy like dancing, etc.  I used to joke that I preferred to get my exercise in unmentionable ways.

    • Love 2
  5. 16 hours ago, trimthatfat said:

    She has simple parents at home who get excited about dip. I think she's just itching to make something interesting in her life. Been there.

    So much THIS!

    My ex husband's family had a thing about dip. I found it rather odd that anyone would get excited about it.

    • Love 3
  6. 3 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

    I can't post this in the Tell All thread because it's locked, but how many parts is The Tell All reunion? It looks wild, people walking off stage and more. 

    It promises to be delicious. I think just about everyone took their turn walking off the stage.

    • Love 4
  7. 22 minutes ago, Former Nun said:

    I may have become cruel.  A person can take only so much.

    I think there was a point that Mohamed's behavior toward her was justified after she simply couldn't get it through her thick head after he'd told her for the umpteenth time that he'd had it and the relationship for all intents and purposes was dunzo.

    But using her and not showing an ounce of gratitude for helping him get there was just mean.

    • Love 6
  8. I'd imagine having to take a red eye flight to Rio, and a layover,  flight to Manaus, and then 2 days trip down the Amazon, he was worn out.  It's hard to be excited even about winning the lottery at this point.

    Karine is a lovely young lady, but she is 13 years his junior.  Her parents might imagine he's worldly enough to try to take advantage of their daughter. This will set up a dynamic for him to be a Svengali or "parent" in the relationship, which is somewhat disconcerting to say the least, since he's not got too much going for him back home.

     I am very concerned for her. Things could end badly for her if he loses his shit one day.k because he's got creepy vibes. Portuguese isn't widely spoken in his neck of the woods, so she'd have a hard time getting help or making friends if she doesn't learn English quickly. I hope she's not mistreated in any way once the cameras stop rolling.

    • Love 4
  9. 1 hour ago, funky-rat said:

    Beth clearly sees this as an opportunity to carry on her own issues with her Muslim ex-husband.  Danielle always saw her as "helpful" in regard to being married to a Muslim (from prior shows), so she keeps going to her for "help" and Beth can continue to work out her aggressions on another person.  Win-win....well, in their eyes.  Lose-lose for us.

    Not sure why many of these Muslim gentlemen seeking to get out their home country seem to choose women who have both unfortunate faces and figures. Though looks aren't everything and there's a lid for every pot, this just isn't the case.

    Could they not choose someone more to their liking that they could build a bonafide marriage with?  It would achieve their ends to come here and they might just be happy rather than repulsed.  Though love usually isn't what most Eastern marriages are based on, there is typically some attraction, common interests and values, and mutual respect.

    After what Mo endured with her crazy, I'm sure if he had it to do all over again, he'd choose someone closer to his age that he could be pleased with, and if things ended up not working out, it wouldn't look like he "frauded" her. His treatment of Danielle was cruel, and I think he's even embarrassed by it.  She was no saint either, subjecting him to chaos, no electricity in a much cooler climate than he's used to, and her criminal history.

    • Love 7
  10. 2 minutes ago, doodlebug said:

    Thanks, its been 26 years, so I've had a long time to reflect on it and put it in perspective.  I don't ever expect to 'get over it' though; nor do I want to.  His 32 birthday was last week, so I've been feeling him a bit more that usual recently.

    And best of luck to you, Arwen.

    Thanks, Doodlebug, for your good wishes.

    As an auntie, I know I would never be able to get over the loss off one of my precious nieces or nephews. I never got to become a mother, but I could only imagine the sense of loss in that instance to be unfathomable.

    • Love 5
  11. I work in the oil patch, and things have been moving at two speeds wrt to jobs coming back: slow and stop.  Recruiters call as though it's a matter of life and death they need your resume right now.  Then it's "hurry up and wait" and then things are put on indefinite hold.  Sure, places might quietly pick up a person or two, usually on temporary or contract basis, but the needle isn't really moving at all. 

    I totally know how Russ feels, and I want to throw something at the TV when Paola starts whingeing about "men in Colombia would sell empanadas in the street". She doesn't understand basic math for maintaining two residences on half your previous salary.

    • Love 1
  12. 4 minutes ago, questionfear said:

    Oh I don't tar all Christians with that...I know plenty of people who attend churches that have comparable belief systems to what I knew growing up. My issue is with anyone who takes their religion as a tool that should dictate the lives of the people around them. In my view, you aren't a tolerant person if you profess to accept the beliefs of others while voting for officials you want to enact your beliefs on others. Does that make sense? 

    Purrfect sense! 

    • Love 1
  13. 12 minutes ago, chickenella said:

    @Arwen Evenstar, thanks! I kind of ran out of screen names at some point, lol.

    Yes, I'm almost twice her age and if I was single I'd enjoy Spain if I went and things didn't work out with the guy. BUT I'd facetime or skype or whatever with him first. I can't imagine traveling across the world to meet someone I've only texted with. I do like to travel, tho.

    Neither can I .  Most people doing what she's doing without a film crew to see nothing bad happens to her, are seriously asking for trouble.

    • Love 1
  14. 31 minutes ago, SoshulMeedya said:

    That's absolutely the outline of a breast implant. I am still trying to figure out why Jesse is with her. 


    It really does look like that's what it is, an implant.

    Mutton dressed as lamb is what my British mom and granny would call Darcey.  Since Jesse professes to liking "natural beauty", Darcey's plastic parts, fillers, fake eyelashes, and extensions must irk him. The younger Darcey was really pretty before she did all this to herself.  Her hair color, style, troweled on makeup only age her more. 

    I get fixing your nose, particularly if you have sinus issues, removing a scar, or lifting something that's drooping, or straightening your teeth...But I'm personally not in favor of excess in the plastic surgery/procedures department. This is just my own opinion. Plastic surgery is genius for reconstruction after disease, injury, or birth defect, but on the cosmetic side, many women don't know when to stop.

    • Love 13
  15. @chickenella--awesome and hilarious screen name!

    if I was single, and my Spaniard turned out to be a smelly catfish, I'd just s go ahead and enjoy all that Spain has to offer a tourist, but then I'm a wiser, older woman who could give two shits. Cortney (who the hell spells it that way), on the other hand, is half my age,  would be a mess.  Good thing the camera crew is there to provide a measure of safety and some company to this poor little nitwit.

    Tapas are way better than dip any day of the year!

    • Love 5
  16. 53 minutes ago, mythoughtis said:

    Also, this is not her first heavily pregnant travel escapade. Remember the bus, the book signing tour and the suitcase of baby supplies in case she birthed that baby on the bus. 

    Also, not the first time we've all been aghast by the Gothard prescribed treatment of pregnant women.  Boggles the mind how any woman can be happy with an arrangement that always gives her the short end of the stick and that there is clearly nothing in it for her.

    • Love 10
  17. 1 hour ago, orangeiguana said:

    Welcome to my world. I have two masters, one from an Ivy, and an award-winning TV show. I drive an airport limo in the middle of the night, which is a lot of fun for a lady of almost 60. You are much better off with less education.

    I totally feel for ya. I'm an engineer and myself along with many people I know can't find a job right now.  It makes one wonder why one even bothered to go to college or work so hard and have to keep starting over every few years. It's very disheartening to say the least.  Anyone who thinks skilled professionals can easily get a job at McDonald's because "it's better than nothing" really haven't been in those shoes themselves or they would understand that no employer (even those with high turnover) really wants to hire/train someone they know will leave once they get a better  job/job in their field. Hope things get better for you sooner rather than later.

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