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Arwen Evenstar

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Posts posted by Arwen Evenstar

  1. 1 hour ago, Toaster Strudel said:

    Danielle can work, take remedial classes AND stalk him,m too. I don't think it's scheduling. He's not afraid of her at all, that's just nonsense he's playing up for the show for pity. Pity is how he gets women that write to him to send him money.

    There may be limited employment opportunities in Sandusky, but the truth is, I think Mo is afraid of work.  Can't say I blame him for wanting to get out of that town being stalked by that bunny boiler.

    • Love 3
  2. Do you never really know a person? My parents were married for nearly 50 years before my father passed away in 2014. We  found out many things about him that not even my mom knew just by going through his effects It was really neat to find out a lot of the things that my father who was a very modest man actually knew. He was a mad genius and a pretty wicked mathematician and linguist.  We didn't find anything sordid or weird but we would've liked to of had some of those conversations with him since two of us kids are engineers and two of us are accountants. 

     It just goes to show you that you don't really know a person even when you think you do. I learned a lot more about the type of man my husband is after I became very ill. He showed me through his character that he really is the most decent of all men. I always  believed that about him but I'm so glad that that's really the case. Many of us make more of who people are than they really are,  and we wonder why we are often so sorely disappointed.

     It's so easy to be on ones best behavior online because you don't have to look at the person or let them see your body language when they talk with you that way.  So then it's so easy to build up who you think somebody is versus who they really are. The problem is online you're already hooked or snookered or catfished.

    • Love 14
  3.  Even if Jesse had discussed the possibility of marriage, he had no intention of wanting to rush into it, because that's not what Europeans in general do.  I just hope that pathetic behavior was scripted, because all we need is another example of Ugly /Embarrassing American Behavior Abroad.

    If he misled her, then shame on him.  But then, that's what some  guys typically do. Remember the episode on sex and the city when Samantha met this really suave sophisticated Latin man named Willie who was always using the term "we" to describe a future that they would never have just so he could get her in the bed? The show then named those kind of guys "We Guys".  I wish I had seen that show before Id been stupid enough to fall for it as a single girl.

    • Love 5
  4. When Paul and Karine took a ride in the truck bed to her house, you could see power lines were strung up and down her street.   The heat, rain, termites, and constant humidity in that part of the world makes most materials of construction deteriorate.  People there are going to use what is readily available to build their houses. Wallpaper is impractical because it would peel, so old bedsheets or yard goods are going to be wallpaper.

     Karine's family home is very humble by our standards, but she appears by all standards to be clean, well groomed, happy, well nourished, and loved by her family.  Just because people are poor by our standards, doesn't mean they aren't clean. The river provides them with fresh fish, and the fertile soil, plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Coconut water is a very delicious, healthful, and hydrating drink. Açai berries and other fruits are jam packed with antioxidants. 

    Paul is wise to bring filitration or disinfecting for his drinking water because everyone who travels to Brazil has been warned of poor sanitation in many places.  Hope that he doesn't drive karine's  family crazy with his germophobia. 

    • Love 16
  5. 10 hours ago, jpagan05 said:

    I'm so bothered by this! She's so painfully pathetic. And I will agree with her on one thing, his posting on social media was shitty. He's a smug mother-f'er and maybe simply out of consideration for her kids, he could have refrained. She really thinks this is love - sad.

    In most instances, what Mo did was shitty, but really, how much of Danielle's family and friends follow him?  Certainly, her daughters don't; they loathe him. He's smug, as well as angry, neurotic, paranoid...

    • Love 2
  6. 6 minutes ago, doodlebug said:

    If you check out her blog, there are lots of full length photos of Jill.  She has a medium frame and weighs significantly more than any of her kids.  Looking at her and her husband, its very clear that none of the kids are naturally thin due to heredity.  Well, that and the fact that the kids also look sickly in addition to being underweight.

    Yes, the full length photos I'd seen of her prior to her with the Plexus showed a medium framed woman, but in that photo, she looked very thin. But, she was trying to lose weight on purpose.  Her kids, however, are emaciated.  Their look as you mentioned is definitely not due to heredity. Feel so sorry for those kids.

    • Love 1
  7. I'm sure they buy their stuff from boats that travel up and down the Anazon as well as get medical/dental services there. There are probably a few stores in the town/city she lives. Internet is just about everywhere now. Charging phone probably comes from solar power as well as some of their electricity.  

    She does live in what appears to be a rather sad looking little hovel, but it looks like she also has several siblings as well. There definitely is some dissonance but it's probably a lot easier to get things than get a new house.

    • Love 3
  8. Cortney is just pitiful. and hard to watch. I wonder if she doesn't have some disorder somewhere on the spectrum.  As we would say in Texas,"That girl ain't wrapped too tight".

    Even though she claims to have traveled quite a bit on her own, considering how insipid she is, was that really a good idea?

    • Love 6
  9. 1 hour ago, Booey said:

    PS. Admittedly, my headship and I did once drive (a short distance) to a Celtic festival on his motorcycle, both of us in kilts. So much Nike it's fun to think how the Duggars would have reacted to that!

    Considering "what they don't wear beneath their kilts", that could have been very Nike!

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