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Arwen Evenstar

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Posts posted by Arwen Evenstar

  1. @bythelake-great post. Glad your grandson is doing so much better.

    That little boy needed help up until 3rd grade, so Josie shouldn't have stopped receiving some kind of help either. Certainly, there had to have been some Fundies in their community that did speech therapy and addressed other needs Josie may have. It was up to her parents to get it for her, and there's no law that says her parents had to do just that.  I want to take Josie away from that madhouse and give her the love and attention and nutrition she needs.

    • Love 2
  2. 1 hour ago, Desert Rat said:

    I hope she can get healthier physically and mentally.  I superficial makeover is not enough for Danielle.  She needs to work on her self-esteem and developing stable, loving relationships.  Perhaps she should start by rebuilding relationships within her family and postpone any romantic entanglements for a while. And stay off the friggen internet, fgs.

    And away from "soshul media".  She just needs to not care what Mohamed is doing, who likes him, what her /MO's supporters and haters are saying.  Danielle, just  take care of yourself, your kids, and repair your relationships with family and friends.

    • Love 5
  3. 14 minutes ago, noveltylibrary65 said:

    I don't see Sean as domineering just creepy as hell.  Darcey is the worst and I can't believe there are two of her!  She makes me sick, she says her kids are her world....ah, no they aren't,  if you're traveling across the world to meet a strange dude young enough to be your son.  

    Darcey really spoiled her looks; now she has a face like a puppet.

    • Love 6
  4. If they think Josie is so perfect, then why is she shown struggling to use utensils at age 7? Why does she still speak with obvious impediments like "mawwied"? You would think if they wanted her to appear perfect, they wouldn't put her on camera or allow her to be shown struggling in any way.

    She could have been treated privately; none of us would have to know. To not have gotten her treatment that was available was a great disservice to this little girl.

    • Love 14
  5. 46 minutes ago, Desert Rat said:

    Oh gawd, I can't take six more seasons of Danielle.  But you're right, there is a lot of work to do.  

    Danielle lost weight?  I hadn't noticed. 

    To me it looked like she'd gained even more. Given her level of distress, this wouldn't be surprising.  But, she'd already lost 175 lb of Tunisian Love Rat.

    • Love 2
  6. 5 hours ago, Mr. Minor said:

    Mo should sit silently until the judge asks if they had sex, Mo says yes, judge says you are now a citizen of the USA. I'm going to dismiss the 3 year waiting period, you've demonstrated unprecedented determination to come to the USA.

    LO freaking L! Glad I wasn't eating or drinking anything because you would owe me a new tablet! I think you just won the Internet for that one!

    • Love 3
  7. 1 hour ago, islandgal140 said:

    OMG! I actually am finding myself mournful of the lost potential. Can you imagine if this series had been around to capture Mohammit and Danielle's first meet up in Tunisia?


    That would have been ratings gold! If you watched the adventures (rather misadventures) of Nicole and Azan, it might have given you some idea how things might have happened. 

    • Love 6
  8. Fundies are all about "family values" so any piece of decor that brings this message home is like sparkly things to a magpie.  Anything they think magnifies a heterosexual union and a passel of kids shows us all how they are superior to everyone else. 

    • Love 16
  9. 1 hour ago, sleepyjean said:

    I thought Danielle said he slept with her when she visited him in Tunisia. Or am I making that up? I do that sometimes.

    He made her wait until after the wedding. Then in his religion "couldn't kiss during this month" at their wedding.  Then, it was Ramadan all day every day.

    • Love 6
  10. 58 minutes ago, Quof said:

    Jeezuz, you people made me go and consult Urban Dictionary.  CofCinci is correct, it means interracial dating.  And Arwen is correct about spinners. 

    Now I need to go read a book or otherwise engage my brain.

    The Urban Dictionary becomes a rabbit hole very quickly. A good many terms about sex are contained therein.  Some terms are so weird and so gross, they appear to be made up because anyone who actually did this stuff would have to be one sick puppy.

    • Love 1
  11. 51 minutes ago, AllisonWonderland said:

    I wonder if their shared religious/cultural heritage has something to do with that. They and their families will already "speak the same language" in a lot of ways, more than, say, a Muslim man from Tunisia and a divorced mother of 4 (?) from Ohio. There was probably a lot less "in MY culture..." to have to explain between Loren and Alexi, and even when differences were present, I imagine it was less of an obstacle because the differences were not as foreign and overwhelming as the differences that Nicole and Azan would have encountered, for instance.  

    I'm sure that's a big part of their success; they already understand one another on a deeper level as a result.  They married for love and both gave up something to be together, so it wasn't like Alexei was seeking a green card and decided Loren was "acceptable", á la Mohammit.  Alexei and Loren are a true love match and their families like one another and think the two of them made a good choice.

    That said, the couples on this show all reek of either desperation or skeeviness or a combination of both. None of them seem to have much of anything in common  with their prospective partners. Between The Cougar, The Arsonist, and Mr Christian Polyamory, this should be very interesting to see how things turn out.

    • Love 4
  12. 9 minutes ago, greekmom said:

    I cannot believe this is Darcey!!! She looks so great! Why would she get those fillers and plastic surgery ???


    Why? I don't get it either.  There are plenty of beautiful people who believe they are ugly and actually end up making themselves that way by overdoing procedures or ending up botched.

    • Love 7
  13. 5 hours ago, booboopbedoo said:

    I think she knows exactually what she is doing. I was going to give her a break but after watching the latest- she is going to get out of Haiti,get a ring and hook that weird old dude and send money back home..


    it means the female act of mounting the male member, with intentions of dominating it by performing multiple 360 degree turns (excorscist like) on his member whilst staying more lubricated than a geyser exploding midday at Yosemite Park.

    I thought that was called "a spinner", but I always wondered how this is even possible.

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