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Arwen Evenstar

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Posts posted by Arwen Evenstar

  1. Sounds like Jesse has a pheromone fetish. So far he seemed to like what he could sniff, but he's sniffing the been on a plane for several hours person.  Of course, most people like their prospective mate or partner to smell nice, but is he looking for a particular scent? I found that odd. A long way to ask someone to come to meet you just so you can have a sniffand it be the wrong pheromone. But then Napoleons would tell Josephine not to bathe because he'd be home in 3 weeks. Takes all kinds to make a world. 

    • Love 4
  2. 30 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

    Of memory serves me, she outed her own dumb self in an attempt to make Mahamett look bad.

    You may be right. I've slept since then.  I think she left it at Mo was telling people over SM that she stank. Then I think he blurted out why he'd said that. Either way, those two have done plenty to each other.

    • Love 2
  3. 20 minutes ago, zenme said:

    Danielle needs to invest in a good dildo, get a job, and take care of her kids. She also needs to get rid of the wi-fi at her house. 

    Particularly, a medical grade one to help out with that peeing problem she has if she can't afford surgery or has too many medical risks for it.  That and some Kegel exercises.  It's got to cause her enough embarrassment and distress for her to want to do something about it, as if Mo putting it out on national TV wasn't cruel enough.

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  4. Jesse may enjoy older women and being her cub. A lot of men get into that.  Those relationships don't usually lead to marriages that last, but usually both parties end up getting something they both wanted.  I'm not even a mom, but I couldn't imagine leaving my kids for 6 weeks to gallivant across Europe with my boy toy.

    • Love 7
  5. On 8/11/2017 at 11:55 PM, gavinmac said:

    Under the Adam Walsh act convicted sex offenders are forbidden from importing foreign fiancées unless they get a waiver from the government (waivers almost never given).


    Run of the mill arsonists and stalkers and dope dealers face no such prohibition. 

    Exactly, otherwise Danielle wouldn't have been able to import her Tunisian love ratt, nor Jorge his Russian Barbie doll. That's kind of a shame to hear all that about him. He looked like such a sweet kid. I too, was weirded out by his mom giving him that hair...that smacked of voodoo.

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  6. The Dutch are pretty content to stay in the Netherlands where they have universal health care and a social safety net and several weeks of vacation a year. Not many of them want to come to the US and those who do come to work either in maritime or oil and gas think a good many of us are batshit crazy, and I can't disagree with their assessment. 

    • Love 14
  7. I used to work with this guy from Angola, who spent a good bit of his lunch hour and after hours buying things online.  He said he could easily sell them there for 5 to 10 times what he paid for them here.  When I asked him why not just sell for double the price rather than gouge people like that, he told me that people there paid those inflated prices without even batting an eye because this is really the only way people can get stuff.

    in Haiti, it's probably much the same, but without the oil industry Angola has. No industry; everything has to be brought in from somewhere else; unemployment is rampant; and there's little in the way of things to buy, no matter how much money some people have.  Sean brought the panties so she could sell them and get some extra money.  

    I, too, am looking forward to this shit show. It truly is a guilty pleasure.

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  8. I'm married to a Puerto Rican, so I'm well acquainted with reggaeton and rather fond of it.  Not all of the videos are trashy, and not all of the girls in them are showing their ass crack.  In many of the videos, they are wearing skirts or tight pants. You don't have to grind when you dance reggaeton; do the moves, but put some distance between the two of you.   Mr E and I might grind in private, but we wouldn't do it in public, and we are far from prudish.

    Paola could have kept it classy by putting on a little more fabric and putting a little more distance between her and her dance partners.

    • Love 2
  9. Hopefully, we will never witness Derick doing another interpretive dance.

    Wonder why they dissolved their ministry and took down their DONATE button. Though it was the right thing to do on both counts, I wonder if all the flack they caught for it finally shamed them into it.

    • Love 5
  10. 1 hour ago, Sew Sumi said:

    I think the Henry stuff is just a coincidence. His six month birthday just happened to occur during Jazzgate. I don't think Jessa has much use for Derelict, and only uses Jill as a free "midwife."

    Jill is useless as a midwife, since her credentials aren't worth the paper they're written on. Thanks in no small part  to JB not allowing her or any of her siblings to have an education.

    • Love 7
  11. 3 minutes ago, ariel said:

    I think fundies are required to go to church three times a week.  Two times on Sunday & on Wednesday night.  It doesn't appear like Jin/Jer are doing that.

    It doesn't appear any of the Duggars do that. Jim Boob is too much of a cheapskate to tithe; tithing is another Fundy article of faith.

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