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Arwen Evenstar

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Posts posted by Arwen Evenstar

  1. 2 hours ago, mynextmistake said:

    If you've had a csection you don't want anything tight on the incision area. I wore my maternity pants for a month after my csection because they didn't have waistbands.

    No, you really don't. I'm still in my 14's and XL undies nearly falling off me despite losing 50#.  My female troubles make anything tight very uncomfortable, so I totally feel for Jill.  She looks so much better. Happier than she's been since she was courting Derick.  As many posters have suggested, she's elated not to be going back to DA.

    • Love 10
  2. 3 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

    . Why can't Derrick get a JOB and then go to this once a week? Why can't Jill be the sole primary caretaker for her children and have Jana babysit once a week for THIS, instead of helping her every day and then bringing her small children to a college youth group? Derrick AND Jill would have more meaningful experiences to talk about with the kids if they each did something. Get on it, Derrick! There are plenty of jobs that end at five, which still leaves you three hours to get to C3. 

    Because they're Duggars. Remember, they do things a little bit differently from the rest of us.

    • Love 11
  3. 21 minutes ago, Awfarmington said:

    I don't know how worldly Abby is. But when I was just a year younger than her, I dated (about 4 dates total) a guy who had a foot fetish. Back then I didn't know what a fetish was. I only knew it creeped me out when he grabbed my sock and started sniffing it. Sean impresses me as someone who is consumed by his sexual fetishes and Abby may not realize what she's getting into.

    Sean sounds like a real freak. At least he's honest enough about who he is, so those not interested in his proclivities and peccadilloes may steer clear.  Why is he declaring an interest in monogamy by wanting to propose marriage? Unless he wants an open marriage that Abby might not want to participate in, or will only tolerate it long enough to get herself here, get her green card and skeedaddle. 

    • Love 10
  4. 4 hours ago, Ljohnson1987 said:

    I don't think the baby should be brought into what Josh did, but I'm sure the Duggars' are trying to find a positive spin on this 'precious, blessing, who saved their marriage'. Yuck! I wish Anna had some balls and could leave Josh 

    Poor little thing sure as hell didn't ask to be born into that clusterfuck of a family.

    • Love 18
  5. 6 hours ago, queenanne said:

    Don't forget the part in their book where the girls said it's female family de rigueur to never bend over without plastering a hand to the shirt above your collarbone, lest some male passerby might get a free peek of cleavage.  (Because of course it's perfectly normal for teens to make gestures like senior citizen schoolmarms.)

    I've got a big top, so pretty much if I bend over, I'm going to give whoever is around me a sneaky peak if they chose to stare. In the presence of clients and male coworkers, I'm going to cover the top of my shirt with my hand if I have to bend over for any reason. Out anywhere else, no big whoop.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Christina said:

    I still haven't seen the first episode, but did see the clip of Paul's mom giving him her hair and had a mean thought I came to share. 

    Paul probably collects the hair from his targets, and not being able to obtain a clipping he can keep in a little bow, he just wraps them in tissue and his mom thought she would give him some of hers because he likes it so much. 

    That's just creepy, but we may learn later that it's not far off the mark.

    • Love 2
  7. I remember when Jessa called Josie down for eating lasagna with her fingers and told her to use a fork, and Josie whining, "It's hawd". If Jessa had read anything about child development, she knew this type of behavior just wasn't "on". 

    Shes doing a much better job of parenting than her own mother, the difference being that Jessa very much wanted her children and hasn't lost interest in them past 6 months.

    • Love 13
  8. Just now, louannems said:

    I read here somewhere that the 80 day no-sex rule is supposed to protect females.  Since their fathers are naturally upset over getting just a girl baby, and not a coveted boy baby, this keeps him from trying for a boy too soon after a girl is born. Still just as crazy though, right?

    You're using logic. That's your first mistake dealing with the lunatic fringe.  ?

    • Love 11
  9. 1 hour ago, Desert Rat said:

    I admit that reggaton is not my thing.  Only a hunch, but I bet it's not Russ's thing either.  This couple is a complete mismatch.  

    In these reggaton videsos, there are a bunch of sloppy,  overweight, pomp-styled guys who put a few words to music.  Stupid sayings, like Paola's video, "hoy se bebe."  Yeah, that's poetic.  Somehow these loser, homely guys are able to talk these attractive, scantily-clad girls into strutting and grinding in these music videos.   I just don't appreciate the genre. 

    It's not for everyone. There's other genres I don't care for, either..

    • Love 4
  10. I really hate to see any couple get divorced, even though couples like Dani and Mo really needed to. Pedro and Chantel would probably be fine if their respective families butted out. They would definitely benefit from counseling with a bilingual counselor as one poster pointed out; it's a capital idea. 

    Chantel was getting a taste of how it feels for your spouse to not take your side when your in laws trash you, and she didn't like it one bit.

    • Love 9
  11. He really looked so cute enjoying his spaghetti.  Josie's breeder parents should be ashamed of themselves that Spurgeon who isn't even 2 yet doesn't eat with his fingers but uses utensils.  

    Just so so everyone knows, I'm not making fun of Josie because she's not responsible for where she is developmentally and it's cruel to mock a child.  She's seven now and still eats food that isn't finger food with her fingers. Rewind to the episode when Jeremy ate the Eye-talian dinner at Chez Duggar. 

    • Love 14
  12. 13 hours ago, Desert Rat said:

    pure trash. Russ, now you know the real Paola.  She is beneath you and she will not change. Get out before it's too late, like she gets pregnant and brings a kid into this mess of a marriage.  Find a woman who respects you and has the same values.  

    Oh, that video was pretty tame compared to most reggaton videos. 

    Im sure Russ would prefer that one to something like this. No nudity, but it's def spicy.

  13. 20 minutes ago, Swim mom said:


    There's a big difference in swim suits and lingerie.  One says, "I want to go swimming." The other says, "I want to go to bed."  

    Penthouse and Playboy weren't filled with pictures of women in swim suits for a very good reason.



    That is one very excellent point. I never thought about it because I always wore nice lingerie when I was much skinnier whether I was in the mood for sex or not.  I wore it for me  because it made me feel good. 

    • Love 2
  14. Danielle, girl, horizontal stripes are not your friend!  Beth is even bigger than Danielle, so why didn't she stop her?

    Dani does have a waist, so if she lost weight and got a hair and wardrobe makeover, she'd probably have a cute figure and she'd look more than acceptable. Get some cute glasses.  Her lenses look like Coke bottles, so contacts would no doubt  be uncomfortable.

     Most importantly, she needs therapy and some self esteem.  The stress of being with Mo and the grief it caused her has caused her to put on so much weight that it hurts to watch her try to walk.   I'm not one to body shame anyone because my own figure is less than perfect. I lost 45 pounds due to a recent illness and my figures still far from perfect. However for someone  as big as Danielle, that is just not a healthy body at all. She's either bloated from way too much sodium or she also has a hormone imbalance balance that needs to be addressed. If she doesn't watch it she's going to be a diabetic soon if she isn't already one. Then she will have lots of challenge and it will not be  an easy road to wellness if she doesn't do something about it now.


    I'm one of the many posters who is torn between compassion and contempt  for Danielle.  She's just pitiful. You can't help but feel sorry for her on one hand and then you can't help but feel she deserves a lot of what she gets on the other. She is capable of being very manipulative and she d does have a criminal past which speaks to her character on some level. Not that I would hold a criminal past against someone who was trying to better themselves and not repeat their mistakes.  I really hope that she improves herself on the inside as much as she hopes to you on the outside with this make over special. I'm pulling for her to succeed. I don't like to see anybody suffer or struggle. 

    • Love 8
  15. 4 hours ago, CofCinci said:

    For those who don't want to watch clip: Jorge and Anfisa have signed with group that produced Mama June's makeover series (also in production for Danielle's makeover series). 

    So is Jorge going on a weight loss campaign? He's only young and he's horribly unhealthy looking. I've known people in their early 30s who had heart attacks. He's not a bad looking young man.  Anfisa hasn't helped him in the self esteem department, either, but before he met her, he was already one of those angry men who had it in for any woman who wasn't going to take any of his nonsense. Ironically, Anfisa is a ball buster, and behaves worse than any American woman he might have chosen to date instead.

    • Love 5
  16. Yeah, people can be pretty weird about lingerie vs swimsuits.  I remember needing something from the other end of the house and I streaked through it in my bra and panties. My dad happened to see me and had a hissy fit.  I said, "Dad, relax, my bikini shows more skin than this and you've never gotten upset about that."

    It makes more sense if Pao's "limit" is that lingerie is fine, provided that it covers more skin than a bikini.  

  17. Darcey's face looks busted in comparison to her twin sister who looks way younger than her. She really needs to lay off the Botox and other fillers. Her twin is beautiful, so  she must have some sort of skewed perception of her own looks.  Often people who use Botox and fillers ruin their looks.

     The dermatologist that I go to had an open house and they took my picture and showed me what I'd look like with fillers, and I'm not kidding you, I looked like a caricature of myself.  That wasn't me at all. In fact, I was horrified.

    • Love 10
  18. I agree with the poster who says she feels yucky after an international flight. All I want is to check into a hotel and get a shower.  Since they banned smoking on planes it's not as bad as it used to be, but I don't like marinating in the same clothes for 24 hours or more...ewww!  

    What I found bothersome was Darcey's conspicuous consumption with the Loubitin's and the Chanel bags and Louis Vuitton totes. I wouldn't want a guy I'd just met to know how much money I had or for that to be the attraction.  She screamed high maintenance and over the top. Even if she'd gotten them at a consignment shop, who cares, and I agree we should get to enjoy nice handbags and shoes, etc.

    I too, had a thought about Paul's mom getting a lock of his hair in case some fate befell him and DNA evidence was needed for a match. Anyone so OCD and germophobic should NOT be venturing out to middle of the Amazon. 

    Abby is drop dead gorgeous.  WTF was Sean doing wearing a sweater in Haiti? I get it that it was cold on the plane probably but he really looked odd.  This coupling is messed up and skeevy on so many levels.  

    • Love 8
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