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Arwen Evenstar

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Posts posted by Arwen Evenstar

  1. 16 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

    I think he fears blow jobs.

    Wouldn't you if you were a dude and saw those big old horse teeth coming at your smalls?  Remembering the awkward wedding kiss and the interpretive dance routine in all their glorious awkwardness, I'm quite certain this experiment would not end well.

    • Love 10
  2. Tonight we have more of Old Liverlips and his young Haitian beauty. Only thing that can save this train wreck will be another visit to Mambo Gladys to redeem the episode.

    Then we have Jesse and his biker's old lady Desperate Darcey supposedly having a lover's quarrel.

    Also, the non story between Patrick and Miriam.

    And poor sad sack Larry with his sad sack full of candy.

    • Love 5
  3. 7 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

    I agree and I hope I wasn't too hard on her. (I was.)

    What's gross is her putting it out there (and my commenting on it ad nauseam).

    Also, her failure to take care of herself and her denial about it. Sex is obviously important to her so if she wants to try to keep up with a younger man she needs to do something.

    The really gross thing is her nearly forcing herself on that younger man and her feeling entitled to do so because she "bought" him -- something which she never has and never will address. Far from it. She wants another one! 

    I want to like your post so many times!  Exactly, if Danielle wants sex, she needs to make herself desirable to the males she wants to attract.  She's already got 4 kids, so that proves she doesn't need to "buy" herself a man. Even if she does, she's not entitled in any way to demand sex from him.

     It is not unreasonable to expect sex on a regular basis, particularly if that was mutually agreed upon as being necessary for the health of the relationship.  Mo clearly must have made promises to that effect, but what Beth said about Mo was right on. She said Mo does, says, and sticks his dick wherever he has to to get what he wants.

    Danielle, if you want sex, you gotta keep yourself as fresh as a daisy.

    • Love 2
  4. Menopause sucks for that and a good many other reasons. Mood swings and feeling your bloom is withering on the vine are also real for many women. Most women naively believe it's their answer to birth control and sexual freedom, as I did.  Every woman's experience will be different. 

    I was just saying I understood some of Danielle's concerns.  Unlike her, I'm hiding behind an avatar, and I'm not using my real name putting my TMI out there.  All she needs to do is talk to her gyno, or a lady older than her, or the Internet to find out what she needs to know about such things. 

    • Love 4
  5. 5 hours ago, DamnGina said:

    She hopes to get publicity for her clothing line?? EVERYONE has a clothing line these days!! Next she will have her own line of parfumes ( "Choker # 5 " ), and will be in the studio recording her first album!

    I knew about the clothing line.  Choker #5! Lolz! 

    Please no album! I'm sure her singing sounds worse than my cats round mouth yowling in the car on the way to the vet.

    • Love 2
  6. Danielle, for the love of all that is holy, please get your eyebrows waxed and shaped.  It does wonders for a girl.

    Cute baby. I hope the grand baby will be a nice distraction for her to take her mind off her quest for another taste of "hala" meat.

     I'm not finding her worries about her "aging vagina" to be gross, other than she put it out there. It's real and I felt the same way.  I love sex, but it became less enjoyable once those hormonal changes started. As a menopausal woman who also just went through chemo, I can tell you from personal experience that hormonal changes wreak havoc on one's vajayjay and chemo doesn't help with libido, either. Things start drying up "down there". When you aren't gooey anymore, friendly bacteria don't want to live there, either. You can get smelly pretty quickly no matter how clean you are if you don't replenish moisture and take probiotics. That may be why Mo found her smelly, and loss of continence is never sexy and might have contributed to her personal aroma. Not bathing  doesn't help either.  Adding baking soda to a bath helps, too.  If you want sex, Danielle,  be vigilant about your hygiene.

      Danielle needs to google this or post anonymously in a blog rather than put it out there. With all this info out there, there's no excuse to be smelly.

    • Love 5
  7. If the nicest thing a guy can say about you is that you're "acceptable", maybe it's time to keep looking.  I guess Danielle was "acceptable" to Mo because she qualified as the easiest mark to get into the country, or his only taker.  Instead of choosing someone closer to his age and similar background and religion and his type, he could have had a shot at being happy, instead of abusing a financially insecure, unattractive, needy woman almost old enough to be his mother.

    • Love 3
  8. OMG, that's her in her fetching Miami yellow miniskirt ensemble that made her look like a lemon with legs. Thanks for that simile, CoachWristletJen!

    Danielle should take Mama June's sage advice on big women dressing modestly. "Ladies of the voluptuous size, please cover it up, because all that vagiggle jaggle is not beautimous."  But you know, a girl's gotta be able to show Mahammit what he's missin'!


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  9. 7 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

    I need to Derick to continue posting just because the responses are hilarious. "Misogyny Friday", omg, these people are too funny!!!

     Misogyny Friday.  If it were only Friday, but with them, it's misogy all day every day, every day.

    • Love 8
  10. It looks like Danielle, Halal Potatoes Angie, and Beth are all members of The Halal Meat Lovers Club. They just can't help themselves. 

    I don't care that Danielle likes younger men. Nothing wrong with that.  She should just pick one stateside who likes big girls and is actually attracted to her. She obviously likes her men a little more exotic.  Plenty of Middle Eastern men born here or naturalized that live in Detroit area.  Mohammit snookered her and played her like a fiddle.  He was an expensive, humiliating, and painful lesson for her to learn.  

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