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Arwen Evenstar

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Posts posted by Arwen Evenstar

  1. 15 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

    Do we know for sure it's not twins?  She really is big...either that, or she was due two months ago.

    Supposedly, they had a strip center ultrasound for a gender reveal. Certainly, they would have known then if there was a twin, unless they are keeping secrets.

    • Love 3
  2. 2 hours ago, RazzleberryPie said:

    No. They can't. That's the purpose of the constant mention of 'God is watching' etc. it's to program them to be able to not ever thing if anything else but they're rules. I also believe in God, am a Christian, but these people are more about control than pleasing God.

    What's worse, is that Ma and Pa Duggar believe that controlling behavior is what is pleasing to God.

    • Love 4
  3. Considering that groups like the Amish think vanity is such a huge sin, you would think the Duggs and their ilk would have followed suit.  Caking on makeup and spending hours working on your hair, and posting selfies every day when you are preaching against vanity seems very hypocritical.

    • Love 8
  4. 17 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

    Dead fish in cars, trying to run over cats with sleds, the clown story...to anyone else, these are the actions of a truly messed-up person - a sociopath, even.  The fact that the Duggars collectively not only find this kind of behavior funny but also "normal" is actually moderately terrifying, IMO.  

    I guess the above shenanigans are all well and good as long as everyone is chaperoned and no one is front-hugging or showing any knee.

    Priorities, folks.

    • Love 7
  5. 25 minutes ago, ariel said:

    Whenever the Duggars do jokes, they are cruel & mean spirited.  Didn't one of the boys want to put dead fish & some other smelly crap in one of the couple's cars right after their wedding ceremony?

    I had a problem with that behavior, since one of the tenets of Christianity is respect for the rights and property of others.  

    • Love 17
  6. 11 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

    Exactly! Drop the bible quotes and just clearly explain using your words, FFS.

    Perhaps she is just being delicate about it.  At the end of the day, it's their business, not ours.  Most of us know what happens at a fertility doctor, even if we've never been ourselves.

    i could tell that post was hard to write for her, as her heart is clearly broken.  She really wanted to be a mommy. Personally, I'm very sad for her not having the desire of her heart.  Sometimes it works out for the best.  Mr E didn't  seem particularly bothered by the fact I might not be able to have kids.  By the time we met, we would have been looking at a high risk pregnancy because of my age.  Fast  forward 12 years, I'm talking about this with my gyn oncologist, realizing I might have been consoling a tween who would have to face the possibility of losing his/her  mother before he/she finished high school, or even middle school.

    • Love 19
  7. Assuming it's true, does this reflect poorly on Kendra, as she is doing the bidding of Jizm Boob and her father?  So Duggs are now "keeping it in the family"? This could get squicky, except their obsession with chaperones and purity, makes the likelihood of any shenanigans unlikely.

    • Love 1
  8. I have to say that Texas seems to agree with Jinger. I don't hear her whingeing about how much she misses the Stinkertoy House.  From everything she's said, she's enjoying not being surrounded by chaos 24/7. And, she appears to be thriving.  Jeremy really seems to appreciate her cooking. 

    • Love 16
  9. 5 minutes ago, LilJen said:

    Well, I for one would be ever so honored to buy a $1 WalMart gift card for the upcoming change in season of life (aka nuptials) between Celia Rubenstein and, um. . . I can't remember who is the co-flirt in this thread or wherever that agreement was made. Okay, maybe $2. To reflect the unmatchable cheapness of the Duggar clan's blessings upon your union.

    That's way more than the Duggars would condescend to do for the happy couple.

    • Love 2
  10. 5 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

    Does Jill post updates about her sister with permission? I'm just wondering if it's part of raising money for her, or if Jill just wants the attention.

    I wouldn't want my sister letting people know about my bladder and kidney difficulties, as a recent example.

    I know, right?  I'd be pissed if my family or friends were posting details abou my health online without permission. 

    Amy has allegedly asked Jill to stop posting stuff about her before.

    4 minutes ago, lianau said:

    They definitely are. Boob and Mechelle have Josh  but as far as I'm aware they haven't starved their children or put a baby in a cage in  closet.


    I bet the shoes previous owner was buried a while ago .

    Those shoes look like they would be peeking out from under a house! All she needs is a pair of striped tights.

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