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Arwen Evenstar

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Posts posted by Arwen Evenstar

  1. 13 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

    She looks like she just bit down on something she'd prefer to spit out ... sadly, I suspect it was a fresh green bean and having never encountered one before, she is appalled at it's flavor and texture.  Sigh.

    You're probably right!

  2. 12 minutes ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

    Really? I haven't made a study of it, or even watched the show in real life, but I'm finding more reasonable pronunciations at random. I guess that's too much work for them, and they probably go with whatever sounds the most exotic. Personally, and I may be far from correct, I go with something like "Iz'-reeull


    I wasn't meaning any snark to anyone on the board; I'm just annoyed that Muffy Is too idle to make an effort to pronounce her son's name properly.

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  3. Thanks for sharing  the lovely pictures of you and your family. One of my brothers was in the the USAF, and one of our first cousins has a career in the RAF! 

    Our armed forces deserve every bit of respect and every bit of support.

    • Love 6
  4. 1 hour ago, Micks Picks said:

    If Jill's kid is Isaiah she will have 2 kids named Izzy and Issy.  They don't speak clearly enough for anybody to hear the diffference. I guess they'll have to beat on them all day long for not following orders.

    It really makes me stabby how Muffy pronounces it "Iz-ree-ull"...it's more correctly pronounced "is-rail" or "Iz-rye-el" (most correct pronunciation of Israel). I get it that a lot of people say "is-real", which is easy to understand why (and it doesn't bother me) since most people have a teeny tiny degree of dyslexia or just believe that's the right pronunciation because that's how they have always heard it.

    If you want to name your child after the Holy Land, please pronounce it properly, Muffy.

    • Love 9
  5. 2 hours ago, Marigold said:


    They haven't picked names with any meaning, just the letter M.   Otherwise I would say that Anna would choose something that means "rebirth" or "a new creation".  



    Metamorphosis? (too Kafkaesque)

    Mephisto (too Faustian)

    Munkustrap (too Andrew Lloyd Weber)

    Murgatroid? (Sorry, all I got)

    • Love 6
  6. 9 minutes ago, Marigold said:

    Josh and Anna are both trapped with each other.  This life is not what Josh wants.  Anna wanted a life with a loving husband and father for her large family and instead got stuck with a fucking pervert. Neither one of them can seem to untangle this huge knot they are ensnared in because they are both so dysfunctional and damaged from Gothard. 


    • Love 10
  7. 17 hours ago, Albanyguy said:

    I think she was always envious of the Duggars and resentful of their fame. Like Jill R, she obviously wants to be a Fundy celebrity, too. But while Jill has always sucked up to the Duggars in hopes of riding their coattails, Zsu positioned herself as being much more devout, much more humble and much more deserving of praise than Jim Bob and Michelle. Then, when the shit hit the fan with Josh, she was positively gleeful. She cloaked her enjoyment of the situation with all the right words ("Judge not, lest ye be judged", etc.) but she was clearly beside herself with joy over their downfall.

    ITA...Zsu is smug and annoyingly self righteous, but she's not a fame whore in the sense that she's always over social media and trying to get in the news. You know she couldn't help have a sense of schadenfreude at the downfall of the Duggars.

    She's got a blog, and even though I don't agree with hate she spews, she at least is capable of constructing a proper sentence and explaining articulately why and how she believes as she does. Though she may abhor the liberal Germany from whence she came, she still has German sensibilities of logic, cleanliness, economy, and practicality, and a penchant for all things organic and fresh.

    As repellent as her hatred is, she keeps an immaculate home, is very organized, and feeds her children nourishing and healthy meals. We can't say that about the Duggars.

    • Love 2
  8. 2 hours ago, Albanyguy said:

    Unlike Derick and Ben, he's removed himself and his wife from her parents' sphere of influence (the Dillards may be residing in Danger America, but emotionally they've never left the TTH). He seems to be encouraging Jinger to try new things and do something with her time besides take endless duck-lipped selfies and post sanctimonious Bible verses.

    LO freaking L!  THIS!!!!!

    • Love 6
  9. 1 hour ago, Micks Picks said:

    And since the neighbor is a vegan and anti additives and monsanto and everything else (I don't know what he eats, like no choices left) I imagine Mikey will be trying a different diet.  

    Remember Shirley Valentine with the vegan neighbor who fed her bloodhound muesli?

    • Love 3
  10. 2 hours ago, Nysha said:

    Wow, if the Duggars are too liberal for you...yikes! 

    That's what I'm saying! It must be hell to grow up in that house with those two loony toonies for parents. Hope one of those kids writes a tell all.

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  11. Spoke with my mom this evening. She told me she actually spoke to our family friend today. Friend felt awful yesterday, but said she felt great today, and she's going home tomorrow.!  And best of all, she told my mom that nothing was malignant.

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