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Arwen Evenstar

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Posts posted by Arwen Evenstar

  1. 2 hours ago, Christina87 said:

    If they weren't so explicit about what they did and didn't do at different stages of their relationship, I don't think we would have many thoughts about it. I knew several people who were Christian and wanted to wait until their wedding day to have sex, but left the rest of the details out. They could have been anywhere on the spectrum from the duggars to engaging in oral sex every day! I think if the duggars simply said, "we're saving sex for the marriage," people would think about the details a lot less, because they would be inviting privacy with the lack of details they provide us. 

    Bbbbbbbbbbuttttttttttt they've got to remind us all that their purity standards are the purest purity rules ever!

    They think they invented all of this, but in many parts of the world, it's what everyone does. Among Orthodox Jews, for instance, it's  normally done no other way, and what's expected of everyone.

    • Love 5
  2. 15 minutes ago, Marigold said:

    Oh look, there is the bed that Jinger lost her virginity in.  GROSS.  hello Jeremy?  Yeaaah, Jeremy is a real winner. 

    Bbbbbbbbuuuuutttt! They're married now!

    For all the big deal they make about purity, let's just wave the bloody sheet about, shall we? We all know what happened, but still, it's private.

    • Love 4
  3. 3 hours ago, Christina87 said:

    After Jinger's embarrassing "I can't wait to...ummmmmmm..." right after the wedding, I'd be surprised if she wasn't all over him! ?

    Feel sorry for those in the neighboring rooms having to listen to some high pitched helium squealing of Baaaaaaaabe! all night long.

    • Love 9
  4. 1 hour ago, lookeyloo said:

    I love the Little Couple and they are educated and mainstream.  Plus they both realized that especially Jen couldn't physically restrain or rescue either one of the children, so they are smart enough to do whatever they can to avoid issues.  No method is foolproof but they are doing everything they can in my opinion

    Plus, Jen Arnold is an actual MD, and a neonatologist! Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Jilly Muffin!

    • Love 15
  5. 32 minutes ago, AnnaBaptist said:

    Totally OT, but her name was Pippilotta Delicatessa Windowshade Mackerelmint Ephraim's Daughter Longstocking. Don't ask me why I remember this 45+ years later.

    LOL...I remember her name being very long. If I'd had the book, I would have memorized it, because I'm weird like that. I think my niece who is bookish would love the story.

    Pippi is described in Wikipedia:"Pippi is portrayed as being a friendly and kind girl, but one with no "proper" manners and having no training or experience in how to behave in normal society, that is, any society..." other than the TTHCoincidence? Except Pippi is a badass who can take care of herself!..Duggars...nope.

    • Love 3
  6. 39 minutes ago, LilJen said:

    I am reminded of "She's got HUGE. . . tracts of land!" (Monty Python and the Holy Grail)

    LOL....it crossed my mind, too. There's quite a few "Prince Herberts" out in Fundyland. Wonder if TFDW and Brandon had a similar exchange. Enjoy the YouTube clip.

    It's a real shame for many of these Fundy kids  being married off, whether they wanted to be or not. They were basically told their dreams didn't matter.

    • Love 3
  7. 8 hours ago, Quilt Fairy said:

    The few times I've come across and used the water tank setup pictured above, the hot water tap was already child-proofed. To get cold water you could just press down on the blue lever but with the red hot water lever you had to press the lever in and then down. I usually have trouble performing the maneuver as a grown-up! This may vary by manufacturer, however.

    They typically have a safety on them to prevent kids from doing what poor little Izzy did. Even the ones I've seen in offices make wanting hot water a deliberate choice, or they disable the electronics so you can't get hot water anyway. Many parts of the world have yet to catch up to safety standards and other safeguards taken for granted in the developing world.

    • Love 2
  8. 1 minute ago, mythoughtis said:

    Hunger said in people.com interview that she Facetimes with her family, and that they were only a short plane trip away. So I think it's more that they do t want the Duggars at their place days and weeks on end. Let's face it, they were at Josh's almost 24/7 and stvDangrr America almost as much.  With the way they do courtship and engagements, the newlyweds bately know each other's middle names. 

    As to the double beds vs king in the hotel room- don't you think that Jinger was having to get used to having a guy in bed with her?  Let's let her gradually do that so she can at least get some sleep. 

    Sometimes, you can't always get a room with a king, so you have to settle for two beds. After a long flight, they were both exhausted and probably grateful to have a bed. From what I've been told, it's rather warm in Oz that time of year.

    • Love 2
  9. 2 minutes ago, dorcastrilling said:

    I call it Truditude. My tortie is Trudy. Technically a tortie a way; she is a tuxedo with an orange smudge on her forehead, a few random swatches elsewhere if you look closely, and traces of buff on the edges of her white belly.

    How very pretty for you! Tortietude is indeed real. Tabitha was very affectionate and she knew how to get what she wanted. Sorta like Jessa, except the sweet part.

    • Love 2
  10. @Natalie68, I love torties! They have so much personality and attitude. We lost our sweet Tabitha last year.

    At least we don't put kittens in pitchers or try to run down cats with sleds. I will never understand WHY these people have been allowed to breed. Pitcher kittens can be a metaphor for being raised Duggar.  You can see the sky, but we know you can't climb up the sides to escape!

    • Love 2
  11. 1 hour ago, louannems said:

    If Joy has wide feet, and she has never been properly measured, like all the Duggars, I'm sure, then maybe Joy hates shoes because they hurt.

    Having to buy used shoes full of someone else's sweat and shaped to someone else's feet  are probably some reasons some of the kids favor flip flops or bare feet.

     My mom gave me a pair of her shoes, and though she's very clean and neat and bathes every day, the only word I could use to describe the experience is "swampy"... even after leaving them out in the Texas sun. Never could get that sensation to go away, so I had to throw them out.

    • Love 1
  12. 49 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

    I picture Joy getting married in cowgirl boots or bare feet. I think her wedding will likely reflect who has the most influence on her. Lets hope Jill's distance makes that hard.

    They've said many times how much Joy dislikes wearing shoes.  I'd expect her to be barefoot or maybe in cowboy boots. It will probably be the only thing she'll get to control.

  13. 2 hours ago, birkenstock said:

    Izzy was standing on the fan's base and licking/sucking on it.  He was teething and I think Jill said the vibrations from the fan made his gums feel better. She's just lucky it didn't fall over on him. Just makes you wonder how all of the Duggar kids have survived this long (Jason falling into the orchestra pit was a close call).    

    I thought that Darwinism was supposed to prevent such stupidity. Find something else to soothes his gums...what a dingbat.

    • Love 7
  14. 1 minute ago, GeeGolly said:

    I watched a couple of minutes, I have a weird aversion to this stuff. In the couple of minutes I watched I felt Jeremy was leaps and bounds better than Ben. I'm not saying he was good, I'm just saying he was better than Ben. I've seen YouTube videos of 3 years olds playing weather forecaster that are better than Ben.

    Both Bin and Jermy dance better than Derick..not saying much.

    • Love 1
  15. Just now, Booey said:

    Sorry bout that, I didn't make that post in the best way. I'm not offended by 'loin fruit' at all! I didn't recall hearing that one before, and actually thought it was funny in a gross kinda way. Since I was catching up on my lunch break that's why I thought I'd reply.

    I really enjoy the multitude of phrases "all y'all" come up with. Highlights of my day. :-)

    It's just ? 

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