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Arwen Evenstar

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Posts posted by Arwen Evenstar

  1. 1 hour ago, Churchhoney said:

    Oh, I'm sure they'll eventually make sure that Spurgie knows that that song's all about good news, though. Maybe they'll even share how it means that Tabitha's honored umbrella of protection whatshisname never has to say he's sorry for anal rape, several kinds of betrayal, and perpetual public trashing of what some misguided people consider his victim. But, you know, blood has washed away his sin. So that hussy can bite it. Our way is the great way, Spurgie. 

    Yeah, I don't think that kind of thinking they have is very pleasing to the Lord. It's arrogant and discredits those who have benefited from second chances.

    • Love 4
  2. 57 minutes ago, louannems said:

    Back to the Andersons, godly children never leave home until marriage, children are to be spanked until they leave home, her husband would never have an affair, and her children would never be gay, because, well, ungodly!

    The Anderson's are their own brand of lunacy.  It's a dark place to go. The Southern Poverty Law Center has identified their church as a hate group.  I don't  think the Duggars socialize with them. If you're too crazy for the Duggars, that's saying something.

    • Love 5
  3. 6 hours ago, Micks Picks said:

     I would say I am so happy for Mikey although he is a real problem recovering (typical male) and getting very tired of my constant med trips but happy I have the best chance.  Still scared to death.

    Poor Mikey. An antibiotic called Convenia is injectable and works for 10 days in kitties. I don't know about dogs. It's not cheap, but is preferable to trying to pill them if it causes distress. Also if you don't have a veterinary compounding lab near you, there's one in Houston, BCP Veterinary Pharmacy, where most meds can be compounded into flavored chews or liquids and transdermal gels. The Houston Zoo as well as other zoos in the country use them. They ship everywhere.  Feel free to PM me.

    Yeah, aneurysms are scary. Will keep you in my prayers.sounds like you are in excellent hands. Mikey is probably worried about his mommy. THEY know when something is wrong. 

    • Love 2
  4. 9 hours ago, emma675 said:

    Arwen, was your last post the things you were worried about or is there more? I think about you a lot right now, you're my Texas buddy down the road!

    Oh, its definitely more, Emma. Hearing about sick and deceased friends is always upsetting. I'm hoping within the next 2 weeks to find resolution of what I've been dealing with. I'm not trying to keep anyone in suspense; still trying to figure things out for myself first.

    Yeah, when it comes to family and friends it's best to keep smaller things to yourself rather than having to alarm friends and coworkers unnecessarily. Though, anything to do with our health is no small thing, it's your story to tell when and if you choose to do so. Just keep getting your screenings and if something doesn't look right, get it checked out.

    i have a correction: my friend's tumor was located on her ovary not inside her stomach. People use stomach, belly, and abdomen interchangeably. My mom will be 77 this year, and she gets a bit muddled at times and . Bodies do strange things, but  what she first told me really didn't make much sense. The tumor weighed 2.5 lbs and they also removed all her reproductive organs. Pathologists even more sure everything was benign. Still no final word. 

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  5. Yesterday, my dear colleague and friend was laid to rest in San Antonio with full military honors. I was unable to attend, but a friend of mine did and said the service was very moving.

    Our family friend had her surgery today in Dallas. Surgery went very smoothly and from what they could see, the baby's head sized tumor in her stomach appears to be benign. That will be confirmed tomorrow, but I am already rejoicing. Thanks be to God.

    • Love 16
  6. 5 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

    Great news, @emma675! I only get a pap every 3 years now, which baffles me, but it's apparently an age thing. Thank goodness the last one I had (about a year ago) was normal. 

    Great news, @emma675. As someone who's had a lot of cancer in her family, I cheer for anyone who hears those blessed words, "normal" or "benign". 

    Cervical abnormalities are very treatable. Though annoying to have to keep testing, the peace of mind is priceless. I had laser surgery on mine in 1991. Kept getting abnormal paps. Regular gyno wasn't on my insurance, when this was going on, but the one who was used silver nitrate made it go away finally. Every one since then has been normal, thank God.

    @magpye29 so sorry to hear of your terrible year of rainy days. 

    Thank you for your kind words and I really hope you get to have some good news and happiness soon.

    • Love 6
  7. 23 minutes ago, kalamac said:

    Off topic, but you're actually more likely to attract flies with vinegar than honey, especially apple cider vinegar. Vinegar is made through fermentation which to flies smells like rotting, which they're attracted to. Honey on the other hand is generally pasteurized which prevents fermentation, making it less attractive to flies.

    Something, something Duggars like flies, swarming and unwanted, to bring it back on topic.

    Very interesting. Like most folksy expressions, they have their day until disproven. This expression is still used in the South. Basically it means that by being nice, you're more likely to get what you want if you don't act like a Duggar.

    • Love 3
  8. 15 hours ago, queenanne said:

    But... is/are they "fighting words" that requires an entire mission to be devoted to correcting them...??  That's worse than "converting" Catholics.  Couldn't you just, I dunno, drop some tracts and run?

    It's one thing to provide a church home to those seeking one, or to provide pastoral counseling to those trying to replace beliefs that are hurtful and limiting with healthier beliefs.

    i don't think people mind the "we're here to talk if you want to" or "not happy in your current church?...check us out" approach as long as it's respectful, but approaches like badgering, bothering, or "my version is better than yours", is like trying to draw flies with vinegar.

    • Love 10
  9. 1 hour ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

    Replace the word "newfound" with the word "corrected"  and it will make more sense.  Because that's just what is going on ... the Amish believe in Christ but not the right way, so they need fixin' and that's what Babe Sr.'s brand of evangelism is all about.

    Man, when the Amish are not straight enough arrows for you, you are one uptight motherfucker. 

    I'm wondering if Chuck actually ministers more to those who have been shunned or have already left the Amish. It's very painful to be shunned.

    • Love 4
  10. Awwwww you guys! Missed you too.  It has been an exhausting week on so many levels.

    I finally caught up with the boards...took seemingly forever to catch up. 

    Another bloody courtship? To date out of 19, 4 weddings, 1 engagement, 1 new courtship out of 11 adult kids.

    Thanks again for your thoughts and prayers. Stay tuned; there are no commercials. The next two weeks will be especially rough.

    To add insult to injury, one of my favorite engineers whose expertise I respected, passed away 2 weeks after being diagnosed with a very aggressive form of lung cancer, and a cherished family friend is having surgery this coming Tuesday to remove a grapefruit sized tumor from her stomach...I'm praying it's benign. I lost my dad to stomach cancer.

    • Love 8
  11. 12 hours ago, Barb23 said:


    This is gross (the Boy's Dorm.)  Remember when they used to have bible study in the Boy's Dorm?  No way they could do that now unless everyone going in was armed with a can of Lysol. 

    I'm sure that room smells like foot and ass and cheesy pong.

    • Love 4
  12. 5 hours ago, Missy Vixen said:

    KJB should get on his knees and thank the Lordt above he wasn't married to me. He'd need medical attention to extract the frying pan from his rectal area by the time I was finished with him.

    LOL! I so would not put that past you, Micks Picks!  Then, it's my turn!

    • Love 4
  13. 12 minutes ago, Caracoa1 said:

    Do these girls have the slightest idea what to expect on their wedding night?

    I'm not sure what they know. They may have been given some talking to from married sisters, mother, church pre marital education. But I'm sure the idea of having their most personal, intimate place invaded must be frightening on some level. The first few times are uncomfortable, particularly if being manhandled by a dolt that doesn't know much more than the nervous bride, particularly when Lego is used to demonstrate .

    Though I respect abstinence and purity, and would never mock someone's choice to do so, the thing I find so squicky about how the Duggars do this is that we all know their "business" and details about their lives that I wouldn't dream of asking anyone I actually know.

    • Love 10
  14. 1 hour ago, Micks Picks said:

    The very best to you Arwen.  You are responsible for so many good things in my life.  Your comments are the best, and you should have the best.

    Your post made me bawl my eyes out. Thank you MP!

    I have been so very deeply touched by the love and caring extended to me from all of you. It means so much. You have no idea!

    • Love 10
  15. 54 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

    She does, the poor thing. Both her and Jason have those Stewie Griffin egg heads. I thought Josie would've filled out a bit by now, but she still looks sickly and translucent, like she'd disintegrate if you poured water over her.

    Poor little thing. They paraded her around like a show pony as their "tiny, precious miracle" to push their agenda, and now, they just ignore her like she's part of the woodwork. A child as delicate as Josie needs and deserves far more attention.

    Like Saffron Monsoon on AbFab, these girls are "self raising flowers". For those not familiar with the series, her mother, Edwina, chased money, parties, drugs, and sex instead of raising her daughter.

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