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Arwen Evenstar

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Posts posted by Arwen Evenstar

  1. 3 hours ago, cmr2014 said:

    I think that we're forgetting that if anyone dares to upstage J'chelle at her daughter's wedding, there will be hell to pay. It's all about JB and J'chelle, all the time -- Jill certainly knows that.

    If it was all about my parents all the time, they made sure neither me nor my siblings never knew.  It's sad for the Duggar kids that they all know this on varying levels. Not so much yet the littles, but the middles and the older ones definitely do.

    • Love 2
  2. 2 minutes ago, Love2dance said:

    @emma675, wishing you a better new tooth and good results on your next pap. I've been called back in right away and also in a few months with questionable paps. About the boss from hell....I'm sending him virtual daggers. And sending you love and less stressful times.

    Aw, Emma, so sorry to hear that someone has been making you miserable at your job.  We all spend too doggone much time at work to be miserable.

    Thanks to everyone for the virtual love. It means so much.

    • Love 4
  3. Jilly Rod has posted another bsalty screed on the family page. You've been warned. Read it if you dare. 

    All about places she believes should be boycotted. I just posted it for info /amusement for the morbidly curious among you. Let's not get too deep in the weeds over it, lest we run afoul of the rules.

    Their DONATE button is smaller than the Dillydumdums.

    • Love 3
  4. Yeah, I think a bad church experience has turned far too many away from attending church. 

    Everywhere one looks, there are bad teachers, doctors, pastors etc.  Keep looking until you find one you like, that is if you are so inclined.

    • Love 4
  5. 29 minutes ago, Micks Picks said:

    I remember WW, Geml, and well fleet.  But hey, Jellybeans, so great to hear from you again.  Please post more often.  You are missed.  And those others who read and admit to never or rarely posting, we need you.  Posters keep the board lively.

    I wonder what happened to Wellfleet, Fun in Fundieland, and a few others.

    • Love 5
  6. 24 minutes ago, doodlebug said:

    Yeah, they don't seem to mind going to the ER where care is ridiculously expensive compared to the doctor's office and then pleading poverty and getting the bill written off (because, of course, if they don't pay for it no one does- except not).  But, God forbid, someone should apply for Medicaid and use that for medical care.  I believe it was Gil Bates who bragged about how they didn't bother with family doctors because they could just go to the ER and get fabulous care there.  He left out the part where many fundies of their ilk are self employed and barely making subsistence wages while having a passel o'kids; so they just go to the ER and ask for a write off which, of course, drives the cost of health care up for those of us who are paying.

    Indeed, while they pontificate to others about the virtues of "personal responsibility". It's hypocritical that they call those who receive any kind of aid from the state or federal government "free loaders", whilst people like me and my husband, both of us long time unemployed and/or underemployed are coughing up for premiums that we can ill afford are subsidizing his use of the ER as his and his family's primary care physician.

    That said, I begrudge no one ER services, because I believe health care should be a fundamental right, not a luxury--it's that he's being so damn smug about it that pisses me off!

    • Love 17
  7. 46 minutes ago, doodlebug said:

    I don't know about the Duggars, but I have encountered strict Muslim and Orthodox Jewish women who will not use tampons until after marriage because to do so might 'break the hymen' and lead to dishonor on their wedding night.  Just saw a young woman who refused to use the intravaginal inserter for a yeast infection because it would interfere with her virginity.  I explained that there's already an opening there or she wouldn't have menstruation and also reviewed the definition of virgin with her, but, no matter; no way she was going to put anything in her vagina prior to marriage.

    @doodlebug. Thanks. I expected that was the case with Muslim or Orthodox Jewish women. As I understand it, there's plenty of ways a hymen can get perforated due to sports or other injuries that don't involve inserting anything into the vagina. Is it possible to be born without a hymen?

  8. 3 hours ago, flyingdi said:

    Cause Michelle is the hot cheerleader who settled for a little geek like Jim Bob.  He's not going to risk his prize cutting and running.

    He really is a deeply insecure little fucker, isn't he? Sorry...not sorry.

    • Love 9
  9. 2 hours ago, Whyyouneedaname said:

    Pippi Longstocking was my most favorite.book.ever. 

    I'm also of the opinion that Mr Nilsson (her pet monkey) is of superior intelligence in comparison to the collective IQs of the entire Duggar clan.

    • Love 5
  10. 1 hour ago, Sew Sumi said:

    They can't plan the wedding around when Muffy might deliver. The wedding will easily be at least a month before she's due, if not before that just to be really safe. SheOatmeal doesn't want Muffy upstaging her with labor at her wedding! 

    Shsssssh! Don't give Muffy any ideas!

    • Love 1
  11. 50 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

    I'm betting they wouldn't even have noticed. Or, if they'd been told, that they would have contrived some way to make the bullied people feel even worse. That seems to be their modus operandi. 

    Yes, because  in Fundyland, whenever you're sad and not smiling and "keeping sweet", it's all your fault!

    • Love 3
  12. 6 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

    If that was the case (that the man is different now), his reaction to people bringing up the rape would be about how what he did was awful, he sorry for the hurt he caused the woman; since then he has been changed through god. Not about how she was a stripper and he really didn't do anything wrong. 

    Nor would he lose his shit If ladies in his Bible study group wanted cake instead of ice cream, or any other differing opinion.

    • Love 4
  13. Even though VR didn't have a heart for children, she and Albert truly and deeply loved one another. She hated being pregnant and thought breastfeeding was disgusting.

     Though she didn't have a heart for children, she at least handed the kids off to a wet nurse and would have raised hell if the kids did not look kempt and well cared for 24/7. Education and arts and music were things both V&A were passionate about. Albert was probably a nerd long before being a nerd was cool. From accounts I've read about VR, it seems she appreciated her children and grandchildren later in life, though the son she called Bertie vexed her greatly.

    Royalty and nobility had legions of servants, nurses, and governesses to look after their children. Unlike the J-slaves, Victoria's daughters didn't have to raise their siblings. 

    Michelle Duggar really is an idle cow.

    • Love 11
  14. 5 hours ago, awaken said:

    that'll be interesting to see what comes out at the trials...

    Perhaps the rush to marry Tabitha off? See, we sold off our daughter to a formerly registered offender, because we believe in forgiveness... heaven forbid, any young lady who so much as kissed a guy would be shunned as damaged goods in their circle, but they can't see how messed up this is????

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