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Everything posted by FictionLover

  1. Wherever fits the plot line for the day!
  2. I did too. It was ackward at first but the panning out and the silhouette of them through the window was very old movieish. Perfect with Lorelai watching "A Star is Born" and also a passion of ASP.
  3. Luke was awful in Vineyard Valentine and Super Cool Party People...even though I shipped the couple I wished she would have broke it off then.
  4. I always noticed her mouth and teeth seemed to change by the end if the series and it wasn't from aging. I couldn't understand why she would change that...her perpetual pound kind of look was unique and beautiful.
  5. Considering they were not sure it was the last show I thought they did a pretty good job of wrapping it up; rushed but okay. I agree with all your points but I give Lorelai a pass on Luke's feelings for her because of his reaction to her after her song. It would make sense of what her frame of mind was. What I did find weird was she told Sookie she needed to figure our her feelings for Luke but no mention of how he might feel about her...he was the one that "pushed her away"...in his own words.
  6. I'm rewatching Grey's Anatomy and episodes 4.03-4.05 Edward Hermann was a guest. He was adorable as an older man intern. I hadn't seen GG when I first watched Grey's and was pleasantly surprised to see him!
  7. I heard Anna was cast originally to cause problems for L&L but that would make Luke ever more OOC than they made him with a kid. On my first watch I thought he was attracted to Anna and kept Lorelai away because of he attraction and that Lorelai would notice their similarities.
  8. Of course Christopher never said anything to Rory, he was too busy jumping Lorelai's bones. Usual Chris, his daughter always being the after thought.
  9. I have to say that SP's acting is far superior to his singing.
  10. I love Luke too. That said, I do understand how some may not.
  11. When I first watched the show I was trying to figure out why Luke was being so distance to Lorelai. When they introduced Anna I was afraid that Luke didn't want Lorelai to meet her because Anna was "the one that got away" and Lorelai was her replacement .
  12. Looks like I'm in good company. I tried to rewatch season 6 once and I got so sad so I stopped and have never tried again.
  13. More affection would have been nice but do you think maybe it was the brilliance of ASP writing (not including the end of season 6)? It always kept fans wanting more but their passion was hinted to; Luke joked about forgetting Lorelai's pants on purpose, Lorelai talking about the "dirty stuff" they do, the Mountie hat, the hot limo ride. Just a thought, sometimes less is best. Agreed! And the hollow acoustics and cold sterile environment of Jason's apartment versus Lorelai's warm and slightly messy home.
  14. I'm hoping KnightInShiningFlannel will come back and continue Vital Company! Can't wait to read your newest DFC!
  15. ASP has said she didn't see it but friends told her about it. Then she says she saw some of it on ABC Family. I don't believe for a second that she didn't watch it especially going into these new episodes.
  16. I didn't really get that. She did say previously she wouldn't do that to the fans and also there was one thing she wouldn't have done.
  17. Don't forget the rabbit ears but I may have you beat Kohola3...I raise you a turn table and vinyl 45s and LPs! ☺
  18. Lauren Graham has never been more adorable.
  19. All the stuff they are putting out there is just creating great trending for them.
  20. This article quoted LG saying about they revival "it was really satisfying leaving no questions unanswered". http://www.gilmorenews.com/2016/07/28/lauren-graham-reveals-the-journey-to-gilmore-girls-revival/
  21. I guess to me it sounded like we would know how Rory ends up in her relationship but not Lorelai by the end of the 4 parts. Yeah, it's bummer they don'thave them married. Even if they are in a committed relationship technically she is still single.
  22. I couldn't play LG's video at the end, did it say anything significant? Thanks for the link lulu, even with that info the show could still leave us hanging.
  23. That would really stink if they did that. Kind of surprises me if that is the case because of SP"s comments. Before the revival news he said the fans deserved a revival because they wanted a wedding. Now, post revival, he was asked if fans would be happy with it and if he's happy where Luke ended up his response was " Oh yeah!".
  24. That would be redundant. Who knows because they filmed fake scenes because of leaks. These guys have better security than our government! ☺
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