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Everything posted by FictionLover

  1. FictionLover

    Season 1

    Re-watching I realized how the creators of the show made Emily get worse. She was still a cold woman but she would soften at times...in Rory's Dance she was complimenting Lorelai on the dress she made and also gave her credit for doing a good job with Rory. I know it got bad at the end of the episode but you still got to see some sweet moments between Emily and Lorelai; moments that lessened over the years. One of my favorite moments of the season is the end of Forgiveness and Stuff while Lorelai and Luke are watching the Christmas procession. It shows their close friendship and love for the little town. It just had a very warm feeling of a close community.
  2. It seems that is what happening with the revival too! All ASP favorites from Bunheads and GG are returning to the revival and it seems like it's going to be a lot of cameos of her buddies for a reunion. Really, Digger! Why? Pretty soon we might hear Anna is coming back too (but don't ask Melissa McCarthy). I was looking forward to it but I'm not so sure anymore.
  3. FictionLover

    Season 2

    Lorelai opened her home to welcome Jess even though she thought Luke may have his hands full with his nephew. When she spoke to Jess after she caught him with a beer, she tried to tell him how good it could be for him living with Luke and how great of a person Luke is. Jess accused her of sleeping with him. I think I wouldn't be too fond of the punk either. Jess had a chip on his shoulder and was constantly looking for someone to knock it off.
  4. Here is an article with ASP & DP explaining their writing of season 6: I hated it too...can't get past 6.09 on a re-watch! http://www.tv.com/shows/gilmore-girls/forums/amy-sherman-palladino-interview-explains-season-6-read-contains-alot-of-incite-160-1009895/
  5. When I mentioned that she sounded more mature in season 1 than when she was in college I meant her voice. She got so winey and fake sounding...listening to her scenes were like fingernails on a chalkboard!
  6. I watched the first 2 episodes and I had forgotten how much more mature Rory sounded when she was 15 than when she was in college.
  7. When she told Babette and Miss Patty that it was just karaoke and it didn't mean anything, when Luke overheard that he was mad. I always thought she felt he was over her from what she thought that this was his reaction to her about the song. So did the other ladies and Lorelai was obviously embarrassed.
  8. For those that are doing the re-watch (I may chime in occasionally) it might be fun for you to go to foreveryoungadult to read their observations on that Gilmore Girls re-watch project. Have fun!!!
  9. I'm also reading "Growing Up Gilmore" by koffeekween which is a good story...different spin post season 7.
  10. I heard this too. I wonder what the big event was that they bleeped out that he felt comfortable enough to say on the podcast.
  11. I agree, those two are particularly heartwarming. I just re-watched from the beginning to 6.09 and I can't watch any further. Anyone else have that problem?
  12. I could see Luke and Lorelai living together, even having a kid and not getting married so that they could have the wedding for the revival. Maybe the weird looking prop is a wedding gift they mock from cousin, Marilyn (I think that's her name).
  13. I liked up until 6.09 myself. In season 7 "To Whom it May Concern" Lorelai starts to realize her feelings for Luke.
  14. It is going to be terribly disappointing if this revival is all about Rory and the men she left behind longing for her.
  15. People are really going to hate me for this, but I am so sick of hearing "Team Dean, Team Jess or Team Logan? Who deserves Rory". First of all, IMO none of them are a prize and neither is Rory. The nice, thoughtful high school girl turned into a very selfish, shallow, immature baby-talking college student. I liked her so much in the first few years, even though she would sometimes throw her mother under the bus at FNDs,I still thought she was sweet. I know college kids, especially sheltered ones, have lessons to learn when they leave the nest, but her character changed so much. I was disappointed the direction the writers took Rory. Someone said earlier in this topic that they didn't feel she and her mom were really that close. I agree with that and it only got worse throughout the seasons. If they really were close, she would have been more concerned about her mom and advocating for Lorelai when Luke decided to become a jerk. But then again, she was only thinking of herself.
  16. Can this be done on an iPhone? That would be great at the gym! Can this be done on an iPhone? That would be great at the gym!
  17. I was wondering if she would be running Miss Patty's dance studio since she is getting up there in age.
  18. Just wondering what made you change your mind about Luke after season 3 since he was always that way? I am a L/L shipper but in all honestly, I do understand why some people don't like Luke.
  19. I didn't think her name would be changed, I thought his named would be added if he lived there. Just looking for clues :)
  20. The good news for L/L shippers is that pretty much everything points to them being together. I just hope we see more joy, connection and affection (and fewer conflicts and communication lapses) this time around! Do you believe this due to the photos of the jeep and truck at Lorelai's house or are you aware of other spoilers? I do hope you are right but I wonder about the vehicles...since this is real time, would they still be driving cars that were already old? I'm wondering if some of these photos are maybe from flashbacks to catch us up with the story. The mailbox still says just "Gilmore". I don't want to see all Rory's old boyfriends pinning for her all of these years. I really hope ASP does move Star's Hollow into present day and have characters that have grown.
  21. If ASP follows season 7 as she said she would, the show portrayed that fatherhood softened Luke and he was actually friendly. I know she said she didn't watch the season. Myself, I don't believe it. I think her pride won't allow her admit it.
  22. I'm glad you liked The Dance. I loved it too! I enjoy digging through the archives and finding these gems. The Cedar Chest is really different, it follows some of the story line but is mostly AU. Emily has passed away and Lorelai finds a box full of letters and pictures that reveals why Emily was such a cold and stiff person. It will pull at your heart strings.
  23. I agree with all of the above stories as well, deepfriedcake and Mag68 don't have a bad story but Time Heals and the Night I Found Your Father are my DFC favorite and Mutually Beneficial is my Mags favorite. As another Luke and Lorelai fiction lover I will list some of my favorites from some other authors that we don't hear as much about. I do enjoy the angst with a happy ending. Bonfires and Mots by KellyKelly08 Chasing Cars by lukedanesloverr It Was Never Uncomplicated by Buckice The Dance by Serna Rae Luke's Dark Year by Katelai The Cedar Chest by AliseAndrews A Happy Conclusion by SillyThingsDoCeaseToBeSilly Touch by roomsbytheresa Hope you like them too. I find myself in good company with this "cheap hobby"!
  24. She told Chris at the breakup of their marriage that she wanted him to be the one she wanted. Huh? Sounds like she doesn't even want to love Luke My take on this was that Lorelai didn't think Luke loved her anymore and that is why she wanted to love someone that wanted her. He did tell her she should be with someone like Christopher and they shouldn't make more of what they had. I will always love you was for Rory. She only switched it up when he came in. Out of sight, out of love? I still liked it. She didn't know he would be there and I believed her emotions took over when she saw him. A pretty big list of 'do what Lorelai wants, not what Luke wants,' like own a dog, go to town meetings, not go to the cabin, not buy the house he dreamed of his whole life, delay the wedding for six months until Rory's back, but don't delay it for very long after April appears, and more. Luke was a person that held on to stuff as well (William's Hardware sign, the boat etc). I took this that he understood why it was hard for her to give up her home. Plus he liked the house too. She was willing to move. In the VERY LAST episode, she was still saying that Luke never reciprocated. I thought she was embarrassed by the song and regardless of him helping her with her car and other actions that she felt he was letting her know it was too late by his actions in the dinner. Geez. My brain's in a very sad place. Makes me want to go write another post-Bon Voyage fanfic in which Luke asks these questions as well. I hope my perspective gives you a little lift in your L/L sadness, Junie :) They are both very flawed but IMO, perfectly flawed for each other. He messed up too...a lot! I loved your last fiction! Plus, I don't think the delay for April was the problem, it was him pushing her away. Had she felt loved and involved, postponing would not have been an issue.
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