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Everything posted by FictionLover

  1. The first three for sure. I think the marriage to Nicole was a bigger mistake than Rachael.
  2. I am a LL shipper however I do understand why some don't care for Luke, especially after season 6. But I can't understand anyone shipping Christopher. From the first season I saw him a loser. The first scene when he sees Lorelai and his daughter he yells to Lorelai to take off her shirt...real mature. He couldn't keep a job and had declined credit cards. But the real deal breaker for me was when he asked Lorelai to marry him and she said no; why couldn't he stick around for his kid? The chemistry that so many see between the two seemed superficial to me.
  3. That line always made sense to me. She wanted to want the man that wanted her; she believed Luke didn't care anymore. My daughter and I always thought she seemed resigned to her life in season 7.
  4. So this should probably be in the revival or L/L thread but the conversation is here. If the revival is ASP chance to set things right and tell her story the way she intended, then Luke and Lorelai won't end up together if this quote is true.
  5. When did Lorelai yell at Anna? She talked to her but I don't recall any harsh words.
  6. Is this a fact or speculation? I didn't watch it during it's original run so I never heard any of the talk back then. Interviews with SP sound like they were suppose to get married.
  7. She was a mess and some see it as Chris took advantage of her in a weaken state. However, none of us really know for sure. Lorelai didn't ever hold it against Chris and made no excuses for her behavior except she needed for it to be over.
  8. In Application Anxiety, I would like to know how many takes it took for Jackson to get through the town meeting scene when he had to say "that's me, holding a tiny zucchini" without laughing. That is the subtle humor that makes this show for me.
  9. "Ramped up" ... I wonder what a Netflix rating will be.
  10. I don't think he did anything wrong, the article reads like he did.
  11. In that same article SP says this about L&L's relationship: "It's as complex and entertaining as it's always been—if not more so, actually. In these four mini movies, the relationship is really ramped up and the stakes are much higher". I can't help wonder what could be more complex than what happened in season 6 with both of their daughters being adults. When I think of the stakes being higher, there is more to lose. Any speculations? Mine are that there is a child or a late in life pregnancy with a decision to make. ASP said that Lorelia has a journey to make as well as Rory. I know Lorelai will be dealing with the loss of her father and that can be very difficult but I don't think all of it is going to be dealing with grief. It seems that SP is just chomping at the bit to give fans some info. I bet ASP shutters a little when he gives interviews!
  12. I guess SP is catching flack for spilling the beans http://987ampradio.cbslocal.com/2016/05/19/find-out-which-gilmore-girls-star-secretly-welcomed-a-child/ He is chatty ☺
  13. IMO the two biggest parenting problems Lorelai had were: The higher you put your child on a pedistal the furthest they will fall., its only a matter of time. When you build them up so much they are afraid to disappoint everyone. The grandparents did this as well. The OTT praising is well intended but still harmful; a better balance of praise and constructive criticism would have made a more balanced young woman. Playing the "mom card" more often may have kept Rory from running to her grandparents the few times her mom showed her disapproval. This doesn't mean I think she was a bad mom. She was loving, supportive and flawed like everyone else and doing the best she knew how.
  14. It's not like it's a 12 year old secret child or anything ☺ Scott seems excited about being a Dad and talking about how they shared kid stories and photos doesn't seem like he was breaking news of a scandal.
  15. She had a wonderful and very dramatic part on Parenthood.
  16. FictionLover

    Season 2

    That is true; continuity wasn't their strong suit. Bigger things like standing together under the chuppah or Lorelai's dream would be for of a foreshadowing thing for them. I never read that interview from ASP. SP always talks like their wedding should have happened. But maybe that was for the fans and not so much what ASP wanted.
  17. FictionLover

    Season 2

    I always wondered if ASP always wanted LL to be the endgame or if she changed her mind periodically. This article made me believe that she did. http://www.bustle.com/articles/159527-this-season-1-gilmore-girls-clue-could-point-to-rory-logan-being-endgame?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=owned&utm_campaign=bustle
  18. FictionLover

    Season 2

    For sure, the longing looks for Lorelai ended in season one but they both were always jealous when one of them were dating someone else.
  19. FictionLover

    Season 2

    It is always so interesting to hear different observations. I always felt Lorelai wanted to apologize again but when she entered the dinner, she told Luke that she wouldn't. My feelings were that she missed Luke and after the agonizing dinner at her parents, she needed her friend. It showed her earlier looking in the dinner longingly; I know it is her favorite place to eat, but I always felt she did miss the dinner owner as well.
  20. Sorry if I offended anyone, it wasn't my intention. I guess I should have posted it on the UO thread but the conversation kind of lead to it. I will admit to being influenced about the actors feelings towards each other from chatter on this forum; I didn't watch the show when it aired so I never heard any of that talk at the time. As Smad said, whatever their relationship off-screen doesn't matter to me as long as they can be professional on-screen, and they always were. Just because I'm not impressed with him personally doesn't tarnish my affection for Gilmore Girls, Luke or L&L. I give credit where credit is due and he is not only a talented actor and athlete, but he is also artistic.
  21. I realize that. Just a "vibe" I get (I just had to say that :) by what I have heard and read. But I do enjoy his character and am really looking forward to the revival.
  22. I get the feeling that there is no love lost for Scott by Lauren. I am a Luke fan but not so much of the actor himself. IMO believe he if full of himself and it seems he doesn't wants his female fan base to know he is married. He tweets about his son and the father/son love but not about his family. Even in that audio interview that was aired, he spoke about how much he has changed since he played Luke. He said he had a son, then he paused and choked out that he got married. I have heard him contradict himself as well. I used to be a Scott fan but not so much anymore. I still ship LL though.
  23. I realize the majority of the viewers of GG and listeners of the podcast are younger than myself. Heck, look how young the hosts are of Gilmore Guys are. But the Luke and Lorelai story was such a fan favorite of the show and I wonder why there isn't more discussion about them. The whole team who-ever is way overdone. I think Lauren is beautiful too but I bet she would be just a beautiful, if not more, with her natural beauty. But I do think SP looks better in his rug :)
  24. They can give them the same vehicles, hats and houses but you can't really stop time...even with botox.
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