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Everything posted by FictionLover

  1. And it wasn't Christopher's home, he was staying at his mother's house! No one ever mentions that.
  2. I also found his comments and gushing to be weird and also contradictory to past comments he had made. I think it was his first interview on Gilmore Guys Podcast he was asked if they ever dated. He said no and that he was in a serious relationship with someone during the series. None of this crush stuff he goes on about now (I wonder how his wife feels when she hears it). He carried on about "intense adult scenes" with Lauren too, which never happens. I think he wants to keep the fans happy and says what he thinks they want to hear. He started a band and is the lead singer. If you heard him sing, you would know that there is something a bit off! He can play the guitar but lord, the first time a bit came on twitter, I got embarrassed for the guy!
  3. I see it in Lauren Graham's silence. While Scott always sings her praises and speaks openly about his fondness for Lauren, even that he had a crush on her, but she always stands mute. He would tweet about and to her during the filming of the revival without replys from her. It got me curious so I looked to see if they follow each other and only he follows her (but she follows David Sutcliff, Jason Ritter etc)She also tweets photos and sweet comments to her other co-stars (I'm not counting Peter) but I've never seen her tweet anything to him. Non-actions do speak volumes. I wonder if Scott going overboard with his praises was trying to make up for the past stressful relationship they had. But we will probably never know what really happened between those two.
  4. I agree. They give tribute to the revival for the millions of new subscribers at the end of November, but how many would come back for another season knowing what we got the first time?
  5. Me too. However, there are scenes from the beginning of season 6 that are some of my favorites before ASP dropped a giant anvil on our heads. And I did enjoy watching them find their way back to each other at the end of season 7. So glad I watched it first on Netflix, it must have been awful for LL shippers during it's original run. Wish I liked the revival.
  6. It's bad enough that co-producers don't communicate but they are married! It's crazy that the continuity is so terrible. Even in the OS Emily told Luke to call her by her first name. I agree, Amy's are better but I was still left feeling unfulfilled :(
  7. How about Luke calling Emily by her first name at the funeral and then Mrs. Gilmore later?
  8. I did take it that way but more than anything it was the sadness that the actor portrayed that made me feel he had a life of regrets.
  9. I saw it as he still didn't learn to be an engaged father. He obviously still has a distant and strained relationship with Rory and a long distance relationship with Gigi, which is what it was like with Rory as she grew up. And it seems to fit with ASP's theme of history repeating itself. I never liked Christopher but I actually felt sorry for him in the revival. When Rory left, he just seemed empty and defeated by life.
  10. Leaving Jess with his longing look at Rory would be a major plot to be addressed. But with Milo's huge hit, I doubt he would return. Even before the confirmed success of "This is Us", when asked about returning for more, his comment was something like how much do you want, you already got a second piece of pie. Sounds like he might be done.
  11. Netflix is considering it because of it's high ratings. There is no way another series will get them the same viewers that the first one did. Too many disappointed viewers not to mention the hype of GG coming back after 9 years. Hopefully they will conduct a marketing survey first.
  12. In one of ASP she spoke of the ending of AYITL and said "Lorelai is happy for now". I really don't want to see what she might do to her and Luke...
  13. Oh no! http://www.msn.com/en-gb/entertainment/tv/gilmore-girls-could-return-for-another-run-netflix-teases/ar-AAnNmjs?li=BBoPJKU
  14. I would have loved to have seen after Jess broke the wifi in the diner that all the old regulars came back to the diner and it returned to be the heart of the town. I missed the craziness of breakfast at Luke's.
  15. I concede, you are right. I just always had such a hard time with Luke's behavior in the later part of season 6. Besides Lorelai setting the date and planning the wedding, I thought she was at her best with him. The ultimatum was bad but I guess I understood it because of her frame of mind. It seemed to me she knew it was over and it was a last ditch effort to see if it was. It's funny how people view things and what characters we love and hate. I thought he specifically said that she set the separate families up too. That's why I thought of the April situation from season 6 along with Lorelai always trying to shield Luke from her judgmental parents. I could see them falling into that routine unconsciously. I need to re-watch it with your positive views on it. I was unhappy with it and had it been a year or two later it would have been much more acceptable. Really, nine years later and they are just now talking about kids. So much wasted time with the musical, LDB and the whole Wild debacle just to accommodate certain actors to be included when there was so much dialog that needed to be said...and so much I will have to fast-forward through! I said in another thread that I had a hard time reading the expressions on Lorelai's face and she used to be so good at it. But I loved his declaration of love to her. I am a LL shipper all the way and I wished for so much more for them. But I loved them being perfectly dysfunctional for each other in the OS, and they are still the same couple. I liked how he said "that's our house" and she said "this is home" at the diner. So there was definitely comfort between the two. I was just disappointed there wasn't more personal growth. Yes, I got that too. It showed in her description of her daughter and boyfriend at the campfire...her daughter is "amazing" and Luke is just a "good" guy. It also showed at the wedding...too much Rory! I enjoy reading your thoughts and analysis on the revival!
  16. The first thing that popped into my mind was that maybe season 6 might get mentioned and that it became that way because of Lorelai being afraid of getting too involved in April's life, and that Luke himself started the cycle back then. It was really disappointing that none of the issues were dealt with. Even at the end of the revival when they decided to get married...all the stuff that was argued about in the diner was swept under the rug yet again.
  17. I really liked this part of LL relationship too. I mentioned on another thread there was treatment of Luke I didn't like. Her tuning him out with music when she went into Rory's bedroom, which seemed like she did a lot with his comment "don't turn that on". I hated how she took off on him to help Rory with her volunteer job when he was helping in the kitchen at the Dragonfly. But I didn't like how Luke snapped at her about helping with April either. I was thinking that when Lorelai and Luke were tag teaming each other with Liz and TJ, it didn't seem like Luke was trying to keep his crazy family away from her. Another continuity problem, ASP?
  18. Other than Lorelai's marriage to Chris and Lane's twins, I think she did ignore season 7. Luke also showed growth that wasn't displayed in the revival. But ASP is the one that wrote the storyline of Lorelai sleeping with Chris and she still ignored it along with Luke pushing Lorelai out of his life. Maybe she recognized the hay bale maze apology and didn't feel she needed to address it. I think most of us LL shippers really would have liked to have at least heard the story of how the couple worked through all the crap she left us with in season 6.
  19. So I have a question. When Luke asked Lorelai if he should go on the cruise with Nicole he said something like "considering everything" kind of uncomfortably and it seemed he was implying something between he and Lorelai. Did anyone else feel that is what he meant and if so, what happened that season that he would be referring to? The chemistry between them seemed to dissipate a bit that season.
  20. Kevin Pollak's interview with Lauren Graham will drop tomorrow (2/28) on Youtube.
  21. I have always wondered this as well and it may have been me that had posted something like that. Season 1 was strong with the sexual tension, less in season 2, and they just seemed like friends in season 3. Did ASP not like working with SP as time went on and changed her game plan but was forced to the pairing? In the revival we were given a less than satisfactory LL story and 30 seconds of LL together for their wedding with a wimpy kiss. And Scott's character was made more stupid than ever with an awful wig and wardrobe. Besides his scene in the kitchen pouring his heart out to Lorelai and his diner scene with Jess, his character was very flat. But to be fair, besides Emily, the girls were written poorly as well.
  22. So, I have a question for "Team Whatever Guy you Ship". This question is not sarcastic, I really want to know. If you have a guy that you really like why would you want him to end up with Rory, especially after the shallow, thoughtless and selfish one we were given in the revival? Even Alexis was surprised how she was written. I liked Rory for the first four seasons but once she turned into a whiney annoying character, she lost me. But after Revival Rory I was surprised anyone cared who she ended up with. Just wondering...
  23. Agreed. Rory threw her mother under the bus a lot! How about when Lorelai was running errands and packing Luke's truck for Rory leaving for college and Rory couldn't tell her grandma why she couldn't make it to dinner. Not a Rory fan.
  24. It's a podcast. They went through every episode including the revival. They even got to be extras in AYITL at the Dragonfly.
  25. Perhaps. I only know that Lauren had a lot to say about the finale. She said they had some it changed to give it more closure as it looked like they wouldn't be renewed. I don't know anything, it was just something I wondered with all the things that were said. Then when the Gilmore Guys made that statement about their last kiss, it made me question it again. We'll never know for sure.
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