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Everything posted by Noirprncess

  1. Me either. I fully understood her feelings. I mean, she works, goes to school and basically supports a family that includes a grown man that can get around when it was convenient for him?. In the words of the late Whitney Houston, "oh hell to the no." Put your giant undies on and find something for work. I don't do lazy men. I'm glad that he got it together in the end though. If anyone needed therapy, it was him. Although, he, IMHO, came off as manipulative. He had zero intention of going to therapy until his wife put her foot down. Even his decision to do weight loss seemed to be rooted in getting her to stay. SMH Then, they get to therapy and he unleashes this huge sob story that she's never heard?. Even in part? I hope he reaches his goal weight.
  2. Love this show. But, can we please stop this trope of folks crawling into buildings thru a vent. Not only are they rarely weighted enough to carry the weight of a person but two?. Lol. Plus, they are never that clean inside after regular use. Lastly, they are rarely the same size from end to middle. Just no. I cracked up at the memory loss device. Whitney's eyes turning black would be enough to send me running.
  3. Colby is either 6'0 or 6'1 . I couldn't find Roberto's height.
  4. As a person who carries a lot of muscle for a woman, I'm always considered overweight if I go strictly by BMI. It's the main reason why I never ever consider that number. I think body fat is a better indication honestly. But, Colby and Other twin weigh basically the same amount. Yet both look to be a long ways away from a healthy weight. Stephen's wife is the one that's mathematically out of the game at this point. Unless she starts putting up some huge weight loss numbers, and I mean like 15-20 pounds a week (not healthy), she can't or won't win. She has easily 100 pounds to go, if she was gunning for a win. I didn't realize she was so far out/off, so I suspect if she doesn't have a decent well every week till the end, she will get voted off soon. Although, if you are smart, you would keep her and vote out people closer to their goal/ideal weight.
  5. Glad to see I'm not the only one doing back flips that CBS and others have finally decided to pull the plug on this.
  6. Lordt, I've never felt the need to FF thru TBL until this season. Without calling folks out, I will say generally, most of those dresses were either too tight, not flattering or in one case, matronly looking. The men usually fair better but what's with the smedium jackets? ETA:. I wonder what the ideal weight is for Colby and The other twin?. Either they both still have huge body fat% or should be less than 200 pounds at their ideal weights.
  7. I laughed at them forgetting Chuckie too. Helene is finally getting in trouble. She's flaunted that relationship for a very long time without anyone noticing.
  8. I guess you shouldn't get attached to characters with this show. They come and go quickly. I liked Gina. Sorry to her go. But....I think it was a writer's set up as a reason to keep Leanne. I think the only people "safe" on the show are Momma and Daddy. Everyone else will come and go around them.
  9. I guess I was the only one that laughed when the DEA agent got shot in the neck. Serves him right for calling Liz "Comrade Rostova" several times even when she asked him to knock out off.
  10. Maybe she drives so that her husband can tend to the kids. I couldn't imagine her being able to do anything once she's seated. He could turn around and address issues as needed.
  11. The great wonder of life, honestly. Look at all that abuse Keith Richards had heaped on his body. Still alive. But, the co worker gained a ton of weight, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. Meanwhile, I have a hard time choking down a 12 oz soda in one setting.
  12. Nope you saw that correctly. I was counting those calories out loud at that point. It's sad to see.I figure that she wasn't necessarily eating 30k calories, but drinking a good number of them. DH had a co worker that would drink two full 2-liter bottles of soda a day. So if you drink all kinds of sugary drinks all day long, that could easily account for 2 to 3K of cals before having one bite of food.
  13. It's a rare condition that causes the tongue to sit out like that. There is some famous dog on the interwebs that has the same condition. I thought it was cute too. Unfortunately my friend had a Pom that was cute like that but with the personality of Cujo.
  14. Lol... Just saying, Dottie wasn't the one doing the contorting.
  15. Lol at "cross eyed nipples". That was surgery by Dr Now. I've never been impressed with his plastic surgery work. You can tell that it's not his specialty. Dottie, Dottie, Dottie.... soda in any form is NOT on Dr Now's diet plan. Canned green beans are nasty and putting a full bottle of salad dressing on an iceberg salad won't help your cause.
  16. Sadly, it's already renewed for another season. Me too. That was the most memorable part of the episode.
  17. Reggie Austin is in the national commercial for Halo clementines. James D'Arcy was unrecognizable as the bad guy in the movie Let's Be Cops. DH still didn't recognize him even after I pointed it out.
  18. Great question. I thought they were going to reveal that he didn't actual perform the surgery. He picks the "brightest star" at the hospital, flatters then into doing the surgery then takes credit. It was a fantastic waste of story telling filler time. Loved Dr Choi too. Maggie, you look great for a lady that just took off your fake pregnancy belly!
  19. We cracked up laughing at the magical smoke that prevented the terrorist from seeing the entire group yet the was clear enough for the group to see Casey's hand signals. Soooo, I'm still not understanding why Chili isn't unemployed. She's done this before and it was quietly swept under the rug. Of course Boden is going to get jammed up with this stupidity. Herman is completely normal within a week or so.. so much so that he can box.
  20. Lordt!. I am not usually in the habit of fast forwarding thru the show but that fake drama.... Dear Lord please make it stop!
  21. To illustrate how vested I was in Alicia's big emotive scene, I was on Twitter!. I never used to watch this show and surf. Please kill this show this season, if only to save it from dying a Dexter-like death. Somehow, it really feels like the show should either end with a simple black screen or with Alicia in flannel, glaring at the camera before she slinks off to log trees.
  22. Of course Galavant's first name is Gary... Lol This was awesome and way too short. Loved the return of the original song. Jesters voice was awesome. Sailing to Spinster Island comes with a cat and chocolates. Lol Tiny Menchen offering to write songs for the king.
  23. Oh I remember Penny was at the expert level for shopping. But I thought there was another one but she was a little more mobile. Again, not sure where you live, but I get tons of coupons for fast food restaurants. Plus, sadly, at least here, we have a few candidates for Dr Now working at local fast food places. I would not be surprised if any of them had a "hook up" who get food on the cheap. You would be surprised at easily folks eat poorly without spending the amount of money you think they spend. Heck, you can "grocery" shop at the local dollar stores and walk out with steaks, frozen dinners and fresh bread plus all the junk food you want on the cheap.
  24. One of the women on the show (I don't remember her name) was also a budding Extreme Couponer. If a person knows how to maximize sales, coupons and food assistance, you can get a surprising amount of prepackaged, processed food. One of our local grocery stores has those Stouffer meals on sale every other week. Same with many of those frozen meals and you can always find coupons either online or in newspapers. That's not to mention the staggering amount of processed foods you can get from any variety of charitable organizations.
  25. I think the trainers weren't giving personal one on one contact but would likely check in via phone or Skype over the 7 week period. If you watch Extreme Weight Loss, this would be set up just like his phase 2 or 3 where you no longer have daily contact and work out with the trainer but they are reachable by phone. At that point you are expected to know what you need to do and just follow their directions on diet/exercise with minimal oversight. Yeah, that 1/2 marathon wasn't real. They all looked too fresh for 2-3 hours of running. When I ran my first 1/2 marathon, I was nowhere near picture perfect at the end.
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