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Everything posted by Noirprncess

  1. I think the writers wanted to have it both ways... By implying that yes, his wife was actually sick but still could have been over treated at the same time. That perhaps the doctor took it upon himself to prematurely end her life. Possibly.We also know it was a contrived plot point to ensure that Voight got on the witness stand with a sneer (and appropriate sob story) to nail the doctor. I just realized that Voight needs a prop a la "Sunglasses of Justice". This show seems to have hired the writers from my other fave hammy show, CSI:Miami.
  2. Chicago PD continues the story about the not cancer patients.
  3. I agree islandgal140. I jump a tad when the lady with the body fat wings mentioned her fiance. Her FIANCE!
  4. Lol, Xantar, Chicago PD and plausible legalities in the same sentence are laughable. I'm still trying to figure out how Voight could remain so assigned as lead in a case involving a doctor that may or may not have killed his wife. Then turn around to be the star witness in the case too. Oh, and the case went to trial in 24 hours?
  5. I hate to admit it but I think I am getting closer to dropping this part of the Chi-town trilogy. I really don't much like the characters or the writing for the show. ER Halsted continues to be Dr Multicolors. I really think his makeup artist must be a newbie or really hate him. The dialogue seems to be dumbed down a bit compared to ER or other medical shows. Noah, how the heck did you make it through medical school?. I've always said when you see a doctor, you have no idea if he graduated top of his class or in the last 5%. I guess he's going to be the Chicago version of George aka 007, Licensed to Kill.
  6. Lol, you mean, Penny's kitchen/toilet bed. I did not need one more shot of her deep frying wontons while talking about how they were the HEALTHIER option than eating out. Delusional much lady?Although, I must admit, the volumes of comments about Penny & Co on TWoP was pure comedy. Still shocked that Melissa is preggers and having a third baby. I do think she's going to gain quite a bit of weight back. She really struggled. Olivia looked awesome. She looked healthy and happy. I do wish this had been more of a how are they doing now episode. Although I wonder how many have gained a significant amount back. Forgot to say, we knew the writing was on the wall for Gareth when even their daughter asked why Zsalynn married him.
  7. Maharincess, some patients do better BEFORE the surgery than others. In Nikki's case, I wish he had held out that carrot of surgery just a little longer. She lost quite a bit of weight in just a few months without the surgery. I bet she would have kept going. But given that they are featured on a show about getting gastric bypass, we all know, barring some complication, they ALL get the surgery.
  8. I was surprised that Melissa was back with her husband and having their third baby. The last lady, the one that lived in the basement looked great.
  9. LOL... My DH laughed but I have too ask if he remembers those. We used to make them all the time. Our version of Twitter, FB and texting all in one.
  10. It was officially renewed for season 4:. http://tvline.com/2016/01/06/being-mary-jane-renewed-season-4-bet/#comment-list-wrapper
  11. I laughed when the guy at the "toxic" site said he had on a hazmat suit which was clearly an inexpensive Tyvek suit. Ana Maria's chastity belt....ROFL.
  12. Actually, the first thing I thought of was the gag in Men in Tights: Robinhood where the castle/house was repossessed.
  13. The first two episodes of this season did not disappoint. I laughed hard and out loud more than a few times. DH even watched and cracked up laughing. I cried at the Enchanted Forest and Uncle never coming out.
  14. Dang Roberto. Fell off that leader twice.... Every season it's the same dumb thing... Black women keep getting voted off early on in the process. Grrrr
  15. I agree shapeshifter , those loose fitting hoods with no hats and so much exposed skin kept taking me out of the scenes. Really fake looking. Yeah, not sure about this script. I do like the thawing of Happy's personality.
  16. I rewatched this episode. I had forgotten that Jerry Adler (The Good Wife) was the older guy that passed out during the silent symphony. Loved how Hailey went off on Sharon and the payroll lady.
  17. I was glad to see that they were renewed.
  18. Lol at Lennox getting fired at least minute. But I died when he asked Betty when she got arthritis.
  19. I have to wait another year for season 3??. That's what I get for binge watching everything on day one.
  20. She picked him because she wanted the best of everything. She was told (when dating) that "white guys were the ticket to a good life" so it seems when they started dating she, in a sense, pursued him with that in mind. Based on his response, "I've always been like this", she focused more on his skin color and what she thought he could do for her versus focusing on the quality of his person. He was white and therefore couldn't be like her dad, in her mind.
  21. I think they were trying to suggest that there was no coincidence that Terrance and Martin have memory problems but the idea got lost in the convoluted story. I think if they had used that idea, it would have made more sense and could have linked to the Russian connection. The reveal of his Russian birth would have more impact if it had been presented in a different manner. The last episode seemed like a rush job to cover all of the unanswered questions.
  22. Season 1 mentioned that Martin/Alex/Alexei had some sort of incident in Iraq that probably messed up his memory. It was never clearly explained. I guess Kate is more like her mom than she will ever know since both of them killed their first husbands. I had to chuckle at Gabi turning on her husband. Even in the flashbacks, it was never clear why she picked him over Ball-hard. Tamir was silly to try to kill Martin in the car while they were driving along. Given the circumstances, Ballard was lucky to just lose his leg. If Dmitry was a real gangster, he would have been dead. Goodbye convoluted season 2. The show and premise had potential but that was squandered on too many flashbacks which work in a book, but not so well in this format.
  23. He had no reason for angst as it was not part of his character. Plus one big difference, Hildy and Terry were never going to try to be a couple. They liked each other and had sexual attraction which they explored a bit but being a couple was not the end goal. In contrast, MJ had tons of angst about everything from what she wears to who she spends time with. Every man she's dated on the show has had some type of issue, Eddie is no exception. MJ was ok with being friends with benefits, Eddie wanted a relationship. It wasn't going to go anywhere simply because MJ didn't want it to. I would go as far as saying Eddie was simply the white equivalent of Cutty Buddy, another guy she did not want a tip in a relationship with. Notice they rarely if ever went anywhere together as well. Yes, that may be true. But the same could be said of any person with a specific preference in who they choose to date. It's their preference and they have to deal with the good and bad consequences. Interracial dating is not for everyone. MJ is one of those people and in the end, it's her choice.
  24. Lol I see I will be the only one to dub Jacobee and Zephyr as Team Twilight. It probably helps that they looked like the backup people from the movie. I agree that MK is a bit of a one trick monkey. I keep waiting for someone to prepare to incur his 15 sec wrath then beat the brakes off when he faints. Tilda's eyebrows are everything.
  25. Thankfully I can say that episode one is the only one you may feel the need to watch twice so you don't feel lost.
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