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Everything posted by Lokiberry

  1. i just received the Captain Cold action figure as an early birthday gift (not the funko pop one, the other one), and it comes with four extra hands, for grasping things I guess. I just thought that was ironic. I enjoyed this episode a lot. I thought it was very much in character for Ray, the ultimate boy scout, to settle in and make the best of his situation. I understand why Kendra would not be happy in 1960, but I did feel for Ray when she was so happy to leave it all behind without a single look back. I think Ra's problem with Sara was that she was the perfect little league member the first time he met her, but when he sent Nyssa out to rescue her in 2008, she ended up laughing in his face, not following the rules, and sleeping with his daughter. He was disappointed. And crazy.
  2. Pleaseohpleaseohplease let it be the Question!! I've loved him ever since JLU. I'd love it if he showed up and maybe joined the cast next season. I know there's a rumor going around that Constantine might join, but I hope it's the Question instead.
  3. My eye has already started to twitch. I've been a fan of Doctor Who for over thirty years, so I'm used to time travel not making any sense; but it at least has to make pretend sense, you know? PRETEND SENSE. That's all I'm asking for, people.
  4. I'm pretty sure they banged plenty; that's why Kendra was surprised that Ray was moving back into his room by himself. Also, we now know that the team has rooms. I'm sure this piece of information will be of great use to the many talented fanfic writers out there.
  5. Honestly, I read her tweets and thought about Godwin's Law (shrug). I also spend a lot of time in the left-wing blogosphere. This kind of mockery is well, fairly mild compared to some of the stuff I regularly see. I just don't get the outrage. GS was just taking the piss out of some over the top shippers; I don't see anything wrong with that.
  6. I don't get it. GS isn't making a joke about Hitler. She's mocking the extreme shippers who will compare you to Hitler, or call you a racist, or strongly suggest that you should die, all because you don't support their ship. These people are bullies and they deserve a good mocking. Also, Mel Brooks used to make jokes about Hitler in his films all the time, and I doubt it was because he didn't take his crimes seriously. I suspect it was because he knew that the thing he would hate the most is being laughed at.
  7. Yeah, I don't actually care if she's honoring Laurel or not; I just think it would be funny if she said it since that was Laurel's excuse for SWFing her entire life. With CL's hints, they're going to do something, and making her BC is the only thing that makes sense.
  8. You know, I don't really care if segments of the fandom set themselves on fire if Sara takes up the mantle of the Black Canary, I still want her to do it. Hell, go the whole nine yards and have her declare she's honoring Laural's memory. Then, kick all kinds of ass and go back to LoT, where half the team is smitten with her. CL is hinting at a costume change, clearly something is going on. It would make no sense for her to stop being the White Canary and randomly become some other superhero. It's gotta be BC.
  9. Oh yeah, with all that? She totally not coming back. And well, she's the weakest link. I only started getting interested in her once they paired her up with Ray; and I think that just means I like Ray more than I originally thought. They can easily bring in another female character, either Vixen or Zatanna (what IS Naya Rivera doing these days anyway?).
  10. He could always give it to Sara the next time she passes through, and have her take it forward the ten or so years and hand it off to the kid. She just needs to make sure Rip Hunter doesn't get hold of it, because he'd show it to Vandal Savage or Darkseid, or whoever the hell the Big Bad is for next season. My point is that Oliver is far from the only dumbass in the flarrowverse.
  11. Or maybe the network's being passive aggressive over who's in the grave. There's certainly been theories that the reason Laurel has lasted as long as she has is because KC has connections at CBS. Maybe WB/DC finally put their foot down over how she's casting a negative pall over a character that they might have movie plans for, and pulled the plug. CBS is butthurt about it, and so the CW is treating Arrow even more like a second class citizen than usual. My own personal theory is that the WB/DC and CBS have been at odds over KC/Laurel for a long time, possibly since the pilot, and that's why the character has been handled in such a schizophrenic way.
  12. Honestly, I want Sara to take up the BC mantle, not to honor Laurel's memory, but to finally do justice to the comic book character. I truly love Dinah Lance, and she's been treated pretty disrespectfully by this show. From conception of "Laurel" as Rachel Dawes-lite, to the casting of uncoordinated KC, to the barely trained Insta-Canary, nothing they've done has ever really brought this marvelous character to life; with the exception of when CL was playing the Canary. Establishing Sara as BC, with her backstory and CL's skills, would be the first time Arrow has ever really shown respect to the character.
  13. What I find interesting about that picture is the reversal of the gender roles. Caity is standing up in the typically agressive, prepared to fight, masculine pose, and Wentworth is sexily draped at her feet; kind of like a reverse James Bond. Which I suppose was the point. Anyway, awesome photo. It may or may not become my wallpaper.
  14. I think Sara's everything they ever wanted in a Canary, and didn't really get elsewhere, so they've gotten a little over excited. Nothing wrong with that. Sara is a strong, well-realized character, who can be used both to drive the story and reveal hidden layers of other characters. Both Snart and Rip have benefited from interacting with her. Giving Sara a lot of focus is good for the show.
  15. I don't know if the story about part of the reason KC is being written out is because of issues on the set and feuds with castmates is true, but nobody looks really sad in those pictures. The expression on DR's face in particular is hilarious. He looks like the proverbial cat who ate the canary.
  16. Whether LoT get cancelled or not, Sara can still be the Black Canary. In fact, it might be CL's extraordinary success on LoT that convinced TPTB that they bet on the wrong canary back in 3x01.
  17. Bruce is a 15 year old boy on Gotham. They're not going to play that card any time soon.
  18. Wait, is this girl supposed to be Talia?!
  19. I believe Rip Hunter has a comic book history of battling Savage. I think this was a case of them trying to combine two separate comic storylines into one: Hath-Set and the Hawks, and Vandal Savage and Rip Hunter.
  20. Olicity/Felicity was not the reason Sara got shot full of arrows, thrown off a building, shoved into a refrigerator and buried in a packing crate in the middle of the night without her parents being notified. Olicity/Felicity did not benefit at all from this. Sara/Oliver were over long before she bounced off the trash dumpster and splattered all over the pavement. One character in the flarrowverse benefited from Sara's brutal murder. One character stripped everything from Sara: costume, name, canary cry, and claimed it for herself. Even Sara's female lover was taken and homogenized into a gal pal for this character. One character was told that it was right that she did all these things because she was morally superior to Sara. Sara was erased for the benefit of one character. That character was not Felicity.
  21. Having Oliver knock up another woman after the recent baby mama drama on Arrow would be both repetitive, and risk the lead character of a sister show losing audience respect that would be difficult to get back. Having Connor Hawke be JDJ, packs more of an emotional punch for the people who watch both shows, and makes the audience more invested in seeing him rescued even if this timeline isn't the real one. Besides, these showrunners made Malcolm Merlyn Ra's al Ghul. They have a history of changing the comics to suit their needs. Except for when it comes to Sara not being the Black Canary. That particular aspect of comic lore is apparently written in stone.
  22. I'm going to whine, so I apologize in advance. Malcolm Merlyn can be Ra's al Ghul and the adorable John Diggle Jr can be Connor Hawke, and and that's just neat-o, comics be damned; but Sara Lance can't be the Black Canary because comics are sacrosanct? That's not just having your cake and eating it too, it's straight up hypocrisy, My respect for Guggie, et al just dropped another notch.
  23. OMG, was she wearing his jacket in one of those pictures?! And, they were huddling together from the cold! And, Ray and Kendra were sharing scenes! And, I think there was a TIme Lady! And, Jon Snow! You know nothing, RIp Hunter!
  24. Nobody's going to die on Arrow. They're going to fake William's death, and send him away forever for his own safety. Of course, this means that Oliver and Felicity can never have children because it's tooooo dangerous. . ..
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