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  1. Boy, do I like this show. Two episodes in, and I'm already thinking that a six-episode season is not going to be enough. I'm glad Sam and Bucky are sharing the screen, not only for the humor but for the hard won emotions they pull out of each other. I found Sam kind of grating in the first episode--I was on team sister--but seeing his unstoppable force run up against Bucky's immovable object energized everything. I could get a better sense of Sam's strategic mind, warmth, and anger tucked under a smile, as well as Bucky's vulnerability, swamped by feelings of unworthiness and loneliness. And I'm not familiar with all Sebastian Stan's work, but he is a spectacular straight man. Isaiah Bradley's story was compelling. From that 5 minute scene I now want to know everything about him from his origin to today. And this is a small thing, but I loved the set dressing and the locations for the Baltimore scenes--they grounded the show in a way that was really effective. I really hope that Isaiah shows up again. The villains aren't really grabbing me yet. Captain America the Lesser is probably the most interesting of the lot. I appreciate that they didn't go the full evil route and instead made him an entitled asshole. He comes across as someone who hasn't had empathy and humility beaten into him by life, and being Captain America is a job for him rather than a mission. The Flagsmashers are just confusing. They seem to want one world and how things were during the snap, but what does that mean exactly? And they're super-soldiers? And Hydra might be involved? Maybe? The woman who plays Karli is great--she has real authority and you can see the character choose to play innocent--but I'd like to find out what she wants soon. Also, I don't like the ending song--it reminds me of the Law and Order theme. But that's a small thing. I can't wait for next week.
  2. I wonder if SA looked at his outfit for his public appearance to the ice cream shop and decided what it REALLY needed to pull it all together was a fanny pack. Considering the many deadly forms this virus is taking and the fact that there is some question whether immunity is possible, and I have to say that this is a terrible idea.
  3. In addition to the inconsistencies you've all noted, the sense of entitlement, and Carina's stretch of the meaning of the word "quarantine", I'm sure with all the driving that Carina's done that there must have been a gas station in there somewhere. Maybe snacks, or a bathroom break. Her self-absorption is staggering. I live in Elmhurst Queens and the sirens are constant. My downstairs neighbor is a nurse at a nearby hospital who goes into work terrified. I work at a place where there are essential staff that are forced to take the train into work, no matter what. I will admit that I am going a little stir crazy, but I have no problem at all staying inside. Their behavior is loathsome.
  4. I say this as a person who really enjoys EBR as an actress and hopes she has a long career, but I find her project choices baffling.
  5. I was feeling sentimental about the end of the show and decided to check the count on 3x20 without background music AS ONE DOES--it's over 32 million!-and was reminded of one of my favorite vids from early season 2, set to "Everybody Wants to Rule the World". Most of you probably know it, but here's the link for anyone wanting to take a walk down memory lane. Everybody Wants to Rule the World
  6. Is Oliver in a wig?
  7. In one of my favorite fanfics from season 3, Felicity gets angry that Star City isn't mourning Oliver after he sacrificed himself for the city by dying at Ras' hands, and she develops a desire to litter. I understand the urge. If they are going to bring back Tommy, one of the two characters that have stayed dead, I want them to bring back Moira, too.
  8. From the TV Guide article: "Per usual". They know him so well.
  9. I think Allison Shoemaker from AV Club is the only unabashed NTA fan in the world. She REALLY likes Dinah.
  10. 1970s Oliver Queen was a big fan of the shirt over turtleneck combo. Maybe Stephen wanted to bring the Green Arrow back to his roots.
  11. I remember someone pointing out that the crossover usually get's the same ratings as the highest rated show, which is the Flash. I think that's the ratings the Flash has been getting recently so I'm not completely surprised at those ratings.
  12. Felicity is top 20 trending on twitter, which is not surprising considering the way this episode is going.
  13. Candice Patton's tweets about how Funko has released all the male characters and none of the female characters on the Flash has shown up on my twitter feed, which is surprising because my feed is non-fannish. I went and looked at the Felicity Funko, and I think they've let the license lapse because her figure is only available from secondary distributors and collectors and they are in the $30 - $40 range, way outside the average. I don't know enough about the collectables market to know how long licenses are granted and remain profitable, but I'm surprised the deal sunsetted already especially because figures like the DCTV Reverse Flash and Deathstroke, which came out at the same time, are still in active production and Felicity's sales figures were always strong. Even at that price range, she's still holding her own, sales wise, with some of the secondary characters. I have to say, I have no interest in meeting any Arrowverse actors, but Candice Patton comes across as smart, witty, and like she's paying attention to the world, and she's the only one I can see wanting to sit down and have a cup of coffee with. Oh, Brandon Routh, too.
  14. I really hope that they play Black Siren as DA for laughs, sort of like that episode of BtVS when Faith bodyswapped with Buffy and then had to feign righteousness, but did it really badly.
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