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Fake Jan Brady

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Everything posted by Fake Jan Brady

  1. During TAR15 the teams hd to slide down the Leap of Faith at a Dubai resort to retrieve a clue at the bottom. It's a nine story mega slide with a near vertical drop to begin.
  2. Poor old stoic farmer probably never had that many hugs in his lifetime. Still cheering hard for both sibling teams; love the competence of Taylor & Courtney and the enthusiasm of Martina & Phil.
  3. Attention [Annoying] Courtney: you're not fighting for last place, you're fighting to stay out of it. I think you only got a pass on the voguing because of how good Adam looked in his outfit. Nice to see Sam & Paul again. I enjoy seeing former racers. My love for the sibling teams continues...
  4. Zach's playing up the villain role, surely? Even if he believed his caveman version of gender roles he surely knows blurting them out isn't going to make him any friends? [Also, is he pinging anyone else's gaydar? The shaved chest, the manicured eyebrows, the voice? Not that I want him on my team] Anita is very judgey for someone with the world's biggest, ugliest tramp stamp. I'm starting to get the feeling she doesn't trust Paige... Shane should've kept her idol; it was obvious Moana was going out in a pity vote. Now if we can just get back to tribals without tears. The Aussie version is so big on the "such a good bloke/do it for [loved one]" narratives. Be more ruthless! I'm firmly on Team Samuel.
  5. Anna and Annoying Courtney are too high strung for this game; I feared one - or both - would explode when they were the only spectators left at the Roadblock. Taylor and Amazing Courtney remain my favourites, followed by Martina and Phil [both brothers were great at the dancing - Taylor being adorable, Phil being fast]. Did the sewing challenge sound harder than it was? Or was it just further away? I was surprised it proved so unpopular. I probably would've sewn my hands together but I'd gladly take that over touching a snake [shudder]. Go siblings!
  6. I was hoping Courtney's mistake on the Roadblock would have been the end for her and Adam but, alas, he had to be able to tie a knot. Grrr. Were Joseph and Akash adept at anything? Except that one time they lucked into the first taxi at the airport? I'm throwing my support behind the sibling teams - especially Taylor and Courtney, who seem like they're having the most fun [and, in typing this, I've realised there are two Courtneys - all the more reason for the annoying one to go]. I'm not a fan of the two Roadblocks/no Detour legs. Watching teams stress over the Detour choices/worry about what's happening at the other is part of the fun.
  7. I'm having serious deja vu. This final four reminds me of season seven's: a young fashion queen, an annoying big girl, a pretty but dull boy and a pageant queen who sometimes comes across as a little too blunt. Even the fifth place queen was smart and funny but fighting the demons in her head and the sixth place-getter was a comedy queen who's likely to return and win a future All-Stars season. And, much like season seven, my reaction to whoever wins this season is likely to be "...meh".
  8. I wish they'd spent less time on the terrible maxi-challenge and a lot more time on the mini-challenge. If I was a competing queen I'd chose 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, etc and keep going even if I remembered a match. Gotta take your prizes when you can. I have a feeling whoever wrote that Westworld parody had only heard of the show rather than ever seen it [and misremembered what they'd heard]. Julie from The Love Boat and Sarah Palin?? Huh..? And what a waste of Randy Rainbow. I'm surprised none of the queens did a Jocelyn Wildenstein plastic surgery look for their runway.
  9. Although she did slug sea slugs by the sea shore.
  10. Have you been drinking libations flavoured with citrus? It was Dame Maggie Smith!
  11. I call that her "Mrs Robinson in the The Graduate" moment. Six years seems like such a chasm at that age.
  12. My favourite comeback was Melania's "No wonder my husband hates Chyna". My favourite 'read' in the library: Eureka's "Cameron, just fuck me, please". I wish the show forked out for a motorised wheelchair - that's Delores DeLargo's secret weapon.
  13. Delos didn't have a high opinion of Logan when William was showing him around, saying Logan had had bought a dodgy investment. Plus William knew how to exploit/save the situation, proving himself a better businessman - even more than Old Man Delos suspected, what with the subsequent retirement party.
  14. Judging by your comment, I think you are sure which team was the worst. ;-) Not only was the challenge a great idea, it made me like Eureka [something I was sure I wouldn't type this season]. A semi-naked Pit Crew member didn't hurt either.
  15. Ross Matthews: American treasure. Monet was giving us "MAN, who feels like a woman" realness. The air guitar makes more sense in this context.
  16. Yet the stick wasn’t even on Ghost Island. Like Dom’s idol. Or Wendell’s idol. What I’m saying is: what a lame waste of time is Ghost Island.
  17. Well, this is bizarre. Down here in Oz we got this version:
  18. Good grief, you don't have to be a tennis super fan to know the difference between Venus Williams and Serena Williams [who was in the photo bomb photo] - I was so distracted by that mix up I couldn't concentrate on the rest of the mini challenge. I hope someone was fired for that blunder. Speaking of confusion, this was the first episode of the season where I knew who everybody was - in and out of drag. Phew.
  19. David's admission, Moira's apology, Ted's sudden appearance: that was a one-two-three sucker punch straight to my tear ducts.
  20. Wendell waiting until everyone had eaten themselves into a food coma before searching for the idol made me like him even more.
  21. Annie Murphy knocked it out of the park with that Ted scene. I think Alexis has quietly worked her way up to the top of my favourite character list. Last week I commented that I wondered if Mutt would ever be seen again and this week here he was. This show always delivers.
  22. Plus the long, slow zoom out while "Come on, baby, let the good times roll" plays as Mickey tries to hold it together. I was shocked by how grim the ending was.
  23. She wasn't throwing her own party at first. Her sister, who was in charge, cancelled at the last minute and left Jocelyn less than a day to organise it. I guess going to her friends on the day they were due to come to her party didn't seem like an option, hence finding someone she assumed would be able to throw a party together in next to no time. David politely avoiding all her not so subtle hints was a thing of beauty. The guest actors in this episode - Klair and the head of MADLY - were both so great at giving us their entire characters in so few scenes. Brava! Every time Mutt is mentioned I'm momentarily confused that he was ever in the show and even more surprised that Jocelyn and Rolly are his parents. I wonder if he'll return for a visit when his baby brother is born or he'll go the way of Chuck Cunningham?
  24. Well, that was confusing. It's too early in the season to have a bunch of lookalike queens playing characters in a fast paced sketch. Was that Monique or Monet? Or Mayhem? Cracker or Aquaria? Dusty or that muscly one? I'm getting better at distinguishing them all in the workroom but I gave up during the 'musical'. Eureka is annoying but I give her props for answering Ru's "How's your leg?" with "No complaints". Oh, one more thing: what's a Halsey?
  25. I'm guessing the winner's portrait in the Hall of Fame will be titled Shangela [OfBenDeLaCreme].
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