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Fake Jan Brady

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Everything posted by Fake Jan Brady

  1. I was so sure it was going to be Nic and/or Sabrina, ending their misadventures with a classic exit line. Brian's over-confidence is getting to be a hilarious running joke; I just hope he never tries his hand at acting after his over-the-top attempt at pretending he had no idea what to do at a crime scene ["I hope I don't mess this up! I don't know the first thing about policing! What is this?! Just like on TV!!"] As entertaining as Brent & Sean were at the Synchronised Swimming task, I was disappointed it wasn't the other set of brothers in speedos. And as an Australian I guess it's safe for me to say this: I had no idea Alex Trebek was Canadian.
  2. Surprisingly, Gino and Jesse aren't twins. Gino is 28, Jesse is 25. Coincidentally, the other brother team are also 28 (Sean) and 25 (Brent). Loved keeping "keep racing" a secret until the end [although I had wondered why we saw earlier teams jog off the mat]. My favourite bit: After bragging about being a master of detail, Brian declaring "I've never milked a bull".
  3. Microphone packs. Fun episode, sad ending. I'm getting to like more and more teams, and I was totally sucked into Leilani's home town victory. My favourite bit: Sean attempting to butch up his reaction post squeal.
  4. A three way race for elimination and the most likeable team of the trio goes home; oh TAR, you can be so cruel at times. I don't understand why Nic & Sabrina took the penalty when there were so many teams with them at the soccer shootout and it was still early in the leg [and they had their huge Spanish language advantage]. My favourite bit of the episode: Cynthia completely mumblemouthing the [sponsor]card spiel at the pitstart. The father/daughter teams now are my faves. Simi/Ope were already up there, but Neil & [especially] Kristen's reaction to their prizes zoomed them up my charts.
  5. Gino and Jesse ran from one Detour to the other, so it couldn't have been too far away. I'd guess it's easy to get caught up in the thought of winning a leg [and a holiday] and forget about the long term consequences.
  6. A series of unfortunate events [slow out of the airport and getting to the murals] and inauspicious choices [choosing the Emotion detour even though they'd earlier mangled the language, telling the cab driver to wait "one minute" on a street with no parking, thinking running was a better option than getting another cab, trusting a stranger who didn't know left from right]. They're pretty...but they're kind of dumb.
  7. I wasn't paying full attention mid-way through the introductions and initially thought Nick & Sabrina were an Italian brother/sister team; I awwwed when she said they loved one another but hit the rewind button awfully fast when they revealed their hobby was cuddling. Of course she soon zoomed to the top of the annoying charts, tied with the gay brother who got bitchy with the cab driver. It was so chaotic at the TSN challenge I had no idea what was going on...and I was only watching. The [insert sport team name here] mascot at the end was a bit of a scene stealer.
  8. I'd like to be at Ginger's next show just to hear her words coming "from a place of love" on the outcome. Guurrll... That Katya fakeout was genius and the very definition of the idiom "many a true word spoken in jest". She'll always be the winner of Season 7 in my [admittedly faulty] memory.
  9. Joe wrote NYC after Joaquin's name so maybe that had something to do with it? So the Blue Collars would still have numbers at a merge. They have mentioned once or twice how Blue Collars always stick together.
  10. This new version of Untucked is (so far) much easier to watch. Less bitching, much less editing (no more pointed remark, pause, sip, pause, commercial, recap remark).
  11. Thanks for reminding me of that; I was so bummed by Jonathan winning I needed something to cheer me up. And now I'm depressed again.
  12. My preferred outcome: 1. Kaitlin 2. Ben 3. Kirsten Dunst 4. Jonathan
  13. So far this season the nerd-offs have rewarded four correct answers (the subsequent godzilla smashing didn't add anything to the outcome), answering three riddles, matching four pairs of myths and symbols, placing "nerds of yore" in chronological order and solving a word jumble. All well and good; correct answers should be rewarded (particularly on this show). Yet this week's winner was determined by a random number of points collected after questions were answered; it was possible someone could've lost even if they had answered more questions correctly (as was nearly the case with Lisa Loeb-alike). It was more annoying than a needle in a haystack task on The Amazing Race. Make room for me on the Kaitlin train. I would have never guessed I'd be saying that after episode one.
  14. Heh, I'll bet big money that, either in his office or home gym, Jim has one of those "second place is first loser" posters.
  15. For a show that's progressive enough to give us a male couple dating (and a history of so many gay contestants), there sure seemed to be an awful lot of shock and awe at the very idea of a man wearing pink. Gasp!
  16. I just wish she'd mentioned it... Laverne Cox can come back anytime. Loved how she was as interested in the date gossip as much as the clothes. And, of course, getting us a free show with "Do you want to kiss now?"
  17. You monster! Don't you know the lack of a uterus throws you off balance?!?
  18. Careful; that's almost a proposal. Jaw dropping fact I just discovered: Keith and Probst are the same age.
  19. The twit and wisdom of Brooke watching the Roadblock: "Of course the Cyclists are the first ones to have found the clue" Brooke's conclusion: I hate them. "Of course Bethany's first" Brooke's conclusion: She's awesome. My conclusion: Shut up, Brooke.
  20. Oh Benjamin; having "Love" tattooed on your right hand is pretty much the definition of wanker. I wanted to hear more about Fabio's open relationship. And by "hear", I mean "participate".
  21. I'm a little disappointed nobody pronounced it PAL-a-mo.
  22. Simple dark colors and clean lines would be better. I bet she is horrified, too, as she watches these shows from home with that baby! She is very pretty. She only had one???
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