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Fake Jan Brady

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Everything posted by Fake Jan Brady

  1. My thought process going from enjoying Naomi's lip synch and thinking it'd be great if she was in the finale with Manilla to the shock reveal of the lipstick was such a jarring gear shift I think it gave me whiplash. Where's a rattlesnake sound effect when you need one? As much as I love Manilla and wanted her to win, I'm seriously impressed by the All About Eve-ness of Naomi's takedown.
  2. "Two please drinks" is how I will order at the bar from now on.
  3. It was hilarious that the friend that Manilla sobbed over being unable to save kept very silent during that largesse.
  4. What a great episode for Jocelyn. Her harried arrival at the cafe and later venting her frustrations at the rescheduled rehearsal were the funniest scenes Jennifer Robertson has been given during the run so far [and so great she wasn't being weighed down by Chris Elliot, as usual]. But Moira's coaching ["good, expand on that"] and blithe deflection of Jocelyn's complaints was my favourite bit ["We're just grasping at straws now, Jocelyn."] Plus Stevie got a storyline! And Ray was his hilarious self. Fantastic episode all around.
  5. The best thing about the robbery was it caused me to wonder during the police interview: wait....did the robber have a gun? [Upon rewatch: he didn't].
  6. Shame on any awards body that isn't nominating Catherine O'Hara for all the awards. Dr Clara [Beatrice] Mandrake was a masterclass in character work.
  7. During the Behind the Scenes video on YouTube, Farrah is packing up her things and estimates she spent $20,000 on her wardrobe for the show!
  8. Good grief, how many balance and don't let something drop Immunity Challenges have there been this season? The only saving grace is that no-one is a balancing savant and going on a winning streak. It's incredible that there have been seven different winners from the seven Immunity Challenges since the merge.
  9. Nick referred to it as "donating" blood; it's not a donation if you're getting paid. As you can see, family visits never penetrate my cynicism shield.
  10. I was surprised that Alec considered Nick such a close friend, considering Nick hasn't even given their friendship a nickname. Ooooh, in typing that I just realised: Nick names - it's just his nature.
  11. Firstly, I realise art appreciation is incredibly subjective but I just wanted to say that Chuck and Buck is a low budget gem and a great examination of arrested development. Well worth watching, especially for the passive-aggressive subtext of the play within the movie 'Hank and Frank'. Plus Mike co-created and wrote Enlightened, one of the greatest, under appreciated shows of all time. Anyhoo, back on topic: oh Mike, I was rooting for you. I know writers' have to consider every possible outcome in a storyline but you overthought this scenario big time. RIP StrikeForce.
  12. Is Barry's idiocy rubbing off on Lainie? I'm sure she wasn't so stupid and self-involved in previous seasons.
  13. Beverley and Adam passing out of the rollercoaster was gold. New Jeff was hot.
  14. Shane: Mat, Brian, Fenella, Shonee, Monica Sharn: Robbie, Sam, Benji, Steve
  15. Who titled this thread? Because that's some eerily prescient work. Well done. Things I liked: the family visit being rushed through, Shane's sixty-one year old horniness for her man, the final two, the winner [although I would've been fine if it'd gone the other way] Things I didn't like: the final Immunity Challenge being almost a repeat of a challenge earlier in the season [which Sharn also won], the repetition of "why should we vote for you" questions during Tribal, Jonathan's Probstian Reunion hosting method of skipping several Survivors, Mat's ego, Benji's accent and - worst of all - giving that pig Zach his own segment. Glad to see the casting notice during the show for next season. See you all here then!
  16. Thanks for the clarification; I was distracted the entire episode wondering how some eye liner and a red hair streak could change someone's appearance so completely. Shame, Original Jackie was a dead ringer for Real Jackie. Surely Adam would've recognised the "pink slips" reference from 'Grease'?
  17. Maybe Brian wanted Shane and Monica as his final three as he's expecting that stand on a wave swept cliff endurance challenge that's been in the previous two seasons? That way he stood a good chance of another challenge win and he'd get his choice of who to take to Final Tribal? [I think he'd lose to either player, but less emphatically against Monica]
  18. I admired him even more when he flippantly referred to Christian as 'Big Bang Theory'. This episode seemed way more exhausting than most introductory ones, what with the medivac, shomance, storms, idol hunting/finding and all the crying....
  19. The greatest thing about Shonee and Fenella being the last Contenders standing is knowing that, somewhere, Zach’s tiny brain is exploding. Even if Brian makes it to the end, I can’t see him winning - the other Champions seem to loathe him [although I can’t recall anything he’s done to make them hate him so].
  20. Editors, if you spend the entire episode with one contestant bragging how he’s unbeatable and another contestant crying that her time is up and nothing can save her, it’s kind of inevitable that there’s going to be a twist in the tale. That said, it’s still enjoyable to see such braggadocio humbled. I found it amazing that Brian didn’t know if Steve had ever played ball sports; they’ve been on the same tribe for over a month - surely they would have covered every subject to alleviate the boredom? Especially two blokes and sport?!? Obviously Steve isn’t much of a talker but still..?
  21. I think the real reason behind Benji's accent is: he's a wanker. What happened to Shonee vowing that Benji had to go after he admitted he had money? Or has she forgotten that already?
  22. Well, that was unexpected. The finale really isn't the place for a needle in the haystack task. Blerg.
  23. When Matt was recruiting Fenella he didn’t mention Sam as one of his most trusted allies so he had a helluva nerve to act all betrayed later on. Sigh. Sam was my favourite, plus losing eye candy Robbie last ep makes for a lousy Survivor week. I wonder what those two guys will have to talk about at the Jury Villa.
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