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Everything posted by ByTor

  1. I can't wait to get home to see this! Anybody who chisels away at the wall of smug that is Maya is a-ok in my book! I don't think Brooke is going to call out Caroline, but it would be all the more entertaining if she does! While we're having a wish list, I hope she includes Ridge in this, no way should he get off scot free!
  2. Thanks, blackwing! I totally forgot about "Madame X"...poor Ashley Jones must have been so embarrassed!
  3. The way I look at it, what Caroline did was wrong, no doubt about it, but Rick's punishment does not fit the crime. I'm not seeing this so much as Caroline being a victim (although I understand why others are seeing it that way), but more as "look how Rick has gone off the rails."
  4. Could somebody please refresh my memory about something? When Jackie was on, there was some kind of competition between Forrester Creations and her, but from what I remember, didn't Jackie own a boutique? Why would a boutique be in competition with a fashion house? Or did the boutique only sell an exclusive designer's apparel?
  5. I'm not nitpicking, steelyis, but I didn't get that Liam told Rick to be nice to Caroline, he told him not to talk to her "like that" in his borderline abusive way. Honestly I don't find the "Rick is being a crazy bully in the workplace" plot very interesting (at least right now I don't). I really wish he had stuck with firing Caroline...or when Rick "unfired" Caroline, I wish she would have said thanks but no thanks. All the Forrester Creations drama, IMO, has the potential to get old fast. More drama, again IMO, would be for people to break away from Forrester and work for/create a competitive fashion house. And I'm not talking endless fashion showdowns where the winner gets whatever fill in the blank prize, I mean a real business rival storyline.
  6. Unless I missed something, I thought Liam said Rick DOES have the right to be angry, he doesn't have the right to be a bully & create a hostile work environment.
  7. Same here, but somehow I find her most tolerable when she's with Bill. Good call, I didn't think of that!
  8. I was taking one of my breaks from this show when Brooke & Thorne were together. I really wish I'd been watching then, it seems like they were a popular couple. From what I've seen on some of the boards, it seems that even people who dislike Brooke somewhat liked her then.
  9. OK that's what I thought! So what damning thing would Bill have on her?Bill issuing those threats was pretty stupid, but I do like the fact that he seems to be able to make her smug face drop.
  10. I thought Rick did know, but since Bill issued the threat I guess I'm wrong. Prediction...Nicole hacks some database to hide Maya's past, Rick finds out, and on it goes...
  11. Yeah, she couldn't have come up with a worse example if she tried.
  12. There were 2 words spoken by Murray that had me laughing the loudest..."Who's babby?" Great episode!
  13. I watched Marie's Meatballs yesterday, so I'm making my own today (minus the tarragon!). That episode ALWAYS puts me in the mood for meatballs :)
  14. When talking about who slept with who, Taylor slept with Eric, Ridge, and Thorne like Brooke did. Taylor slept with 2 Logans as well, Rick (as mentioned...I know he's a Forrester but Taylor's family doesn't regard him as such haha) and Storm. There's always talk about who's worse with sleeping through an entire family...as far as the Forresters go Taylor & Brooke are tied (when not counting Rick), but there's rarely talk about the promiscuity of the Forrester men. Like the Beach Boys, they get around!
  15. If I'm remembering this correctly, Y&R has won awards for hair/makeup. Significant drop in quality from then to now.
  16. Either Forrester really does have stupid people working there, or, they're not as high end as I thought they were supposed to be (as kia112 says above). Rick was supposedly overcharging clothing from the latest line in an effort to sink it, and I recall Caroline being appalled at the prices. However, those prices were comparable with the likes of Chanel or Dior, which I thought would be considered Forrester's main competition. So if anything, they've been undercharging all these years.
  17. The way the "matriarch" was acting on yesterday's show, all I can say is I really hope Nicole (I think that's what Maya's sister said her name is) does to something to show that little miss "honest & trustworthy" isn't all she's making herself out to be.
  18. Oh, I'm sure they are. I guess it's too much to hope they have a plan as to where they're going :( Same here. With Ridge & Bridget, that whole she's your daughter...no she's your sister...no she's your nothing... was stomach churning. "Uncle" Rick being involved with Phoebe, then Steffy, wasn't a whole lot better. Honestly I doubt the show would bother to explore who Caroline's father is. They seem to have forgotten that she has gay parents anyway. Speaking of, shouldn't at least one of her moms have come to LA to just be with her?
  19. I've been saving my soaps for the weekend, and I just saw Monday's show. A coupe things: The writing for Maya is making me dizzy. She's a gold digger...no she isn't...yes she is...no she isn't...damn, show, make up your mind! She'll say she'd give everything up if she needed to, she just wants Rick, but then she'll speak of "wanting the finer things...who wouldn't?" While that's true for many people, I often wonder, if she doesn't care about it, why bring it up? And why bring up the "who wouldn't?" Is that her way of rationalizing? Or am I just picking up on something the writers didn't even intend? But as someone astutely mentioned above, you don't see the "Maya giving a shifty look over Rick's shoulder as she's hugging him," so maybe that IS the sign that she loves him. I just wish the show would be more clear. Rick said the has "the ultimate power." I always thought "ultimate power" belonged to world leaders, but what do I know???
  20. Not sure if this is unpopular, but I actually like the way pregnancies are hidden. The huge purses, standing behind a ginormous potted plant, etc. Not that I think it's clever by any means, I just think it's funny.
  21. I agree, completely offensive. But even though Rick is Eric's biological son, Ridge's horrible children let Rick know every chance they had that he is a LOGAN (the humanity!!!!), forgetting who his father is. I don't agree with Rick harping on Eric not being Ridge's "real" father, but I can understand why.
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