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Everything posted by KnoxForPres

  1. Yeah the love train on Cameran is intense. My thing, and I've felt this way for a while is she is playing a role. Remember in There's Something About Mary and (gorgeous) Cameron Diaz says she just wants a guy who golfs, eats hot dogs, and drinks real beer (paraphrased)? I kinda wanted to roll around on the ground tucked in fetal position with laughter at that scene. Not because I think that's crazy, hell I'm dating that guy, but because it was such an in your face "wow, this is the PERFECT" female specimen in a mans perspective. I feel that way about dear Cameran. I think she's like that too often and its wearing thin with me.
  2. So true. Craig's not in the dark about it either. He's made a few comments alluding to it (the Charleston definition of an alcoholic and that his parents likely didn't mean drinking when they said put everything in to what you do). He's damn good looking, on a Bravo show, has a law degree, yeah, I'd be doing it too if I'm honest. Hell I did it with sort of one out of three of those. In a huge soap opera-esque betrayal of loyalty, I found Shep annoying this week. I am on Craig's side on this one. I guess I don't find "I have a trust fund and am a decade older, therefore do as I say, not as I do" a great inspirational speech. More I thought "fuck you, Shep" (blasphemy!). Also kinda think the whole dirty room is being treated more like we found used syringes and spoons and packets of white powder. He's a bachelor; it happens. Indeed, dear friends, it feels like Opposite Day (phone capitlaized, ha!) when I'm not groveling and pining for Shep. Don't make the kid without a silver spoon the bad guy. We should all be so lucky to have that nothing can happen to me and isn't life such a song and dance due to my ancestors working to guarantee such self esteem.
  3. I'm so screwed. How am I expected to betroth someone with lineage names like dear grandmother Meta Cantey Boykin? This is getting bleaker by the minute. Maybe Shep has a friend with a granny Ida Mae Willerby I can use as a runner up. He's outclassed me once again....le sigh.
  4. Indeed, my friend. He's one Id have a hop, skip, and.a jump home whilst doing the walk of shame.
  5. Yay! I'm not a stalker either (yet) but I, happen to know it was the Bumper Sticker Tee. Guys, we gotta make a road trip happen. I love Charleston and to go to his place with like minded souls would fulfill a happiness I've only dreamt of. Think if I get hammered and say "I'm 35, single never married, no kids (all true) too, Shep! My dowry is that of a 4 Runner and a few boxes of shells and cheese, but damn it, let's make this happen" would work? Yes? No? Putting Landon accent on now saying "okaaayyyy, fiiinnnne"
  6. I don't know how to post a link from my phone (hangs head in shame)! Berts Market in Folly Beach. They have some fun stuff! Looks like a bad ass market.
  7. I have no clue what the above is about and not enough interest to google, but assume a musical artist made a song about a RH?! Had no idea people outside of us Bravo junkies knew these people exist. I could write a love song about Shep if indeed there is a market. Call me, Taylor! I think why it bugs Kathryn is why JDs comment about Hooters bugged me. She needs to cut the political bullshit and just admit that she hates that "hot" women were part of the commercial . Would it win a campaign? No. I bet she'd be less offended if she was last season size zero (I think she looks better now). She's not feeling her sexiest and knowing Thomas and Whitney went for hot girls is wreaking havoc on her self esteem. Of course that's my opinion, only. The Hooters comment made me kind of cross my arms around my small chest. It's our fucked up society, yet women are supposed to be "cool" about it all and not admit we often feel physically inferior due to photoshopped images dominating what is "hot". So I really liked the tee Shep had on during post party cleanup and found it online! It's from a market in Folly Beach. I bought one! I feel closer to Shep already (cue creepy music). For how gorgeous Cameron is, it almost seems with intent at this point that she talks with her mouth full. I oddly admire Craig for straight owning his laziness. He's not giving us or anyone lip service of motivation. Ya know, if you're going to be a slacker, be that kind.
  8. Cosign. Was watching with my boyfriend who in all seriousness was questioning why he'd do the polygraph. I had to deliver the bad news of plot contrivance. I took issue with his jogs not missing a beat. Look dumbass, join a gym, run laps at a high school, anywhere outside the doomed path or near the cameras. To keep a viewer engaged you can't throw Jack wannabe Black neighbor or that guy who babysat the kids that clearly got Phillipes hackles up and throw us nothing. Who the hell are they? What about the news showing up and his wife being like "I'm going to be late for work" while adjusting her lapel. Could we have a less realistic sequence of events? A fucking real estate agent? Neurosurgeon, maybe. I may stay in bc the comment that she was playing the wooden thing from Cheers got me laughing so much as did several other posts. I could see this site driving my interest to keep on.
  9. I just finished season one rewatch from Dvr. I forgot how much better it was back in the day. Words I never thought Id say and had forgotten- at the core, they were all likable! Well, I have lots of Alex/Simon problems, but otherwise, damn this was good. I'm an unabashed reality TV lover. I never imagined there would be a time I no longer cared about the BH Housewives. I DVRed it and could not get through two episodes. NY season one, not ashamed to admit, I paused for cocktail and restroom breaks. The whole "behind the gates" thing is what I love! I have a high shit tolerance. I watched that show The Swan back in the day for gods sake. How and why Bravo thinks people yelling at each other is entertainment confuses me. To me, it's become akin to the VH1 shows I never watched. I hate screaming and bitching. They had such a good premise early on! I like seeing the "xxx dollars for facial stuff" that Ramona had. It's like baby Jesus came down and blessed us with Alex and Simon and their highbrow life and dilapidated house! Her false sense of ego fulfilled a Cadbury creme egg fix. It doesn't get better than this. Hell Jill was amazing! And ole Bethenny hustling and loving the former Jason who seems completely not into her. The Countess discussed class at Ramona's dinner party! I wanted to jump in and say " you will sing about that, be divorced, then fuck a Johnny Depp pirate wannabe before it's all said and done". This was a damn good show. It's why we all watched. Hats off most to OC but NYC brought the goods early on. What a shame.
  10. I think in general the more bullshit shows I watch (The Bachelor, Vanderpump Rules etc) hate is used because it feels right. Like I hate Sean. Yet I could never hate Roger from Mad Men, who is infinitely worse. For me (and I wasn't the author of said quote, just my thoughts) on what I deem D grade shows I kinda rest well going "fuck, I hate Kelsie" Taking it seriously and analyzing it takes out the escape I rely on and need.
  11. Yes, agreed. He's doing a disservice by "one day" or "when this happens" to Katie. I think a true ultimatum vs a nudge typically backfires. I learned years ago a guy can say future forward thoughts but whoa, whoa not marriage! Katie would be wise to sit back and ask herself if she's obsessed with the notion and that's driving it or if she really wants to marry Schwartz. You've got choices too, Katie! You can choose employed! With that said, I think Schwartz is cute as hell, but his slacker-ness (no evidence of trust fund) would have worn me down. Hopping around while modeling a few times a year can't pull in that much. Didn't Tom S bring back a breakfast burrito (we can split it) to Ariana? Didn't Kristen ask she not be there when she made her glorious mail stop? I thought they were shacking up. For the smartest girl in the room, she should look at Katie as evidence A why not to do that. This crew doesn't shack up and marry. They shack up and bang randoms in Miami and Vegas. Fuck, one may come back to call you on your transgression! Didn't ole Tom live with Kristin many years with no sign of a .25 cubic z? Smartest girl, haha.
  12. It irritates me that CH was told or really does find onion Ashley worthy of 1:1 talk much less personal BIP invite. When she's on, I'm watching the clock wondering when it will end. Nothing about her entertains me. Either "Sammy" was so heavily edited we missed the good stuff or she's delusional. Claiming the fake panic attack was the reason for her boot was so poorly played. Wonder if she had just sat there looking gorgeous she could have pulled a Juan Pablo part 2 and won the heart of Bachelor Nation. Britt having the tearful tete a tete with CH was over the top. She was convinced that when Farmer Chris locked eyes with her, it would all come back Oh how the mighty have fallen. The entire thing proved her leaving was fake and Farmer Chris was supposed to drop to his knees and beat his chest pleading her to stay! When that didn't happen, it's now Carly's fault? Umm, sure. I thought virgin Ashley looked great. So when they replayed Kelsey's montage, on 2nd viewing I got such a kick out of her narration. And I am zero percent mocking him, but could there ever be a better name than Sanderson Poe? Her amazing story even involves first/last name must be said together out of a Dickens novel. I think Kaitlyn is "okay". Several times I thought she looked like Megan Fox so that can't be a bad thing to hear. I hate her fashion choices. Shallow, but I'd likely view her better if I didn't hate her clothes so much. What the fuck was that white garbage she was wearing? I thought it was hilarious the drunk viewing party couldn't even give poor Farmer Chis his much deserved shot. Twice broken? Come on girls, you had one objective. Also, there was what, maybe 8 to 10 there? It looked like their viewing party was on a 32" Emerson TV circa 2000. Not one of those girls has a better TV for the viewing party? And all that corn at the other! I was thinking there are lots of themes they could have gone for than...corn. Corn salad, corn muffins, corn jerky, lol. Other than that, I'd like to be at that party and want the mom who kissed Farmer Chris as next b'ette if she's single.
  13. I completely agree with you. I didn't view it as weakness, I viewed it as honesty that comes from a broken heart. That sounds cheesy even typing, but oy vey a heartbreak is the worst. And Adam royally screwed her in so many ways. My fave part was when they were in the laundry mat and Hannah comes out of the bathroom and Mimi Rose has given the lady the poem and H says (from memory only) "Ok, I was in there like two minutes". There was a joy in Hannah in the school and teachers lounge that was really nice to see. Id like more of that. Know when she said she quit in short terms bc she she lacked the talent in Iowa? Did I just watch all those scenes wrong? I didn't think she'd been there long enough to know if she was top, middle, or bottom dog. But wouldn't a place like that work to enrich and develop you? Her admission, and maybe it was defense mechanism that she just didn't want to put the effort into it, didn't really mirror what I saw in Iowa. Whether I'm getting weaker or Girls is getting stronger, I'm liking it more (excluding season one which I loved).
  14. But he doesn't seem to me like a person who does coke. He may, not arguing, but just don't see it. However....he seems to me massively hungover plus steroids/weird things guys who lift do. He is the one person who consistently looks shitcanned next morning (exhibit A: Miami). I've only read in novels of course, but from what I understand, he doesn't strike me as a massive coke user, but a heavy drinker with little sleep and little to no water; rinse and repeat.
  15. I had the same thought! And Andi said this was her greatest failure. Look out ladies, it's going to be a bumpy ride :)
  16. Yes, this is what I think too. She doesn't care about "the truth" or equality amongst the infidels, she needs Tom back in her life. And badly. And yet. In Miami when Sandoval did his Razzie worthy crying fit, that was like kerosene on Kristen's internal fire. He should know that emotions and handholds etc will be multiplied by a conservative billion in her mind. That's like one baby step away from proposal to her. And he and Ariana are so fucking smug (always), but really amp it up when she's around. I try to put myself in his shoes and I wouldn't be making out with my new guy if my ex of 4 years is at the table. Pathetic really, even if the ex slept with 2 randoms in Vegas and 3 girls in Miami. It's all transparent. 10-4 you smug assholes. We know Ariana is so incredibly cool (she can part her hair above her ear!!!) and that she prefers breakfast burritos over tsk, tsk cheating rumors. And that leaves sweet, young James. I remember being that age and whoo boy I got royally fucked a 101 ways older by guys so he will be just fine. You live and learn, kiddo. Bet this show helps because he comes off pretty damn good (an impossible feat) and girls at bars, work, etc with the nice age of 22 will be like "Oh I can give you better, sweet Brit! Come hither, my love". And I dislike Stassi. She annoys me in that I think she has some pretty damn good one liners. But they don't feel organic. They feel like "people on those blogs and sites are going to fucking love this one". However, a hat off to admitting to some weight gain. That, as a female, is not easy to do. Good for her coming on the show knowing she put on a few and acknowledging it. Most of us go up and down 10 to much more throughout life so to see CA, vanity driven Stassi say she did too was nice. Fuck that was a hundred paragraphs longer than intended. Vanderpump Rules. I can write 10K words. A resume in case I need it one day bc life happens? I need a pinot and nap stat. Not good, not good.
  17. I'm 35, childless and husband less so admit I'm not totally understanding of this mindset, but... Whitney saying she was ready to movie to Iowa and have babies seemed too much too fast. I wish she had said ready to start a life with him. Chris appears to take the housewife/mother role seriously. What if she moves to Arlington and landed a job as a traveling nurse or something? Chris, rightfully could say "you said in no uncertain terms you wanted children and fast". I don't know, that's just kind of overprmising. What if she finds him boring and wants to annul the marriage? Chris would have the right to be like, the hell? Just doesn't seem any reason Whitney should say (to a guy that longs for those words) essentially she would be fine getting knocked up on the honeymoon. I think Becca is beautiful. In a real way. So pretty. I have concern for Chris should he choose Whitney. I think she's done a great job at portraying herself as the logical pick. Again, not qualified as a girl so may be off base, but Im not sure Chris is that sexually turned on. She is possibly the good on paper mate for him. Like a girl he is sexually into could walk down the road one day and JP style he thinks "ay ay yi" and looks at Whit in her Lily Pulitzer digs and social graces and has regret. With that said, not sure she's wanting to lay in bed with him all day either (gag). Yet I think both could find that with another , just don't think it's there. And that's important....very important.
  18. I have utmost respect for what goes into a farm. But as asked above, can the rich landowner hire staff to do that and live elsewhere majority of the time? Why is it mandatory the CEO is hands on? That's a real question with zero sarcasm so hope that is conveyed.Haha, sorry I read that wrong! So they can and do live elsewhere. Damn then Chris, throw these ladies a bone and let them know it's not as bleak as it seems. Apologies for my misread. Is/is not Chris responsibility is a huge difference :) So glad we have you!
  19. Wow. Britt losing it like that was so fun to watch. She's on a reality tv show called The Bachelor, not in its first season, and feels entitled enough to sit there and make awkward talk about how she should be Queen Bee? Ha! And I know a majority find her breathtaking, I find her cross eyed (or something there with eyes). And that interminably long, ugly cry was magnificent. I did think the other two went over the top on how she's ruined her chances. In my experience, being both a 3rd party observer and the crazy girl, if a guy finds you hot, he will put up with some crazy. Yeah as a girl, Whitney is tough for me, because I wouldn't want to really be her friend. I think she'd laugh too hard at something I meant to be mildly funny. Those girls drive me crazy with the fakeness. When she got up and did some stupid "hug it out!!!!" It all felt like an act. Funny Chris likes her bc in social settings she excels, well, uhhhh, outside of Peter (made up name) who makes Folgers in the dilapated building, where will that trait be of use in Arlington? Why are the girls having to sell Arlington? First Carly gave a pep talk in one on one, now Jade and Britt have. It's like Chris might as well say "I am not well endowed. At all. And don't know how to make the best of this situation. Make me feel ok about this" Like come on douchebag, present Arlington in a way that she can see her life there not "my kitchen is my favorite, but there is not Jack shit to do here and I need you to make that ok for me". The hell?
  20. Not sure where you are, but if you're near TN and keep ordering things like that consider me your new BFF. We can put pajamas on and watch Golden Girls and eat rangoons! You are not alone, you've got us!
  21. Interesting. I've never busted my ass and knocked teeth and cracked others. Mind you I've busted my ass after too many cocktails, but the chompers stayed intact. What kind of fucking fantastic fall was this? I almost see like a slow motion somersault somehow being involved. Yes, I know real and horrific falls happen everyday. Myself fell once and had a compound ankle fracture. Oddly, it didnt end in litigation (and yes, in hindsight guess it could). Schena is just a walking disaster. How many times has she been hurt? How many times has she sued? Hooters too? Haha, this show is so much better than fiction.
  22. Before I read you say anti V day I was thinking "ooh la la, ole Harrie married someone who makes best meals ever!" Heck no, it's perfect for Valentines and sounds so, so good! Enjoy!I am a strict recipe follower, but I admit, one night after a bit too much vino, I created a great shrimp recipe. Got a text this AM that Earthfare had their King crab legs on sale so trekked out on autopilot. So my shrimp, crab legs, baguette (for dipping in sauce from shrimp, yum) and Caesar salad. Ok, dated a guy forever who loves ceasar salad. But not the make your own dressing kind, he's a simple man. After extensive research, believe it or not Wal Marts Great Value Ceaser is the best when you want that "no frills, this is not fancy" taste. I don't shop there, but have him pick it up. (Yes, doing V day with ex, cut me some slack, Jack :)
  23. I'd marry him as long as didnt make me sign a prenup, haha. He just doesn't seem like a prize. It seems about 90% Chris and Britt goes along because she's smart enough to understand her enviable position Even on the 2 on 1 date it seems a kick ass guy would acknowledge the elephant and say "let's still the make the most of this". Instead we got Chris looking severely constipated and there might as well been thought bubbles saying "shit! What do I do". I think when you're the lead, you've got a lot of power. So had he asked those 2 to try to let the other stuff go for a bit, I think they would have half ass tried. Instead it turned into Gossip Girl, xoxo. Mind you I think the outcome would have been the same. But in a sense, the lead is the host, and he should have done better with his guests. And I know the token Producer card is about to be thrown, but I'm going to trump it and call bullshit, if the lead wants to play something a certain way (like with maturity and grace), they're going to let him.
  24. Even though I dont know her except one sentence, I still think that spot is reserved for Samantha. Wow! I really didn't like how Chris bolted after coming back hand in hand with Britt. It put all of the onus on her which wasn't okay. Man up, acknowledge the situation, and deal with it Chris. Kelsey's ego is astounding. Generally with these types you can tell their end game is screen time; I firmly believe she means every enunciated syllable. My only problem is a sick part of me wonders if that delusion yields happiness. Does Kelsey know something I dont? Could keep me up if I thought it through too much. Triscuit and Ritz help me, but I thought Ashley was great. She had a realization she got emotional when she was around him and couldn't stop it all the same. I went to summer camp and I can say, I've never felt the passion/love/what the fuckedness I felt as a youngster for the boys I met there. I think she suffered from that. Closed environment=love for Evah when young and naive. Cannot imagine other girls vying for the guys. Experience is wonderful and painful. Can't believe I'm pulling a 180, but I think she's a virgin with little to no past with guys. I can't remember and wish I'd write this shit down, but early with the horse date Chris said, and it's the descriptive word that fails "this is such a perfect date and it's because (girl on horse date) is perfect". Fuck Chris, same word? And not that it matters, because we all know or have heard what we have interest in, but I live in the great state of Tennessee (yep Nashville is capital) and if you put a TN rifle to my temple couldn't name a song or if they were even men re: Big and Rich. Yes, I have heard that name. But I went to see The Black Keys in Atlanta a few months ago, because I like them. I don't expect everyone in Maine to know how to catch a lobster nor, outside of Madonna (the Beatles?) do I think there is probable universally known artist much less song recognition. With that, as a fan of music, I wish a Big and Rich (the name alone!) fan had gone bc how amazing to be on stage with one of your faves.
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