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Everything posted by RCharter

  1. I was confused by his annoyance too. I think he wanted "trendsetter" right? I like his stuff, but its not trendsetting. All of his stuff is for a girl who wants to be sexy, he should have been delighted to get bombshell. Hey, Ashley has had some growth, at least she didn't cry this week.
  2. I really think Tim would be best served by taking some time off. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and right now I've had too much of him. I keep trying to forgive and forget after UTG but he seems so joyless and mean spirited now and so its all I can think of. If he just gave himself a few years I think people would remember him fondly whether they were fans or detractors and he could either re-join PR or start another show. No matter what, a show about fashion would always benefit from original flavor Tim Gunn. When he was at his peak there was no other mentor like him on any of the fashion show. He was absolutely the top of that "field." I don't know how much longer PR can survive under these conditions. It seems like such a joke so maybe he needs to pull a MK Houdini act get the last lifeboat off the Titanic. this is both corny and hilarious! good job!
  3. I don't have CBS All Access, but I have been able to watch it on the CBS website on Friday night after it airs. I got in early enough that I don't remember any commercials either. I'm not above paying to watch TAR, but if I can watch it for free....win/win/win!
  4. Exactly. Paging Elena..... For those of you who miss MK.... I can never not laugh when I look at the second clip...
  5. I think at some point they will, or at least should have a time jump of about 3-4 years. It has to take a whole lot of boring and hard work for Bruce to gain the skill set to become Batman. I think they should show some of it, but I feel like showing a lot of it would be boring. I mean, how many times do I really want to see Bruce have his butt kicked by a martial arts master, or have Alfred show him he is doing it all wrong? How many rough drafts of the Batdance do I want to see?
  6. I can see why this would put people off. I don't think he had any ill intent and meant to be self deprecating. I come from a pretty educated family. When we have problems doing simple tasks I often joke "How many degrees does it take to [insert simple task]? I asked this the last time we were all trying to figure out how to connect an "easy to install" sound system to the TV. I just think its funny because with as much education as a person may have they aren't above being befuddled by something that guy who installs car stereos could do in his sleep. And the same way a person who is as educated as the doctor is isn't above finding himself in a situation where he is collecting cardboard boxes on the street.
  7. I think you're absolutely right. I also think its why Bello was so over the top in his behavior to get back onto the show. I feel like he was hoping for a little producer manipulation by showing the producers that he had no problem being the villain and starting drama in order to attract viewers. Unfortunately for him they ended up letting back on one of the happier contestants. I just feel like Devin could have been just as well served by being goofy, a little dramatic, but toning it down about 20 degrees from the way he is behaving now.
  8. LOL -- men have been doing this for years, its all part of feminism. At least you're not Kelly, sometimes I think she is going to try to molest him on screen. But I can't even blame her.
  9. I get that he may be trying to be a TV Personality, but does he think the personality he has chosen is likable? I could understand him thinking that he should get into acting, and tying that with the TV personality thing, but than do you show up to an acting challenge behaving the way he did? I would applaud him for being goofy if it was funny or endearing. Does he thing that whatever he and Mikey have going is winning hearts and minds?
  10. He has taken this as a joke too often. I was glad to see that he was able to be professional enough to put aside the fact that he was paired with Bello and didn't immediately engage in some personal argument. But Devin has been signed to 6 agencies and has been in the "business" for so many years. He should know how big of an opportunity this show is and treat it accordingly instead of showing up to some of the challenges behaving the way he does.
  11. Credit where its due. If you've raised a child in this day and age that is genuinely happy and thankful for socks you've raised a good kid.
  12. she is really looking to be the Maya Angelou of the modelling industry. Or that guy on the street who yells crazy words at you. I can't really tell where she is going with this, but I could see it ending in a book about modelling.
  13. Its nice to know there is an actual date for this blessed event. She could be in the sausage. I'm just saying -- when your tagline is "we make family" and you're a sausage company..... I wouldn't eat the chili at their house. Or the hamburger. I might even take a pass on the tofu. ETA: Having said that, I would eat the chili before I would eat the Yoplait yogurt.
  14. I'm don't remember how it all went down. But from what I remember -- Julie had really seemed to let it go about the yoga thing by the next day. It seemed to be done and over and she was joking about it. And than Caroline went out of her way to make sure everyone in the room knew that she really WASN'T sorry for what she said. Which is what I thought brought it all up again. Because I can certainly agree that Julie getting that upset over the yoga thing was probably over the top. But announcing in a room full of people that you're "taking back your apology." is just an asshole move IMO. Its mean spirited and unnecessary and meant to cause maximum embarrassment. I think I would have been put off by something like that, because it is purposefully being mean. There was nothing funny or amusing about it at all. It shouldn't be fun to fight against someone who won't fight back. So, I can see her being upset about Caroline's public retraction of her apology the next day.
  15. If I had it I would. I have to make do with YouTube clips, and seriously, even 10 minutes of season 2 makes me miss old Project Runway. Tim looked so much happier. People could have fun. The clothes were amazing. MK is on fire. Whoever said they are just content now to run the show into the ground and squeeze out every penny is right. I wish they would just give it up so someone else could bring a decent fashion based reality show to market. Something with MK judging.
  16. I think it was some abomination from the JustFab wall designed to try to cover up the fact that he didn't have a zipper sewn in. I didn't think it looked awful on the dress, but it didn't look natural. No one wants to wear a girdle...that sounds so mumsy ;) I miss that the workroom used to be such fun. Who can forget Santino/Andre/Tim/Red Lobster? But they barely have time to talk, so most of what you see in the workroom is them running or saying hi while they are eating. And while you were having that fun you could see the different state of their outfits, and what they were doing to them.
  17. I was watching Cool Runnings the other day...and it made me so sad for Cynthia. Leon--take her away!
  18. I don't know, I sort of admired her for recognizing her over sensitivity as a fault. There are many overly sensitive people who will convince you that the problem is you and not them. Juliet strikes me as one of those people, but I think nothing is ever Juliet's fault where Juliet is concerned.
  19. I agree -- an 8 puts her under the frontrunners. I'm not sure why Hadasa only got a 9 -- don't challenge winners normally get a 10? The fact that they edit her so horribly makes me like her because I feel like she is an underdog. Even when she wins the challenge and has a great picture she still can't catch a key to the Tyra suite. I think Nyle's photo was phenomenal, and I'm happy for him to get the suite, but I wish she could catch a break every once in a while. I felt like the go see challenge was sort of unfair to do this on. A designer's opinion of a model may have nothing to do with what it will take to be successful in ANTM. Not all the models will do runway work, and the taller models are going to have an unfair advantage. Courtney is not ready for runway work, but she could potentially be a successful model who does editorial and high fashion. I wish both challenges had been based on picture or on something else where they all had a level playing field.
  20. The clothing has to be secondary....they are only giving them 7 hours to make them! Nina should knock it off, matronly is right around the corner for her.
  21. Not to be a stickler, but aren't all these items already on McDonalds dollar menu? I don't eat gluten anymore, so its been a long time since I've stepped foot in a McDonalds, but It looks like a $1.00 sandwich/4 pc nuggets. A small fry ($1.00 last time I checked). And a small soda (in my area, you can get any size soda at most McD's for $1.00 according to the window signage). So what is the $.50 surcharge for? The brilliant ad campaign?
  22. I would have thought the same, but the reporters seemed to do the statue task without a hitch. It wasn't hard to place the statue in the back of the truck in a way to keep it from breaking, it wasn't like the person in the back had to try to hold it together while navigating bumpy roads, the statue wasn't made out of a fragile material. I guess you could have easily gotten lost, but they didn't. I do think that given the choice I would have gone for the cardboard because you just don't know any of the variables going into the statue challenge. Yeah, I despise Justin but I also don't quite understand why. He and his stupid collection of green handbands, bandanas, hats and caps can't get off my screen soon enough. Although I predict an ocean of tears if/when it happens. I also don't think I would like the Texans very much if they didn't hate Justin...but the enemy of my enemy and all... I sort of feel like he did that the first challenge with the water bikes. The Texans broke theirs somehow, and while I wouldn't expect Justin to help, I remember him doing/saying something that made me think "ewww." I hope they aren't some fan favorite that the show is going to go out of their way to save. Although, I will say that I respect that he and a few other teams seemed to have made the effort to learn/retain spanish.
  23. Thank you! He is so freaking annoying, and I don't even quite understand why. He and his green headwear just grate my very last nerve. And enough with the tears. I wish he would be booted so we can get his final river of tears out of the way already. How is that poor woman ever going to marry him? So glad the track girls were able to stay in the race, and in spite of themselves Texas team is growing on me. There are still a lot of teams I forget about/don't care about. Reporters, Paparazzi, the Doctors, the Cheerleaders. I also love mother/son team, I really love their story because it seems like one where love won over small-mindedness. I like track girls too. Absolutely agreed that the cardboard looked suspiciously new. I kept thinking "wouldn't you recycle USED cardboard?
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