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  1. This has been my MAIN problem with Survivor in the last few years. Jeff Probst has inserted himself way too much into the game. His talks with the contestants at Tribal Council are so invasive that they practically telegraph what the players are doing. I liked it better in the early days when Jeff asked about how things were going around camp. Now the discussions are all about analyzing game play while the game is happening. It's like you can figure out exactly who is betraying whom just by listening to the tone of his questions. He brings things up that the players may not have even thought of before Tribal Council. I also think his incessant commentary during the challenges messes with the players concentration. That's another part of the show which I think Jeff needs to take a step back.
  2. It’s so funny you mention this because last night I was thinking Liana was given some type of acne scrub. Her face looked refreshed and glowing — the zits all gone. Anyway, this season America got to see in real time all of the burdens and obstacles Black players are up against. One of them being how difficult it is for us to work together — especially among Black men and women. That’s why DeShawn was so emotional because he knows he looks bad with Black viewers. This is also why the BB alliance was so significant because it’s actually really hard to get six African Americans to work together in these types of games. And the only reason why it worked was because the women were ultimately willing to be second tier to the men. So combine that challenge with the added responsibility of representing the community correctly and the fact that you’re automatically a target among white players… and you’ll understand the frustrations of Black players.
  3. Say what you want, but Shan was great television and she will be sorely missed in this game.
  4. As a Black person, I’m embarrassed, shocked, appalled after watching Azah make just about the worst decision I’ve seen on this show. She is a perfect representation of otherwise sensible women who lose all their brain cells at the slightest chance of getting some lovin’ and attention from men. I should add that these are men who time and again have shown themselves to be selfish and untrustworthy— yet women like Azah do their bidding anyway. Truly pathetic!
  5. Actually, I think just the opposite will happen. White players will automatically assume Black players are working together. Whites will be “forced” to target some of the African Americans, with the justification that they “simply can’t take the chance” and embarrass themselves in front of America by “falling for the same trick again.” They will take the stance Cody had last season that they’re here to win the money, not support social messages. So what will happen is an X, Ky and Hannah will get evicted early on (just not back-to-back so there will be semblance of colorblind play), while the Azahs and DerekFs will be allowed to stick around. In other words, the weak and non-threatening POC will get to stay. I think the producers are also going to select fewer Black players and instead add more Asian and Hispanic players. Will those ethnic groups also play based on race remains to be seen. I blame the white alliances of the last two seasons for the mess we’re in now… because they refused to care about how things looked or change their gameplay, even though fellow players pointed out the negative racial history of BB. At the very least, the white players coming in had to be aware of the racial problems in the past,
  6. I don't think Korey is interested in women period. He seems more interested in Jeremy. The kid is extremely boring, has no game, talks like a 5-year-old, and has ghastly tattoos scribbled all over his body (an image he can't even pull off). With all that said, Korey has remained on the show this entire season -- taking up space that should have really gone to the Harvard guy. Voting off Aimee was a HORRIBLE mistake. She is one of the most beautiful women to ever grace a television screen. Voting off Cinco was another BAD move. He brings the triangles. He gets the women going. That's what makes this show work ... when there are super sexy people on that make the other islanders completely lose their mind. Males with more testosterone needed stat -- not dudes just there to hang out with the bros (looking at you Jeremy). Trina is GORGEOUS! The way she's being portrayed as lesser-than or some ugly duckling is completely ridiculous. The best moments of the season was the Cinco-Cash-Trina mess and Kyra's man being seduced by "cheeks."
  7. I hate how GH submits trumped-up special episodes that have nothing to do with the actual storylines and are clearly Emmy bait, yet the judges fall for it all the time. Clips submitted for Best Daytime Drama should feature the shows’ ongoing storylines, with the actors playing their regular characters. That’s a true reflection of the quality delivered by the soap that year. Submitting a black & white special on the suffrage movement tells me that the actual storylines that year weren’t worth a damn.
  8. This might not be a popular opinion but every part that Roger Howarth plays just ends up being another version of Todd. He’s a one-note actor and a very overrated actor. I don’t know why GH continues to jump through hoops to keep this man employed.
  9. Drew is the most physically unattractive housewife to be featured on RHOA.
  10. It's so interesting how one episode can trigger such vastly different responses. I've been trying to figure out why I'm thoroughly enjoying this season and others clearly are not. For me, the Bachelorette is pure fantasy. I leave all thinking at the door. I just want to be entertained. This show is so different from my real life, my high-pressure job and the additional strain of 2020. And that's exactly how I like it -- pure escapism. I don't tune in to learn about global issues or proper grammar construction. I just sit back and let the show take me on this journey -- no spoilers for me! If there's a season with a lead I absolutely hate, if most of the contestants don't interest me or the interesting ones aren't given any airtime, I simply tune out that season. What makes this season especially interesting for me is I really like this Bachelorette, so the idea of all these guys vying for her love makes sense. I can buy into the fantasy. Also, the Clare debacle during the first part of the season was actually a godsend because we got the opportunity to really get to know most of these contestants -- not just two or three. It also helps that many of these guys are more mature than the usual batch of bachelors.
  11. Tonight's episode was CRAZY!! I was not expecting this Bennet twist AT ALL! Is this the first time that one of the Bachelor contestants initially considered a joke and supporting storyline material suddenly moves up to the first tier candidates -- especially so late in the season? Anyway, this is the best Bachelorette season for me.
  12. Speaking as a Black American, I need to respond to some of these comments: The topic Ivan was discussing is the same conversation that happens in most Black American households. He should be applauded for bringing up the issue on a nationally viewed reality show, but he shouldn’t be considered a genius or “the one” for Tay based on that convo. Now he may actually be both of those things, but we should come to that conclusion based on other factors. Frankly, any of the African-Americans on the show could have expressed similar concerns. As for Tay, she did the right thing by not speaking for an entire race on a nationally broadcast program. Instead, she stated what the Black Lives Matter movement meant to her. She said as someone who grew up in an all-White community, she finally heard people say her life matters. I think that was powerful and all that she needed to say. I hate it when people expect one individual to explain and analyze all the complexities of racism in this country simply because they are Black.
  13. In Clare's mind, anything Dale does will be extraordinary, cosmic, destined! She already has the storyline of her life laid out -- Dale is simply there to fill the plot points. Clare is very insecure and controlling at the same time, so she needs to be in control of her love story. Everything Dale has done or will do is already known by Clare. This has to be real love because it's just how she imagined -- our thoughts are similar, he's feeling everything I'm feeling, he does everything I expect a real man would do, this is so unthinkable that it has to be real. This is how I see her brain working.
  14. Spencer comes across as gay to me. I'm surprised he's the first guy that stood out to her.
  15. I don't think the editors had to do much manipulating with either edit. We are all very familiar with Tayshia. She's not acting any different from previous seasons. If you remember, several guys were attracted to her on Paradise Island, so the idea of men falling under her "spell" is nothing new. As for Clare, if you look back on previous seasons you'll see that she's always been nutty and desperate. It's just that Juan Pablo was such a scumbag so it made Clare look angelic in comparison. I feel very sorry for Dale. I think he's continuing to go along with this farce because he feels obligated. I hope there's some way he can exit this relationship gracefully without looking like the bad guy and Clare taking victimhood to a whole new level.
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