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Everything posted by AConspiracy

  1. The voiceover near the end said something about all humans looking younger. I assume it was something the Overlords released in the air to reduce the effects of aging just like they cured diseases etc.So children grow up, but don't "fall apart" as they get older.
  2. If your robot arm is going crazy pushing buttons, can't you just step away from them? You still have control over your legs to move back. Well, it is easy to ARMchair quarterback!
  3. And agent James will join us once he's finished with deprogramming.
  4. Renewed for 2016! http://renewcanceltv.com/battlebots-renewed-for-season-7-by-abc/
  5. My cats also get spooked when the furnace comes on.
  6. Was that Austin Power's time machine making boxes disappear in the lab?
  7. Narcolepsy take me away! Because that would have been preferred over this episode.
  8. That is an impressive spiky bra in the picture. Is she a Fembot from Austin Powers?
  9. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/cbs-mythbusters-cia-drama-816440 Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage are expanding to scripted fare. The Mythbusters co-hosts/exec producers have set up a drama inspired by their real-life experiences at CBS, The Hollywood Reporter has learned. The untitled drama, which has received a script commitment from the network, revolves around two Hollywood special effects artists who are recruited by the CIA to complete seemingly impossible covert ops missions by creatively using the most basic tools from their craft. I sincerely doubt that will ever get off the ground, but it could be interesting.
  10. I noticed a blurb in this week's Entertainment Weekly that was something like: Wayward Pines:One of the summer's successes. The limited sci-fi series did well and had a satisfying ending. So now Fox is scrambling to figure out how to continue the series. Which tells us "limited" is only applied if the ratings are bad.
  11. Is the Lockheed U-2 really the one of the toughest aircraft (in regular use) to fly and land? Could a copter drone cut you enough to badly injure you? They don't really seem to build anything much now. More of "let's try this" or "I want to ride in this".
  12. The effigies / police state the HY put together don't make sense at all. "Nobody can leave" or some saying on the hanged, why say that? This group all knows what is outside the fence, if they want to leave, fine, they know they will get eaten. To me, HY should actively be encouraging people to leave and expand the "normals" domain. Or is the plan "forever" to just sit in town, have picnics and run toy stores? Seems like the last of humanity ought to try to start rebuilding the world and controlling/eliminating the abbies. I'm of the camp now that the abbies should have won. They kill everyone, take over the town, and that is the end of the story. Normal people had their chance, blew it, nature took over and a new species is on top now. Otherwise it is like a group of cavemen staying in a small town, against all the homo sapiens in the rest of the world. And just sitting in there (well except for them doing those Geico commercials).
  13. It also would have been satisfying to see the abbies tearing up Pilcher and trashing the memento office. But in general the ending was expectedly disappointing. After the big reveal about the town overall, the show took a nosedive, and the ending didn't save it.
  14. Icewave is brutal! It's going to take a net to stop him - oh wait.
  15. Who was Gordon with on the phone with near the end? I didn't catch who he was talking to about bringing the kids up to see.
  16. How was the net usage illegal? It wasn't in the rules apparently, but somebody ruled it violated the "spirit" of the competition or something? I think in the original show, fire/flames were illegal but are often used now. It seems like entanglements would be the same.
  17. I thoroughly enjoyed that. The Nightmare bot was from the original series 15 years ago, and it looks about the same. I was kind of glad it didn't win, that just seemed lazy to dust it off from that long ago and put it in there to fight again. I was glad Lisa Winter won.
  18. I was just assuming Gordon is having effects from the drug use. Either leftover from when he did them or he still is using sometimes.
  19. I don't see how Pam and Peter's one night stand in the "current" worked. He woke up the next morning and she had aged decades. So they froze him for a long while, while she continued working on creating WP. Then decided to unfreeze him and put him back in the same hotel room so he could see her older. Then refreeze him for 2000 years so he could cause trouble in future WP? Why bother with all that?
  20. So Pilcher is the ultimate prepper? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Survivalism He doesn't just build a bomb shelter, but segregates a whole town. And has a way to provide it electricity/water/supplies when the whole world is gone Plus develop a new cryogenic procedure to freeze people in the early 2000's. Manage to keep cars/helicopters/gas/technology viable for millenea.
  21. I was happy when cocky football Brendon failed out -
  22. My guess: Maybe the town runners are making clones of people? They seemingly had "duplicates" of his wife and son. If the clones all "start" in 1999 then new copies just think that a year has passed, but they were not active during the last decade. And one Harold clone kills himself in front of his wife and another is killed in town. Kate's clone was activated in town 12 years ago while real Kate lived outside.
  23. What is the "Turkish bazaar"coat/jacket a reference to?
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