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Everything posted by bijoux

  1. The opening of Lilly's episode with the guys vocalizing in the cat reminded me of Jonathan explaining Sister Acts to Abby. I forgot to comment on it after that episode, but I was laughing so hard during it. Jonathan was so into it (as I would frankly be as well) and Abby just wasn't getting the appeal but she was so good natured about it. Back to Lilly, it's not that Jonathan gave her a bad do, it's more that her hair is so gorgeous that this felt like a downgrade. Seriously, how do I get it onto my head? She was really terrific with her patient at the end, I loved it. And Jon seems like such a good egg, no ego, martyrdom or need for pats on the back. It's simply his family needed this of him, so of course he did it. Oh, and thank you, Bobby, for the comment about the thread count. I'm not from the US and I've only ever heard of it from American made media content.
  2. This sounds like such a strange show. Not least of which because I can't remember people ever mentioning anything hospital related when discussing it. As for Will and Grace, I do still laugh at YouTube clips when they pop up. The cartoon-y style works for those small segments when you don't really worry about things like characters IMO.
  3. It feels like a habit he inherited from Mom. Who really seems like a lovely woman, both physically and personality wise, but she also looks like she's been baking non-stop since 1970. But dude, that mask is miraculous. It made so much difference from just one use. No idea. To add to it, why didn't they do something about the beard color? Not necessarily going grey if Ryan felt uncomfortable with it, but make it look more natural at least. I'm going to call out the Five here. What was it with that comment about Ryan buying a house when he doesn't have a family being like a woman buying a wedding dress before meeting her future spouse? First, sexist. Second, why wouldn't he buy a house? He needs to live someplace, so why not make an investment if he has the money? He's obviously doing well for himself judging by that piece of real estate. At least Bobby was against this attitude straight off and either he or Karamo spoke about Ryan actually living his life and inhabiting the house regardless of his marital status. Another thing that bugged was Antoni nagging about the frozen meals. Yes, it would be good to bring more fresh food into the mix, but the dude has two jobs. He obviously needs some time savers. The bit we saw of him with his brothers was typical guy stuff, but it was touching how good he was with the kids and how genuinely happy the sisters-in-law were for him. The family came off like a good bunch.
  4. Wow, Antoni really did peg Abby down right. High strung as f* is just right. Oh my God, girl. I do wish she'd realx and breathe for her own sake more than a bit. That's why I loved seeing her with the councilwoman who had such great chill, all together energy. I do wish Karamo had spent some time trying to find out what her stress reliever might be. Honestly, I have nothing but praise for her dedication and passion, but she needs to streamline it or she's going to burn out. I applaud everyone for doing whatever they could to be compatible with her lifestyle. I will say though that that first dress Tan put her in was very mumsy and I saw it on the clothes rack in her room. At least have it taken in, Tan. She was drowning in it. All the other outfits looked adorable on her. I did laugh at Jonathan commenting about giving her her mom's haircut because I thought it a second before. It's good, though, it suits them both. And okay, speaking of Jonathan, no way would Tan advise one of their guests wearing some of his clothes. It's not a matter of style, but rather that some clother are obviously too small for him. I'm not trying to shame him, but he should sometimes think about going up in size. His first pair of denim shorts was the most egregious culprit. The communal space looked really young and fresh. I wish that Bobby had given her room a bit of a makerover even if I understand his argument about the transient nature of the house occupants. It's probably because I'm the fives's age, but all I could think was, please, give these girls beds. Oh, to be 20 again and able to sleep on the floor, I guess.
  5. It's not that I don't like Queer Eye, but damn, this may be my favorite episode of it. 😂 Okay, second favorite. I don't know if anything will ever top Tom for me. But I can tell you that I'm going to check out Big Mouth. I notice the same at least a season back, but now I'm wondering if he's using smudged eyeliner.
  6. I don't know about Kevin and his ex still being in love, but I'd definitely say there's some co-dependence there. Another thing I don't get is Bobby puttung his bed with a hude headboard in front of his windows. It blocks out all the light and makes cleaining the windows a total pain.
  7. This was such a stupendous, mind-boggling line.
  8. Just wow. Supreme Court justice without practicing law. If that doesn't sum up Phyllis in a nutshell, I don't know what does.
  9. I don't think Pamela was being abused because she was stupid. I think Phyllis saw it that way.
  10. I think her chief motivation was to be the only woman in the room. Foreign policy was perfect because it was (or at least seemed to be) entirely male oriented. She practically orgasmed on that elevator going to see 'Ron' surrounded by all dudes. My overall impression is that she was a supreme mysoginist. I can't think of one woman she seemed to like. She looked down on, used and/or dismissed every single one of them. Phyllis' family was another way to feel superior to those around her. If she gave a crap about any of them, she wouldn't be dismissing her sister-in-law's effort, care and contribution literally every time we saw the woman on screen. I got some fanfic going on in my head about her and the man who approached her outside the hotel. Stupid Pamela not being able to deal with her abusive shithole of a husband was just another way in which Phyllis was better. Gag me. I did really enjoy Blanchett in the backstage during that godawful anti-feminist, anti-gay skit. Was that her closeted son on the piano during it? Effective was just the word that came to mind. I got slightly misty eyed when Bella called Shirley. "Hold the door open for those coming after us." But starting with the footage of real events, the run, Houston, the TV debate and so forth, yeah, my vision got blurry.
  11. I imagine her ending up in a similar marriga to her first.
  12. I really want Pamela to be the first to go. This episode spelled it out that her husband was physically abusive. I hope she takes her kid with her and doesn't come back from Houston. What a fucking vile situation she is in. Abused at home and the rest of the time she's Phyllis' foot soldier while Phyllis drums it into her head that the abuse is her fault and har, har, going to a women's shelter is vacationing on your abusive husband's hard earned dime. Phyllis, may you sweat in front of every man you try to impress and woman you try to denigrate. The attitude shouldn't be surprising though, since it's obviously Eleanor's fault that Phylis regularly lashes out at her, ignores her feelings and undermines her worth whenever she feels threatened by either her or anyone else. The exclusion from the family photo was bad enough already. You know what, Eleanor shouldn't go to one of her other brothers for Thanksgiving, she should hightail it with Pamela. I do like the inclusion of taking a family Christmas photo as Phyllis is turning into more and more of a Grinch. Sadly, I doubt there's any heart there to grow. Only entitlement and that's plenty big enough already. This episode made me realize that I actually don't mind the show ending in two weeks, because I'm planning to watch it all the way through once it does.
  13. As for women and inheritance in Austen, who could forget Lady Catherine de Burgh and Anne? Rosings went to Anne, no distant AF male relative since the property was not entailed. Apparently this was abolished in 1925. I will have to look if entail could be broken if someone was willing to pour time and money into it in the House of Lords.
  14. So what is the difference? I'm pretty sure I never handled either.
  15. I watched it on TV and liked it. I wasn't really on board with the breaking the fourth wall in the beginning, but it wasn't there so much and it didn't bother me on the whole. I do think this may work better for people outside the US, where this casehasn't made that much splash. I have heard of it, but only remember it in the vaguest terms. I had no idea who Gretchen Carlson was and likely forgot that Megyn Kelly was a part of it. I think the movie could have used more scenes like the one in which Megyn went on about white Santa and Jesus because I think this is an important part of this issue. I wouldn't want to be friends with these women, but they still didn't deserve what they went through. Margot Robbie is just so consistently great when she is given material. He phone call scene was the definite highlight for me. You know, I actually thought the brunette assistant would turn out to be one of the victims.
  16. That's a lot of flour per day. Are they large families?
  17. There is flour, yeast is more tricky and the stores put a limit on how much you can buy. Even though I'm shocked how much people are buying it. Fourth week of isolation is underway, and I can tell you that the yeast consumption is at its usual levels in my house. I.e. zero. I get that you bake regularly, I'm not talking about that, but about the people who are hoarding it unnecessarily. It just seems wasteful and pointless.
  18. Happy Easter to thhose who celebrate. I don't, but my fourth graders were sending me pics of their Easter eggs, so it came to the point where it felt rude not to reciprocate.
  19. You know, that's the kicker. One school is using Microsoft Teams and the other GSuite for education. So it's not like there aren't readily available options.
  20. The latest is bombing people with pornographic and racist images. But who knows what malaware might be paired with those. Singapore, I think, banned its use for schools.
  21. I will say one thing, my stationary bike has seen way more use in the past few weeks than it did between July, when I bought it, and before the isolating started. Though something started to rattle in one of the pedals on Wednesday, and I haven't been on it since. Are you guys using Zoom? I'm taking yoga classes over it and both my principals decided to hold staff meetings this way, but it seems at least two articles about safety concerns pop up daily.
  22. We're on week three of online schooling. Yours truly has sort of been elected to be in charge of it for one of the schools she works for. Which translated into training colleagues, and that thing about doctors being the worst patients sort of translates to teachers being the worst students. Thankfully, the incessant phone calls and messages have died down, and I'm being very strict with myself. Available to students from 8 am to 4 pm. Everything that comes after that waits for the next day. Social distancing is widely encouraged and the curve is pretty flat, so I'm happy about that, but I leave the apartment once to twice a week. Honestly, the getting ready process is a hassle, what with the mask and gloves. Last time I went out the sun was strong, so I had sunglasses as well. Say hello to your friendly neighborhood bank robber. Also started to exercise daily. A combination of yoga and stationary bike. There are some great sites I've discovered. Here are two that pop to mind. http://filmedonstage.com/news/76-free-musicals-and-plays-you-can-now-stream-during-the-coronavirus-outbreak-updating-daily http://radio.garden/visit/wichita-ks/M4PTJgvd
  23. So, update, the schools in Croatia are closed down. The region neighboring Italy starting Friday, the rest of the country as of Monday. The staff is still expected to show up, though they are dialing it back and saying it’s until the proper channels for online classes are set up. I’ve already told the principal at one of the schools I work at that I’m planning on working from home and not mingling at school for no reason but to enable virus spreading.
  24. So far so good, but I expect it's going to get worse. There are cases cropping up, but the government seems terribly lax in taking action. A region bordering Italy, where a lot of people commute to work in Italy on a daily or weekly level, appealed to shut down schools because of concern. They got a big, fat no.
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