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Everything posted by MunichNark

  1. Is that a recent photo? She looks tiny. Along with Jackson, the children who remain forever tiny. Re that breakfast, that is breakfast????? Seriously? What is the bread looking stuff on the right? Strange looking food (apologies to you US lot.....), apart from the pancakes I can't even figure out what it is.
  2. Uuuuugh, I can't bear to look at him anymore. I find his looks repulsive. I hope that will settle down soon
  3. 30 days? That would not be long enough for anything. 3 to 4 months is about normal, here anyway.
  4. Happy new year, lovies! I hope it will be a great one for you. ..........and spare a thought for us here, our new year started with a terrorist alert. This will be a fun year.
  5. True, he is mediocre at best. He does seem to fancy himself a bit too much.........I'm going off him big time. Having said that, I also find the 2 Bates girls, umm, Tori and Carlin? a bit annoying. But then, at least they aren't zombies
  6. Well you know, because it's like, totally precious and a blessing to buy a dump. No? What's up with Joseph and either Bates girl? I'm not sure that's a good idea, for any girl to marry into that clan. Blech. Do wonder about Lawson though, what does he DO for a living? He has so much time, hanging around horses, pretending to sing.... Well you know, because it's like, totally precious and a blessing to buy a dump. No? What's up with Joseph and either Bates girl? I'm not sure that's a good idea, for any girl to marry into that clan. Blech. Do wonder about Lawson though, what does he DO for a living? He has so much time, hanging around horses, pretending to sing....
  7. Fuckedy fuck, my post just disappeared on me when I clicked on something. Bah Humbug. So again, I once read that Xmas ends in the US on 26th Dec when people go back to work? Does it? Here, we have Xmas eve, when we have pressies etc and then 2 Bank Holidays. Kids off school til about 6th January usually. Shops don't really decorate now that I think of it, a bit perhaps, but they do start selling Xmas stuff around Mid September. Are there special sweets or cakes or something in the US that you only get for Christmas? We have plenty so here. And now they'll all be sold off at cut price. Taking down tree etc before 6th Jan is soooooooooo bad juju ;-)))) I've never done it, ever. It's just tradition. Just as putting your tree up a day or two before Christmas eve would be, although the american influence is here now as well.
  8. I've seen those Ikea ads;-))))))))))))) I'm taking this off to the off topic thread, since I do have a few questions....
  9. 13th Jan? Honestly? Where do you live? THAT is long Same here, with getting a tree the day before Xmas eve though. There doesn't seem to be a single child in that household that wouldn't need/benefit from intensive therapy. The boys seem less affected, but the girls......
  10. Taking down Xmas decorations the day after Xmas? Is that normal?? Here, we leave them on til 6th January. I really really feel for poor Jenni. Such a sad little girl. Amy's card is just gross. I do wonder, they all blather on and on about keeping "the Christ in Christmas", yet they do give presents galore, print hideous cards (what do you need them for?) and aren't exactly doing a modest thing
  11. That was painful to flick through. It's a blessing to put things into storage. It's a blessing to get out of the car, it's a blessing to move into a flat, it's a blessing to have to buy a pile of rubbish at a knock down price from someone who is terminally ill. Blah. WHAT is this notion of blessings, being able to and such like?
  12. Merry Christmas to you all - I shall be unwrapping my pressies shortly, as it's just getting dark here and we do the pressie thingy on Christmas eve. Thanks for the laughter, the snark and the wise insights...
  13. The fringe suits her, but she looks tired. I suppose Motherhood is taking its toll. That's a very wide necked top, too. I haven't watched the stuff so I can only talk from what I read, but Bin has never come across as a smart cookie tbh - and he isn't even properly adult yet. He must be pretty mixed up emotionally Edit, and the wee one has suddenly turned quite ugly - but then, Izzy has been fairly challenged lookwise so far
  14. I'm nearly out of patience with Janarella. She is well old enough to have a mind of her own. No matter how you grew up, she's been well exposed to other people and other ideas, there comes a time when you have to take responsibility for yourself. So be a fecking indentured slave if that's what you want. I'm out of fecks to give really
  15. We do have charity shops, which according to Google is what you call a thrift store. I donate all of my clothes and books etc there. It's not as prevalent as it is in the UK or Ireland say, but they do exist. Badly needed as well, since there is an ever increasing lower class rearing its ugly head here. Thanks Merkel. Setting up a business is something none of the Duggarlings can do, I think, since none of them have an ounce of sense or enterprising spirit. For all that their parents had ordinary childhoods, they have utterly failed at passing a work ethic or some sort of individuality onto their children.
  16. The poor guy looks simply awful. He can't help that of course, but still.......yikes. They both have crows feet around their eyes, they are too young to have them. Is there something wrong with Izzy's eyes? Just the same with wee Splurge, who seems to have trouble.
  17. I'm taking it over here, presumably that's ok? Not sure if you were referring to me with regards to the free Uni? If so, then I'd hate to break it to you, but Uni's not free here at all. Granted, it's a lot less expensive than it is for you I believe, but it's not free. Re "one system", I think you misunderstood me, understandably. In Germany, there are 3 types of schools, and regardless of extra schools, like vocational, etc, kids will first go to one of the 3 before they move on to other stuff. They are basically divided into ability, and there is no intermingling. That's what I meant with one system, I believe you only have High School for "proper" schooling. I'm not aware of anything else. You'll do your lot within that - we don't.
  18. School quality obviously varies from school to school, and from county to county. There are private schools, too, some credited, some not. But all in all, we are very regulated here, and school attendance is mandatory, unless there is a VERY pressing need which is not often granted. But you don't differentiate for abilities, do you? We have 3 different school types, one for the ones less suited to scholarly learning, the middle of the road ones and the ones who will go on to University. Plus, to be in a job, unless you have a Uni degree, you must do a traineeship, which again is highly regulated......we like our bureaucracy, we do :-P
  19. I suffer from anxiety disorder. It's been a very constant guest with me this year. Please do not resort to medication, unless absolutely necessary! It doesn't solve anything, except take the edge off acute anxiety, it won't do anything long term and the come off can be horrendous. Therapy is the only thing to sort this properly. But bloody hell, it's so hard at times. Distraction is the thing for acute panic attacks since your brain can only think of one thing. Ringing someone, looking at photos, I find that cute/funny kitty or dog videos on You Tube calm me. I've discovered drawing for myself, also cooking calms me. Allowing yourself to be and feel anxious is also good apparently, although fecking awful. To know that you will be just fine requires a bit of training, but it would take the edge off the pressure. (I hope) I do Reiki, and sport apparently is good for anxiety. I've heard of colouring books for adults, must have a google on it. Might be a fun thing. Metallic pencils sound good, I'm heading off later to an arts shop anyhow, must look around if they have any.
  20. Here, home schooling is actually illegal and rightly so. You must attend school. If you are allowed to teach your children at home, then surely common sense would dictate that they are very closely monitored? I think this has great potential for kids outside the norm, and "normal" school is not for everyone, of course. Having said that, children need to be taught to fit in and adjust and deal with stuff and they can't do that if they don't interact with their peers. How does the US deal with different abilities? You've only the one system, are the differences in the courses, eg, do you have an English course on offer for advanced, normal and challenged students? We have 3 different streams here in Germany, plus schools for mentally disabled kids. They are streamed into it at around age 11 or so, pending on the individual county.
  21. Well, her bedroom is now olive green, nice actually. Even with the pink, it was nice - just a wee bit childish. And that's something they all seem to share. Of course, the Bateses didn't have the money the Duggars have, but having so many siblings obviously means that your personal taste has no room to develop
  22. I've recently realised that I simply cannot bear to look at Smuggar photos or listen to his voice. I.just.can't.
  23. When I say challenged, I mean simply ugly. She is not at all a pretty or even cute baby. I think the accountability for Internet may just be because of Joshy boy - that they did know what he had been doing. The gay factor is interesting though - David Waller, Lawson Bates, Josiah Duggar - all of them give off a gay vibe. Some more than others. And they can never act on it unless they are preparted to lose it all. I do fear for Priscilla, I still think she is fairly simple though. A nice person, yes, but not terribly smart. And she is trying her very best to be what she thinks she has to be. Aye, I know that Lawson badly wants to be a Musician, but he simply doesn't cut it. He is mediocre at best. I do wonder how that "look at me, look at meeeeee" goes along with the proclaimed modesty. Seems to be a contradiction to me. As for Brandon Keilen, I have been wondering about him, it's fairly clear that Michaela is way more into him than he is into her, however, he seems to look content enough in the photos she's posting. She does seem the one to have drunk the kool-aid the most. Her sisters don't seem as much into it. Something that did strike me, when they post their photos of their houses - although the decor is pretty and homely and I like it, it does seem a little juvenile. Think pink bedroom. The many signs proclaiming family, love, etc. They remind me of 14 year olds decorating and being excited over it.
  24. The wooden train is cute, but a couple of plates of biscuits? Meh. She really is shameless though.
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