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Everything posted by MunichNark

  1. Isn't it rather immodest to brag about it? Whatever happened to humility? I shall let it be known henceforth that I am, in fact, an Oxford graduate (and it's perfectly true), so I do expect you lot to bow down in total amazement.....right? He is vile alright. Along with that one, Michael Pearl? How can you possibly beat an innocent wee child? How?? Wouldn't it break your heart to do so? I was a very shy child and no amount of pushing would have persuaded me to be anything else. It's a combination of perhaps personal inclination, coupled with upbringing. Why on earth would I need to be "punished" because of that? That's not being loving.
  2. Riiiiiight..........I saw something that was an actual "schedule cake" - is that how they run their day? Seriously??? Just browsing through some stuff, they were flogging a TWO WEEK iphone course? If you need 2 weeks to know how to use an iphone, then perhaps you're not quite ready for that kind of technology. It wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that its their business now, would it? And yes, backup your stuff, it's called common sense. Much of their older blog entries are just shameless plugs for whatever business they were into at that time. They pretend to be all holy, but this doesn't quite match up really
  3. I seriously doubt the younger ones can read, tbh. Now I've only watched the odd bit that was on You Tube, but I have never ever seen them with a book or seen a book anywhere in that house. That's one of the reasons I am very glad that Germany doesn't allow homeschooling. People like the Duggars should be under Social Services supervision. I wish I could call them and draw their attention to those poor kids.
  4. This is something that happened a lot during Victorian times, for those upper middle class to upper class women. They were treated as children right until they got married, when they simple became the property of their husbands. The idea of women not working "properly" also stems from that period in time, although it only applied to the middle class onwards, of course. The riff raff has always been forced to work in order to eat something at least. The 19th century is quite an interesting one, so many massive changes, the world suddenly jumped forward at dizzying speed, and perhaps people felt frightened and couldn't quite grasp it - thus they turned inwards and tried to control their families, in order to feel safe. And to keep those pesky wimmins in their proper place.
  5. I did not, but will check it out in a minute. I WILL regret this, right? Fuck me, but this Baucham guy is pure mad. Why do his ilk hate children so much? Is it driven by fear? And what's up with those spanking fantasies?? Go and read 50 fucking shade of grey if that's what you're into, but don't take it out on defenceless children. It could be argued if kids are innocent pure wee souls, but still, no child should be raised in fear. Heaven forbid they should be allowed to go at their own pace. For someone who "studied at Oxford", he doesn't seem to have a particularly great grasp of English either. Hold on while I go and puke mightily
  6. Alyssa dresses very nicely. You have to give her credit that she continues to post, despite the shit she gets from the Holy Marys. The Bates girls do have class, even the loud obnoxious ones. Duggars take note! You in comparison look like ragamuffins, unkempt, dirty, slovenly. On account there not being anything decent on telly, last night I spent wayyy too much time reading through the Maxhells blog. They are truly frightening. The minutiae of their incredibly dull boring lives, does it really need to be put on paper that much? Do people really want to know and read this? The parents are both utterly insane. Why are they so against having a bit of fun, and, Heaven forbid, just be lazy for once? Have a lie in! Be a Devil, go on! You don't need to plan your day ahead down to every minute. What will those daughters do when their parents are in their dotage, old or dead? Who's going to pay for them?
  7. Quintuple meh!!! I googled this Baucham guy, having never heard of him (obviously...) He's a fraud to me, because his CV mentions "studied at Oxford". Now being a suspicious soul myself, I took the trouble to google him - et voila, he just did "some study" at a College. To say that he went to Oxford is putting him into a cache he doesn't deserve. Hell, I studied at Oxford! And I DO take great pains to make it clear that I simply went to a College there and not THE Uni. Meh meh meh
  8. I'd agree about Zach Bates, he seems nice without being girly. Bin????? He's a dope. I do wonder if he doesn't explode one day, when he's had enough
  9. Send them my way, they'd have a field day with me:-)))))) I'm forever moving and changing positions due to suffering badly from back/muscle pain and I can't get comfortable easily. Strange people, really
  10. I'd say you're right - they LEARNT something from it - which makes them lightyears ahead of the Duggars who never learn or move on from anything. It boggles the mind how these people manage really. They are so damn ignorant.
  11. Can one of you US lot explain this "flipping cars" business to me please? What does that mean exactly? I gather it's some sort of selling........?
  12. I'm not bothered about their counters. I'm talking about her entire house, which is always messy, dirty and unkempt
  13. I'm sure they can twist it to some religious meaning to suit their needs, but basically it's spot on - Binny doesn't have a job, doesn't earn money, is hen pecked to shite and frustrated. This is the Duggar Motto - let others pay for us.
  14. Yes!! I noticed those bricks! And the unironed curtain. Jill always seems so messy, dirty, unkempt and yukky in her person.
  15. I've been wondering every now and then why those fundie boys always seem to be so effimate. They blather on and on about being manly, but most look and act very girlish. The Bates boys, except Lawson, are the only ones who are anywhere near being "manly". Even Chad I find quite girly, he is sooo touchy feely and over eager to please Erin. There are only 2 kinds of men in the fundie world - really girly ones who can be ordered about or the nasty control freaks. Do they not have any middle ground?
  16. Jill seems to have no clue on how to keep a tidy house, much like Jessa. The Bates girls are paragons of elegance in comparison. She really is a slatternly slovenly slut - Terrified Maxhell, are you listening?? She could do with her windows cleaned I'm sure. For all that they harp on about womanly ways, none of the Duggar girls knows how to cook, clean, tidy, be efficient or anything really. And the boys don't know what hard work is either.
  17. Bin seems awfully fire and brimstone for someone so young. He doesn't seem to enjoy his life at all. I do think, dim as he is, that he started to realise what he let himself in for - the hot wife being an overbearing bitch, the crazy family in law, a child to take care of....not something most young ones enjoy doing
  18. If I wasn't Duggar blocked, I would totally point out that purpose is like so not a verb. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh.
  19. Ah the Maxhells. Seeing as it is early Sunday morning, I perused a wee bit on their page and now wish I hadn't. From a few older posts, going back some years, Terrified Maxhell decides that her daughter in laws are slovenly slatternly sluts (how do you do those trademarks??? Edit, by putting them in brackets I now see) and feels that their windows need cleaning. Did she check with them to see if they WANT them done or if it's convenient? Of course not. To top it off, she makes her daughters do the work and "graciously" lets them have an hour on Saturday to get it done. Right.......... Birthday for Sarah - they go bit by bit to describe what "fun" they do for birthdays. Like working, exercising, cooking. Excuse me while I'm off to shoot myself. Cue 2010 where they mention that their eldest daughter, whatever her name is , might meet a man soon. Oh how I laughed. WHAT is wrong with those people? I don't think I've ever seen anyone who has so little sense of fun and enjoyment.
  20. Damn you whoever it was who first mentioned "I fired God"........I downloaded a sample yesterday and bought the book earlier today and spent most of the day reading it. Just after finishing. It's truly an eye opener, even though I've more or less followed the Smuggars for a few years now (it's official, I AM a saddo), I don't think I've ever experienced such an insight into this strange and horrifying world. What a shambles. A must read for each and every one of us really, especially the leg humpers. Frightening to think that there are people still being raised like this.
  21. Just wondering, I got myself banned from the Life is not Pickles FB page and am really puzzled. I simply pointed out that she labelled a wrong name to a child. Has anyone else been banned from there? I do find that I found the page more and more distasteful - the girl who runs it seems like a crochety disgruntled old teacher, always trying to put manners on her unruly pupils and taking herself far too seriously. Ah well
  22. I literally cannot bear to look at Derick anymore. He looks just hideous now. Puffy eyes, his face, he looks just wretched. Smart move, putting the child into a hammock for him to fall down on the hard floor. Small wonder he's always bruised.
  23. I'm disgusted that Erin is pregnant again. Horrified actually. How can she be that stupid and put herself in danger? Use some bloody contraception girl! Fascinating posts - so they are now doing major damage control. How sad that people get so hung up on their supposed fame that they can't let go. And bollocks to the denials, they were certainly a part of it. Having said that, those kids aren't to blame after all. I find that I reall can't stand Lawson Bates anymore. Too smug, too trying to hard to be a country singer, too......well, just too.
  24. The Maxhells really are something else. Terrified Maxhell is married to a control freak who micromanages every.little.thing. Sarah (is that the elder girl or rather, woman?) having a dog seems like a child substitute, so he can have something to love at least. What a terrible life. And she's mid 30s??????? Seriously??? They are beyond awful. The Duggars really are a hotbed of liberal thought in comparison. Shudder. The blog is just...well. What exciting lives they do lead. Yawn. On a different note, what's the story with decorating? Erin Bates seems obsessed with it, and although she does have good taste, I don't get the constant changes. All those fundy girls seem way too much into those signs that say "love", "family", etc. Is that really all the rage now? I thought those signs were done.
  25. Funny, that's real american handwriting. You don't see that anywhere else in the world. My pen friends used to write in the same style. The content is reminiscent of a very young teenaged girl, but yes, at least he was trying. Wonder how fast he dropped those, I don't see Miss Smuggeette responding kindly to those.
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