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Everything posted by MunichNark

  1. In this case, the toilet is a mixed gender (oh the horror!) locked up toilet in a small office building. I just couldn't resist.....mwah. I cannot bring myself to listen to his videos, I think I would just explode....... Oh aye, the Toilettenfraus or Manns in fact would come after you with a broomstick if you did anything horrible:-))) Can we have this as a TM registered saying as of today? don't mess mit Die Toilettenfrau!???....love it! Good for Susanna if she broke loose - I wish Anna would have a bit of her sense.
  2. I only found an external reference, but it seems he was railing against Men peeing sitting down. Apparently, according to the word of Steve Anderson, Esq, this is law in Germany. How I've managed to live here that long and never knowing it remains a total and utter mystery. Not sure what his issue is, something to do with the men not being men when sitting down or something
  3. I reckon we are both very good and should be awarded with a gold star, whilst the other bold girls (boys?) should march to the prayer closet forthwith. Okayyyyyyy - I didn't understand the reference to pissing preacher until now. No.fucking.way. I'm in bits. It's true that quite a few wives don't like the general idea of standing up, since it's messy but there's certainly no law about it......muahahahahahahahaha
  4. No!!!! Good grief, what a stupid fucking bitch. I lost my Mum to this when I was just 17, it's not fun. I'd really like to bitch slap her for that.
  5. What with? When is she ever not? She may be a modern Duggar, but she's just as yucky as the rest of them
  6. You've no idea how right you really are. C&A and their ilk actually sell Dirndls and Lederhosen that you wouldn't want to call your own if you had any sense at all. Funnily enough, 20 odd years ago, these things weren't fashionable at all, and would rarely be seen there, now it's pretty much bad taste not to.
  7. I will never look at a Cocker Spaniel the same way again.........:-(((
  8. You know, I couldn't think of what was so strange with Master Bates until I read your comment. I'm really quite the innocent, aren't I? You lot are corrupting me!
  9. True. It's amazing how the tide has turned. Even with all the deleted comments on their official page, it's still full of criticism. Those fangirl blogs ditto. Doesn't the fact that they chose to be on telly at all kind of void their "we are so modest, and harmless little Christians"? Showing yourself off to the breathless public is not modest. At all.
  10. Meschugge:-))))))))))) Haven't heard that expression ever so long. Definitely something's not right with her. How can you stand that voice alone? Nobody, except perhaps a Zen Buddhist Monk is THAT serene. Not with 19 very rowdy children in tow.
  11. Oooh eeh Missus!!! Go right over there to that wall and stand there and be ashamed...... She may well like that - what with 40 shades of grey or whatever that thing was called, you never know;-))) It's sickening to think that those poor children may well be beaten to shite for any little thing
  12. Getting blocked by Diane is a badge of honour:-)) Even I got blocked and I've only ever bothered once or twice. She's unhinged. I haven't experienced it myself, and I wouldn't be bothered at all, aaaaaaaaaaand my profile is locked tight as it should be, but apparently yes, there have been people who are so mentally unhinged that they will take it personally when some heathen insults this "wonderful godly Family (TM)" and report and call and what not. I'm flabbergasted that they should do this. WHY on earth would you?
  13. Oh my goooooodness!! I had a good old laugh there. She looks very plain and ordinary to me, a bit like a 1989 throwback. Quite conservative. She'd fit right into some of our political parties. Shudder. Hm, let's see. Germany is more conservative than the UK or Ireland, where the maxim is "show what you've got, and if you've got plenty, all the better". We've got our Hipsters (mostly in Berlin though), we've quite a few eco Warriors (think rainbow coloured loose cotton), the standard fashionable people, etc etc. Munich's a bit more conservative overall when compared to Berlin say. All in all, Germans do cover up, unless it's Dirndl season (in Munich) or Octoberfest, where you can see the most trashiest versions you didn't know existed:-)) Germany does not have those weird Pioneer dresses, very few fundies (whether Christian or otherwise) so not much skirts and headscarves or anything like that. It's mostly Jeans and tops and scarves (even on hot days). Peter Pan collars I've never seen. Poloshirts are actually a must have this season though. If ever there was a person dressing up in those dresses, plus covering, she would be openly stared at (we do that a lot) and most likely feel very uncomfortable indeed.
  14. I find it rather amusing (yes, I am easily amused) that the Dullards message of "don't worry, be happy" is followed by young Bin's message of doom. What HAS happened to him that he is so fire and brimstone? He reminds me of one certain Ian Paisley really. I suppose his Calvinistic views aren't helpful, but blimey, he must be a bundle of laughs at home.
  15. Morning all, I caved in and watched the video. Must say though, I didn't think that Meeeeechelle was any worse than normal. Rather hyper certainly. What was that red mark on Marcus' face? He looked very weird though, kind of disinterested to slightly "what the hell, please put me down NOW!". Meeeeechelle dancing around is a little strange, but well. Having said that, it is my firm belief that Meeeechelle checked out many many moons ago, when she had that breakdown aroudn 7, 8 kids. Nobody who is even halfway sane could ever think her normal and ordinary.
  16. I've read a bit of Zsusanna's blog. She really strikes me as what we would call an Eco-Mum, being all earthy and organic and no plastic and what not. If she were normal, she'd probably have the kids at a Waldorf school and give them non plastic toys. She seems to have a sense of humour and isn't stupid - except that she's married to what seems to be a total and utter arsehole (after reading up a bit, I couldn't bring myself to listen to any of his videos, I really couldn't). They don't vaccinate by all accounts, which is just plain GBH in my opinion, endangering other people as well. Nice for hubbie to be able to go on long distance runs - how about helping to take care of that litter of children you made?? I've taken a look at their Church Facebook page and was somewhat horrified at what comments people left. What a dear. Not. They are strange - on one hand, the husband is a total psycho, on the other, the eldest child is allowed to have a summer job, she blogs, and whatnot.
  17. I believe Mackynzie also wears earrings. Not recommended at all, it often leads to allergies later on.
  18. It just occured to me (again) how ridiculous these people are with their "we're soooo modest, we are" blathering. They've changed their truly awful Pinafore dresses and Poloshirts to something that a lot of the time is just pretty damn near immodest. Tight fitting skirts with very low cut tops, badly fitting and putting something underneath doesn't really make it any better. Those weird Pioneer dresses WERE modest at least. Now they trowel on the make up, wear jewellery, and especially Miss Smuggettte (also known as Jessa) often looks like a trashy wannabe, the very same people they proclaim to abhor. But hey, they avert their eyes at anything deemed improper, little realising that by their actions, they sexualise any and every damn thing, whereas normal people don't even see it at all.
  19. I think this is the direct result of being on Telly and being famous. It does change you. No matter how nice you are, how humble, how modest - once you've spent some time being on a TV Screen and taste "fame", you change. It may not be a huge change, but still. It's basically impossible to not be influenced by your surroundings, and taste is addictive for some reason, for some people at least. I've a friend who was (the show is now cancelled) in a pretty popular TV show over here and see what it does to people. Because I run his Facebook page, I too have experienced a bit of the "fame" on a very slight scale for myself, but even then I notice that I too have changed during the last few years. Even when you don't mean to.
  20. She looks like Jackson here too. Sweet though
  21. Who is that scary looking one? Why does she look like that? Edit, and did anyone see the photo on Alyssa Webster's insta? Showing Carlin wearing such a low cut tank top that I wouldn't dream of wearing like that............
  22. But making money on renting? You presumably are responsible for upkeep and repair as a Landlord, are you not? And do they really have that much money that they owe all their properties outright? Aren't there taxes and such things to pay?
  23. I seriously need to grow up. Driving to an appointment this morning, driving past the rather infamous P1 Nightclub here in Munich and spied this. Took a snap from my car.......
  24. Emma, just in case you haven't left yet, please be aware that there's currently massive flooding in Lower Bavaria and we've had lots of rain. You most likely will not be affected since you'll be in Upper Bavaria, but in case.......maybe check out road info before you go, if you're driving yourself
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