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Everything posted by Homily

  1. I liked this one, especially the interaction between Penny and Beverly. I found it very believable. I also liked that we actually did have Beverly say she had noticed that Leonard is happy and that she credits his marriage to Penny for that. She still may not appreciate Leonard the way she appreciates Sheldon but at least she seemed to care that he was happy! It also made a lot more sense to me that she wasn't really mad about not being invited to a wedding, she was mad that she wasn't even told there was even going to be a wedding. I can understand a parent, even a cold, distant parent wanting to be informed when their child takes a step like that. Also kudos to Penny for telling Beverly off the way she did - and as a daughter in law to a demanding woman I could also understand why she was happy to find some way of keeping the peace as well.
  2. My son-in-law has an epi-pen but doesn't take it to places he goes regularly, like our house. I think since he practically lives at Leonard and Sheldon's apartment I wouldn't expect him to automatically carry it there, mostly people know what to avoid and are careful enough that they don't need to carry it. The time Howard needed it in the past it was because he deliberately ate a granola bar he knew had nuts in it.
  3. I haven't seen this episode yet but I agree that I wouldn't expect under most circumstances that they'd ever refer to Zach as Penny's ex husband. They had no idea they were ever married in the first place for one thing! It would actually be stupid if they suddenly start acting like Leonard is Penny's second husband. The "marriage" of Zach and Penny was the equivalent of two kids playing wedding in the backyard.
  4. That was a pretty good episode as they did show Robert rejoicing in the idea that someone didn't like Ray but when Robert saw how hurt Ray was by the guy's attitude he had a change of heart. Which was nice to see, Still Robert is pretty consistent in most episodes about being pretty happy when things don't go well for Ray ("you have to share with us...when you fail") kind of thing.
  5. I didn't find it funny but it was a nice call back to earlier episodes where we ;learn that Howard is jerk who delights in the misfortunes of his friends so him setting up Stuart was in character. It was also a callback to the episode where they are picking on Penny's boyfriend Zach and she calls them out for being bullies. It's not a nice thing but it's truer than many of us would like to believe that among those who have been bullied some aren't nearly as empathetic as you'd like to believe and are quite capable of picking on someone else themselves!
  6. Robert was such a sweet character when the show first started. He genuinely loved Ray and his family and even though he was jealous of him he knew it was his problem not Ray's. Somewhere along the line that changed though and as you guys have noted there are times when he is yelling and blustering and accusing Ray of basically being him! Ray isn't jealous of Robert and he has no need to be a "glory hog". Marie already adores him and just knowing he remembered the statuettes would have been enough for her. In that episode Robert's behavior ruined Marie's birthday. almost ruined Ray and Debra's Christmas and ended up spoiling Amy's Christmas a little too. In the episode where Ray forgot to thank Debra, although Debra was upset she wasn't going to let it ruin Ray's day - it was Robert who was so delighted that Ray screwed up who couldn't keep his mouth shut and ended up making a big scene. Of course in that episode it was Marie's jealousy that ruined Ray's sweet apology to Debra. Guess it's not hard to see where Robert's issues come from!
  7. This is a Chuck Lorre show - they are more likely telling us that Leonard is so emasculated by a strong woman that if he doesn't hide some money he will give it all to Penny.
  8. I thought Penny reacted pretty realistically as it was Leonard who was hiding something from her. Even if he had the best of intentions I know if I were to find out my husband had a secret bank account I would NOT be happy.
  9. She also sold the car Leonard gave her and gave him back the money. So, agreed, total confusion on the part of the writers with what they want us to believe about Penny and Leonard's financial situation. On the one hand Leonard can afford to buy Penny a car and has been putting money away in a secret bank account - on the other hand he claims, even though he's been out of school for years, that he still has a lot of student loan debt (which never interfered with his spending habits before or since that one episode where it's mentioned). With Penny we're told on the one hand that she is making a huge salary, that she has a company car, that she can afford to pay off Leonard's student debt, that she has an investment advisor, that she can sell the aforementioned car and give Leonard back the money but then on the other hand she's in debt, won't willingly put her hand in her pocket to treat her friends and thinks $6000 in savings is a lot of money. Mmmkay. One thing I really liked about the Bernie/Howard/Raj storyline was that they made it clear that Howard was being his usual Howardy self and not being all that involved with helping Bernadette - didn't even go with her to the doctor for her check-up. Raj being over involved was a wake up call to Howard and I thought that was very well done. And I really identified with Bernadette and the tears - when I was pregnant I could burst into tears if a commercial was the least bit touching let alone any real emotional stuff in my real life!
  10. Much as I love Judd Hirsh I don't get what they're saying about Leonard's parents. In a recent episode they talked about Beverly's 60th birthday but Judd Hirsh is 81 years old. That is a pretty big age difference going on here. I get that they never talked about it because it's not something they ever actually planned before but it just makes no sense. I hope at the very least they will say something in the episode he's in to try and explain it.
  11. Men in stable committed relationships do not ask "is it mine?". That wouldn't just be insulting it would be suicidal.
  12. Bernadette is a microbiologist with a phd who works for a major pharmaceutical company I really hope that BBT wasn't trying to tell us that she was incapable of taking a birth control pill properly. I suspect, based on what other characters have said in the past, that she probably wasn't on the pill. If someone like Penny who really really doesn't want kids least of all when she was not in a serious relationship with Leonard was still relying on a trip to the drugstore before a night out I think the writers are telling us that women in their world do not take the pill. Also based on where and when she conceived it sounded more like they had sex without being prepared (because as well all know people who've been married for a few years and live minutes away from their friends apartment can't wait 10 minutes to go home) and took a chance. Which also suggests she wasn't on the pill.
  13. I don't think they care about people thinking Sheldon has OCD what they care about is those people who claim he must be asexual or that he's got Aspergers. Especially Aspergers.
  14. In that little speech Leonard also said he thinks Sheldon has helped make him a better scientist and I think that's probably true. The paper they wrote last season for example was based on an idea that Leonard had but it was Sheldon he went to for confirmation that he was on to something and for help to make it better. I liked that they did that, it showed Sheldon in a much better light where Leonard's career is concerned than it ever had before.
  15. It didn't bother me because after all it's not like Sheldon planned his own party and as mentioned upthread it's not like it was a special birthday. I live in another province from my parents and don't expect to see them on my birthday even if someone was throwing me a party. On the other hand it would have been nice if the actress who portrays her could have been there to celebrate their 200th episode. So does anyone know is Emily gone for good? I really hope so, I didn't mind the actress but I found the character too creepy to be funny and am so sick of the guys putting up with crazy women just so they get to have sex.
  16. I liked this episode and since I never saw Adam West in the shows others referenced I found his comments funny - and total kudos to Mr West he is 87 and he was great in this episode - but I totally agree with you. I would have expected at the very least that Sheldon (or Sherman as Adam West called him) would have talked to "Batman"!
  17. I guess your friend finds humour in insulting others? Whatever.
  18. They reference on more than one occasion that Sheldon was bullied as a child, by other children and by his older brother and even upon occasion by his sister. The show she is on makes it abundantly clear that when she was displeased with Sheldon she didn't hesitate to kick him where it counts. Sheldon was a pain in the ass as a kid but he has never been presented as being the kid who "ruled the school". Far from it.
  19. It wasn't on Tiny Houses but on HHI but there was an episode the other day like that. An American couple were looking for a holiday home in France (forget which area offhand but on the coast and a very expensive part of France) anyway they chose a very small studio apartment, something like 300 sq feet but it was loaded with charm and located exactly where they wanted to be and also came in under budget. It was neat to see what they could do with such a small space and it made sense that this was what they could afford given the area they were in. To me they were much more real "tiny house" hunters than the ones buying garden sheds with beds in the ceiling!
  20. I'm still waiting for gray to be passe and for people to walk into these all gray homes and talk about how dated and drab it is (not that I don't like gray, I do but it's gotten so ubiquitous that the last time I went furniture shopping every single chair and sofa I saw was upholstered in some shade of gray or another). The tide will turn any day now on all the things that are considered essential now. Builders are going to make a fortune putting walls up on open concept homes as soon as the owners kids hit their teens for instance!
  21. What I see now are beds so high most women I know (myself included) need a stepstool to even get onto the bed and then they are made in such a, I'll admit absolutely stunningly beautiful way, that it must take you ages to make the bed in the morning and take it apart again at night! And where do people put all the gorgeous pillows they have arranged on the bed when they go to sleep? On the floor? That seems unlikely but at least for me it would be that or piled on top of the dresser. There must be a way, obviously, but everytime I see a bed made up with about a dozen pillows I wonder!
  22. For me it was where the heck do you put your bookcases? In the open concept model homes I looked at when we were househunting there never seemed to be any run of wall that would lend itself to that. I guess this isn't an issue for everyone but I don't want to keep my books in boxes in a basement.
  23. I understood the need and desire to tell their closest friends right away and obviously the gang is Howard's family now with his mother gone but Bernadette has a big family of her own and yet they are rarely mentioned, almost as if she has no relationship at all with any of her siblings. She has 4 siblings and yet whenever she talks about them it's almost always in the past tense. When we hear about the siblings of the other characters we do hear a little bit about what they're doing now (well actually come to think of it we never hear about any of Raj's siblings aside from Priya). I guess it's odd to me because I am very close to my sisters, way more so now that we are adults than we ever were as children, and I know that when we were all in the babymaking stage of life we called each other to tell our big news first!
  24. Absolutely agree. I know this is the common wisdom and I respect anyone who chooses to wait but I feel for me it would almost have been worse to go through a miscarriage and not have anyone to share my sadness with other than my husband. Anyway with regard to early sharing my only beef with it really is it makes for a very long pregnancy both for the pregnant woman and the friends involved. When you can tell you are pregnant almost immediately and you share the news almost immediately it is a very, very long wait for that baby!
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