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Everything posted by Homily

  1. When we got relocated to the UK for my husband's job my parents offered to take our cat. I didn't hesitate to take them up on that! I think re-homing her was a better choice than having her go into quarantine for IIRC 6 months. Choosing not to take a promotion and have the chance to live in England wasn't really on the table!
  2. It was around the time Penny left the Cheesecake Factory and tried to focus only on being an actress. He bought her a small second hand car. A few seasons later when she got the job as a pharm rep she sold the car and tried to give him back the money. It led to a cute scene or two and some angst but ultimately they put the money aside to spend later (don't remember if they ever address that again). Anyway Penny now drives a company car so in a way they are a two car family with 1/2 the expense :). Or what everyone else said!!
  3. Good points and I do have to say I was glad it was Leonard expressing feelings of jealousy and not Penny expressing feelings of regret! That was certainly a route they could have taken with this storyline and instead of having Penny bemoaning the road not taken she's more focused on how she feels about the idea of Leonard fathering a child for someone else. That definitely made for a better story for me that's for sure!
  4. This reminded me of the aspect of the show last night that really got me annoyed. They've had Leonard jealous in the past of friends who are wealthy (when he finds about that Raj's family is Richie Rich rich for instance) and tonight they have him very jealous of, in his opinion, Zach's undeserved wealth. What annoys me is twofold: Leonard may not be rich but he is better off than probably at least 75% of the people watching this show and if he wants to be rich why did he go into the career he chose? Leonard is supposed to be a smart guy. He had to know that while he could expect to make a good living in his chosen field he couldn't expect to become a millionaire and retire in his 30s.
  5. It was only in the voiceover that Sheldon talked about making his Dad feel bad. In the show that was all on George himself. Sheldon and his dad didn't really interact much after he carried Sheldon into the hospital. George's feelings of guilt were voiced mainly to Mary and while she wasn't all that patient with him she also wasn't agreeing that he should feel guilty. To be honest with the Lorre track record of making women bitches I thought that showed some restraint on the part of the writers. Not having Mary turn on George was a relief to me. I half expected it.
  6. Agreed. And I think the show addresses this fairly often. Like a lot of people I saw the BBT marathon over the Christmas holidays (it was airing on Comedy Channel) and they make it very clear that while Penny is "hot" she's no more Hollywood hot then most of the other aspiring young actresses trying to get a break. It's one of the strengths of the show IMO. Sitcoms aren't exactly known for their realism (with some notable exceptions of course). Personally I found it refreshing that they don't have Penny being pursued by a host of guys offering her parts if she'll sleep with them and they don't have her getting noticed - because even if she's a good actress and a pretty "hot" girl so are tons of other young women. She stands out in her crowd, she doesn't stand out in the Hollywood crowd.
  7. Yeah, I think he's just really flattered and probably feeling a bit bad about how jealous he was of Zach only to learn that Zach thinks so much of him that he wants him to help them have a baby, I guess the show could go really cutting edge and actually go through with this and Leonard does it and doesn't make it a big deal and that's the end of it but somehow I just don't see that happening.
  8. They decided not to resolve this in this episode so who knows where it will go but I did like that Penny acknowledged to Leonard that just as she was the one who gets the final say on whether she will have a baby he should be the one who gets the final say on whether he donates sperm to father a child. I don't know if this was the show's intent here but it showed a nice level of maturity on Penny's part.
  9. I just saw a flipper show tonight and every single fixture in the bathrooms and the kitchen were going to be in rose gold. And one of the reasons was she looked at the house and said it was "so 2008". Right, so changing things like perfectly serviceable fixtures to what is trending in 2018 (10 years later, not 30 or 40, 10 years!) makes an awful lot of sense. And she doesn't see that she's just dated the house?
  10. I absolutely loved that they had Meemaw be into this game and be good at it. My parents were probably in their 50s when nintendo came into our lives - my Dad was a huge fan of Legend of Zelda and my Mom was a Mario fan. My sisters were into these games too and I can still remember them sitting on the floor playing Mario with a baby on a lap and toddlers roaming around the room. Fun times. So glad they didn't make this all about how "old people" can't play these games and aren't interested. And "I got goosebumps" oh god, that was great!!!
  11. My niece was born in 1983 and the hospital had the same rule, they even provided the car seat (as a rental) to parents who didn't have one. I think a lot of people are confusing what many people were still doing in the '80s with what they should have been doing! Car seats were around, so were booster seats, and there were laws in place by the mid 80s requiring there use -- but there was nothing like the compliance there is now (and even now it's not 100% by any means). I suspect on YS the kids being in the back seat may be partly Sheldon's insistence but it's also realistic that parents felt that their younger children were safer in the back. Not all parents were tossing their kids in the back of the pick up!
  12. Finally saw Journey Back to Christmas and I enjoyed it but I don't understand the paranoia! One of the townspeople was just over the top crazy suspicious and mean. I guess they needed to have some tension but come on! I kept waiting for her to start cackling and fly off on a broomstick!
  13. For me it depends on what they're doing. If friends are doing something they know I would like and don't include me I admit it I'd be hurt. In the unlikely event that my closer friends decided to go clubbing well have fun girls don't worry about me! In this episode there was no real reason why Amy couldn't haven't been included if Bernie was having Penny over anyway. It wasn't an impromptu thing, they were planning it. I totally get Amy feeling excluded. Maybe she came on too strong when she confronted Penny but it's pretty consistent with the way Amy has always been - pushy and a little needy and always just a little afraid that it's all going to disappear and she'll be the friendless kid again.
  14. This reminds me of the casino near us - if you go by the commercials it's full of beautiful young people dressed up to the nines. But when you go there it turns out it's mostly elderly people (lots of canes and walkers) and while, sure, there are young people there, they sure ain't wearing fancy duds - jeans and a clean shirt would be dressy to be honest :). What casinos want to be and what they actually are totally depends on your location. I suspect my casino is way more Lanford then not. Darlene would fit right in.
  15. ^ I think the main reason really is to accommodate the over the top decorations that everyone has to have in their house in these movies!
  16. I just had the bright idea to check the W Channel online and got the actual schedule. It means unless my cable provider smartens up that the titles on my PVR will be misleading but at least I can tape the holiday movies I want to tape! So, so stupid though!
  17. Well I don't know about that! The way they have consistently portrayed young Georgie does make me wonder what miracle occurred later that gave him the ability to run a thriving business. The most recent episode where Meemaw has him totally bamboozled while she's teaching Georgie and Missie to haggle made it seem pretty clear that Sheldon wasn't far off in his assessment of his brother's intelligence. Don't get me wrong I'm glad they do go the route of making Georgie successful as an adult - and I hope BBT this year makes at least a passing reference to something positive happening for Missie - but so far while they aren't portraying either child as dumb as soup (I think that's how Mary described them on BBT) and they are giving them other life skills, I dunno, I guess they decided to go with both kids being below average scholastically which is really too bad IMO.
  18. Time is taking its toll. I ended up watching the movie that was on instead of the movie that was listed so saw Rocky Mountain Christmas and just realized one of the actors in it was Treat Williams. I remember him as one of the dishy leads in Hair. In this movie he plays Uncle Roy the elderly voice of wisdom. Sigh. Ah well.
  19. On the aluminum we can buy here there is always a long piece of white/beigeish sticky tape holding the roll closed that you have to strip off before you can use the foil. I guess you could save it and write on it if you wanted to. Never occurred to me!
  20. Which isn't much help to Bernadette or the kids if Howard goes first! They should both be insured when the kids are this small. Howard didn't say Bernie was being unreasonable or greedy - he was just being Howard.
  21. Not sure what you mean by special, if you mean better than the other kids, sure I agree. But otherwise I don't think it's unreasonable if you've made the decision to have a child like Mark on the show that you deal with some of the consequences of life for a kid who chooses to march to the beat of a different drummer. I think most of us would be racing to this forum to voice our criticism if they were acting like Mark is a typical middle schooler. I don't want Mark - or the others kids for that matter - to ever be the focus of this show. Small doses, writers, small doses!
  22. I guess it's always a route they could go but I hope they don't. I mean BBT is going to be on in reruns for years. I can't imagine watching a BBT that references George's death and then watching a YS where 15 yr old Sheldon is sitting at the table with his father!
  23. Who knows how the writers think but this makes sense to me. Life insurance through your workplace is usually equal to a year of pay (or more if you are willing to pay extra for extra coverage). Howard probably does have this kind of life insurance but since Bernie is less than impressed with the "peanuts" he makes I'm sure she expected him to get a more generous life insurance package privately. That he hasn't so far is typical Howard. More laziness than anything else.
  24. Just realised this was a Saturday - I guess we can assume that the twin study project is over? In the episode where that happened you are given the impression it's going to last awhile. Did they say that it ended or that the Coopers withdrew their children or is it a typical sitcom move where one episode doesn't have much to do with the next?
  25. And not just for next season! Roseanne was a big hit, they had every reason to think they might have jobs for at least a couple of years if not longer. It must have been a nice feeling to think they'd scored jobs that, for Hollywood, would be relatively secure. And then pfft it seemed to be over. I have a lot of sympathy for these people especially if they had given up a chance at other jobs to take the Roseanne gig. And Roseanne claimed she was sorry about this and yet she still couldn't just shut the hell up about The Conners. So not so sorry really.
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