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Everything posted by Homily

  1. I haven't read Little Women in awhile but my recollection of the girls working after Mr March comes home is more that they are adult women who should be working not that they are working to help support their parents.
  2. I never thought Mary ignored her other kids - paying more attention to Sheldon doesn't have to equal ignoring the others. I'm pretty disappointed they went there because I had found they'd been trying to show Mary more involved with the other children and a less focused on Sheldon.
  3. I don't care if Amy and Sheldon don't win a Nobel but the end game for this plot line better not be that Amy gets no recognition! I will not be happy. And I don't believe that Mayim Bialek will let them do that so I'm probably worrying for nothing. I hope.
  4. I saw one the other day where they complained about the small kitchen and "outdated" appliances (translation - white) and then turned around and chose a place with a smaller kitchen and white appliances. Sometimes they don't even try to make sense.
  5. Didn't Stuart already find it? I think he said he was going to clear it and then sell the thumb drive for a few bucks. With Stuart's luck they'd end the show with Captain Sweatpants having bought the thumb drive but the Bitcoin was still on it and he makes a fortune and runs off with Stuart's girlfriend.
  6. So true! Christie sets the bar high. Rex Stout is an author who can sometimes drive this feminist right around the bend but dammit he could write! And his books are classics of their genre. Three other classic mystery writers I go back to time and again are Ngaio Marsh, Marian Babson and Charlotte Macleod. Macleod could be accused of writing "cozies" I suppose but she wrote them very, very well! Marian Babson can be a bit uneven but when she gets it right she really gets it right! I think the problem with the Cat Who books isn't that another writer took them over but that Braun was churning them out and was getting older and older. As the series progressed I think what we're seeing is someone who not only wasn't benefiting from a good editor but who was clearly past the age where she could write a decent mystery. She resorted to killing off long established characters we'd grown to like (I hate when authors do that) and if any of the later books was the least bit suspenseful I clearly didn't read that one!
  7. It was meant to be the character of Charlie but I'm pretty sure Lorre wished it was Charlie Sheen under that piano 🙂.
  8. I really hope Lorre doesn't pull a Two and a Half Men on BBT. By the end of that show all the characters were horrible people and Rose was downright evil - it was too bad that piano didn't drop on her! For all the flaws of BBT they're still mainly likable people that I care about. I want things to end well - not necessarily Nobel prizes and babies well but well enough that it won't taint watching the series for me here on in!
  9. Anyone ever been ready to move, started looking at houses and realized your house is pretty damn nice after all? We are feeling pretty discouraged after the Truly Awful houses we saw today.
  10. Random thought - Is Fred Willard still living? If so Hank 'n' Pat are the last of the grandparents. Anyway I agree about Peter. I guess they decided to go a different way when they didn't want PeeWee Herman back as Russell but I think they went a little too far with Peter. One thing I never could figure out though was why his parents were obsessed with him not meeting a nice girl when he was operating his comic book store out of Robert's old apartment and clearly, one would think, struggling financially. Peter meeting a potential mate was the least of their worries!
  11. I feel the same way. I won't read them but I guess I can't blame an author for trying to write for a different audience. Although I suppose they hope their fans will follow them on to something new. With Morsi though it just didn't work for me either. With regard to other authors I won't read it's more the genre - I'm kinda done with cozy mysteries. I've been following a bunch of different authors for years now - with heroines from housekeepers to store owners to bed and breakfast runners to minor nobility to librarians to suburban moms and every variation on the theme - and I've reached my limit.
  12. I hear you! I love the early seasons but when I make a list of favourite episodes I am always surprised at how most of them are from later in the series. Go figure 🙂.
  13. She didn't in this episode but I think in episodes that have aired since then she was back in her own lab. Fortunately (Ha) we live in a world of endless reruns so I'll make a point of seeing if Amy's work even gets a mention.
  14. Agreed. I just saw this episode and was surprised at all the comments that made it seem like Amy lost her research project. When she goes to her lab and the scientist replacing her speaks he clearly says he is there because Amy has been temporarily assigned elsewhere. It was still a crappy move on Sheldon and Siebert's part to do this without consulting Amy but it is made clear that it was never intended to be a permanent thing.
  15. We looked at a house a few weeks ago where the couple (I think) must have watched one too many flip this house shows, anyway they had taken down the walls that had enclosed the kitchen so they have the open concept (with walls, cabinetry and even the floor all in shades of gray as well) but anyway this wouldn't maybe have been so bad if they had done a professional job. But they didn't. A lot of what they'd done would have to be undone I suspect. Including putting those walls back. Put it this way, the flip work was so bad that the backing of the dishwasher could be seen in the living room area - when there is no wall you do still need to enclose the appliances in some way people!! Those flip this house shows have a lot to answer for!!
  16. It's funny as I am used to being on this site and finding mostly likeminded people where open concept is concerned but this was linked on another message board I visit and it was amazing to me how many people are either just plain pro-open concept or are very defensive about it! Way more people were posting positively about open concept than I am used to seeing that's for sure! And no way could you discuss it with them. I guess though if you've invested a lot of money into changing you floor plan or you bought a house with open concept you don't appreciate being told you may have made a mistake in terms of resale. Still and all if there is in fact a backlash the model home builders where I am have yet to be convinced. I was out this week-end looking and I don't think I saw any house that wasn't open concept.
  17. The episode where Marie thought Ray and Debra were breaking up and she said "if anything happens we get the children, Raymond" made me laugh. First no "we" don't get the kids, second Ray would not want them and third Marie would learn pretty damn fast that Debra would be the one calling the shots. Almost makes me wish they'd gone down that road just to see Marie's reaction when she finally manipulates Debra out of the picture and ends up losing constant access to the grandkids into the bargain!
  18. Even if Howard were a stay at home dad he should have an equal say in the family finances. Well I should say if he was capable of making sensible choices with money he should have a say! Bernadette isn't making the decisions because she makes the money, she makes the decisions because Howard is a 12 yr old who still needs to be on an allowance!
  19. Heh. I think this is one reason I find the Penny Leonard relationship believable. My husband has some interests that would bore me to tears (think days long games of Risk as one example). The notion that just because I married the guy has to mean I am interested in every damn thing he does is laughable to me. And I'm pretty sure he feels the same way about some of the things I care deeply about! As long as we're not putting each other down (too much 🙂) it's all good. And that's exactly the balance I see with Penny and Leonard.
  20. It's a pretty recent development. I recently saw the episode where Raj has the Murder Mystery which involves flashing forward to what he says will happen to them in the future. It's said that Penny and Leonard have children and the only thing Penny objects to is the number of children - no mention at all that she isn't going to be having any. There are a few other references over the years, one specifically where Penny says she plans to have a child "one day". So it certainly wasn't a "no never going to happen" until the powers that be decided to throw a Big Problem at Penny and Leonard.
  21. I had an "aha" moment watching an episode of ELR tonight. And not a good one. I realized that when I started watching ELR in 1996 I was Ray and Debra in terms of age and stage of life. 23 years, yes folks 23 years!!! later and now I'm sitting at the grandparents table with Frank and Marie! I'm still younger than they were when the show started but not by much.
  22. Not if they're sitting wide on a bus! That's just as obnoxious as the people who claim the seat beside them with their purse or bags.
  23. I also got a feeling though that she was realizing that maybe she hadn't thought it through as thoroughly as she should have. If BBT can handle this right I don't have a problem with that. I was one of those people who never wanted children and then, well, I did, so her changing her mind wouldn't be a big deal. It's not as though she ever expressed a hatred of children the way Bernadette once did. Again though totally depends on if they continue on with the way things were left in this episode. I'd much rather it be a decision she makes rather than an "oops oh well guess we're having a kid" thing. Overall this episode was one of the stronger ones this season. I hope they keep that going. Last year was so good and so far this year just hasn't been. I want the last episodes to be worth watching again and again in the endless reruns we know are coming!
  24. She wrote a series of books for pre-schoolers about Noddy and there definitely was a golliwog in them but I never read those. I was deeply into the books aimed more at the "tween-ager" - the Adventure books, the Secret Seven and the Famous 5. Anyway reading some of those books now I am amazed at what went right over my head as a child!
  25. Ma's attitude was very consistent with the times. She had heard horror stories for years, no doubt, about the "wild savages". I much prefer reading a book that honestly conveys the way things were at the time - racism and all - then a book written in the present day that puts 21st century ideals into the mouthes of people living a very different life 150 years ago. But that said I totally agree with you about how some books make you uncomfortable! There are some children's books I used to love that I just can't read anymore - certain Enid Blyton's as one example. I did not notice the racism and elitism when I first read those books but they are so jarring to me now that I won't read them again and I don't think I'd give them to a child to read either. Books like the Little House books though I'd rather have kids read and use the things that are problematic as 'teachable moments'. With Blyton et al - nah, not worth it.
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