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Oinky Boinky

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Everything posted by Oinky Boinky

  1. Very telling that the menopod can be sold by Naturopaths and Chiropractors as a medical device without FDA approval but anywhere else requires expensive clinical trials and approval. No testing at all of efficacy or safety with alternative medicine. Leave it to buyers based on words natural, safe or organic to not be duped or injured. Also pretty good promotion of you can wait for us to spend 2 million on clinical trials or you can run to that trustworthy snake oil salesman and have it right now. Why the double standard? Why does only real medicine have to proove itself?
  2. wow What is the Charolette's Web connection? I guess these are seminars on how to proceed to become a legal grow op?
  3. All of the GE sightings and no mention that the smart nephew just got a job at Cannabis University of Florida. What's up with that? Do you instruct on cannabis use or cannabis horticulture or just sell paraphernalia?
  4. >>>>> polishing my veneer until it is time to HANG SOMEONE IN THE TOWN SQUARE or MURDER THEM IN THEIR SLEEP. (You can't say that ever loses its charm.)
  5. My 'ducks' was a verb after I accused you all of being very nice and that maybe it was because you were girls.
  6. I would think there is a rule that you can not edit posts. I found you all last game to be very straight up and super nice during your last game. I have been in more aggressive games for example fighting very hard if a vote is going against you and more obfuscation and wile. I was thinking maybe you had rules about fibbing or mudslinging. Is it because there are more girls? ( ducks)
  7. I am going to try this using my smartphone so I don't have to haul a laptop cross country for two weeks. Apologize in advance for tippos. I may not be able to bold if that is required for voting. If anyone has tried this and know smartphone Mafia is a very bad idea- please let me know. I am assuming there will be a posting of rules in our role assignment posts.
  8. Me too. It's not necessary to read the books but it is usually so much better to read a series than watch it. The way the stack at my bedside is building tho I am never going to get to this. I am surprised by the number of girls in this group - I am used to playing with mostly young guys and them assuming I am also instead of maybe their grandmother. It's kind of funny really.
  9. Gameforanything could become a name but I pro putting a lot of thought into the very best name. I belong to a very large world wide organization that eventually nicknames every member. It took me months to get properly named. Don't rush Jessie. I am Canadian and noticed quite a few others are also.
  10. In Canada that is a criminal record check and it costs 46 dollars and every job seems to want one. I loved today's motorcycle case because of its relevance to me, and I'm sorry JJ there is no way to anticipate that. I loved it because it is exactly what happened to us. We were turning left and everything was clear except for a motorcyclist who out of nowhere zoomed up at high speed past the other cars and hit us broadside. My husband was 30 years no accident. This kid was his first day on a motorcycle and it was his second accident that day but we were charged because we were turning left. At what point is there zero anticipation or avoidance for stupid? The boy was jumping up and down yelling 'he hit me, I can't believe he hit me' even tho there was his imprint on the side of our vehicle. Luckily he and his girlfriend were not hurt and I often wonder if he lived to see 20. I am really glad JJ assigned blame to him.
  11. I am so sick of the phrase 'it is what it is' we should do a count or start a drinking game. Also... Misuse of the word lemon. A car with 180 thousand miles can not be called a lemon. It is a very old car at the end of its life. People throw out 'he sold us a lemon' as their plea. Some refer to a lemon law and use that as a basis for suit. Lemon law applies to new cars that have an excessive number of repairs in the first year. When the limit is hit the dealer owes you another new car. A 15 year old car sold to you by a shady guy who flips cars is caveat emptor all the way.
  12. When you weigh between 3 people who really wanted the vasectomy reversal the fellow himself comes off as being the least driven and the lesser benefactor of the the operation. He had decided at 21 that he had enough children. His fiance and future MIL really, really wanted a baby. I would have called it the couples debt and made the man pay half and told the mom to get the rest from her daughter. He ended up paying for it all and undergoing the surgery. If he wants it re-done he has to pay for that again.
  13. Very funny. Thanks for a good laugh. Made me think I would like to snatch that wig off your head and throw it out the window. I know what you mean. I know a lady getting her boobs pumped and belly sucked and her mouth was a horror show orthodontically. People are bugged by certain things and you can't tell them their priorities,
  14. Stewedsqash ( ) are called marionette lines and they are easy to fix. You get a doctor to suck a bit of fat from your belly and inject it there. Mine has lasted at least 10 years.
  15. You've got it quite wrong knitorpurl. He does have a place in this world. His place is to instruct others on how to permanently wallow in victimhood. The problem is the job pays nothing and achieves nothing. I know it is not popular to like Atlas Shrugged but this guy could be the poster boy for a society that kills itself and feels justified as it whimpers into non existence. The whiny author hit a nerve with JM when he said she couldn't understand because she has always been privileged. Us who have pulled ourselves up hate people like him. That was why she got mean with him.
  16. I know it is supposed to be blind but at a certain point it isn't and how far can you back someone whose 'unique' style is Tootsie does Janis? Looking at you Sarah. Affectation irks me.
  17. The shady lawyer was so insistent that it didn't matter if he was procedurally suspended because when he paid his dues his membership would be reinstated back to the time with no gaps in his license. To him that equalled he was a licensed lawyer the whole time. He didn't explain how he could then go back in time to the 15th and represent her in court when he would not have been allowed to on the very day. Brain hurting yet? Me too.
  18. A little crazy but my opinion is she was one of those ladies who has been acting like a little girl in a cutesy, affected manner all her life and doesn't know it is time to stop. You could tell because she says something she thinks is cute in that very loud voice and waits for affirmation. She was playing to an audience. I have an acquaintance like that and everyone wishes she would grow up.
  19. No soup for me! I missed the soup thing? what was it? We had our fair share of indignant dog hoarders this week. We also had one on TPC. These people believe no dog is in a good home unless it is with them and 17 others. They will fight tooth and claw to get custody of the poor dogs who are so unfortunate to either be only dogs, or to live with the likes of JJ, or a sane family who knows their pet limits.
  20. In the case of the mean, mean man with the time on his hands (we seriously need an acronym here), I am so confused about the dog video. Did he snatch the dog and then berate the owner? At one point they said he gave the dog treats and rode it around in his golf cart - was that supposed to be abducting the dog? Personally I hate anyone who is so lazy about using their god given legs that they use a golf cart instead. It is a pomposity. Hey look at me, I get to drive around in a golf cart and pretend I am master of everything. I'm up here, you're down there. Gah!!
  21. Did you hear and did you get what she meant by 'are you Phil' 'I knew you were Phil because' I am an ordained minister or born again or something?
  22. We are so used to people having confidence and life adjustment issues because they have either intellectual challenges or they are physically unattractive or limited, that this case is baffling. She is so pretty and so articulate people can't understand how she got so low. That's what makes it seem more heartbreaking. She didn't have innate challenges. Something else was piled on her at an early age. Someone said a jealous mother. The world should have been her oyster and somebody did her in. That is sad.
  23. Quoting my own previous post about this case. Please someone tell me they saw the creepy,slimy, guy with the sprayed on hair. The woman should have charged him with assault.
  24. I am sure this is what happened with the switched chain. Her chain came undone, dropped the angel. She thought she should get the lock reinforced but when she went to get the chain out of her jumble of old chains - she took the wrong one. It is true why would a fairly reputable jeweler go to all that trouble to take her gold chain? They would be swapping out expensive for cheap all the time. And again - trying to claim the belief in Jesus as the reason why you are never wrong or you can never be suspected in lying. Is that what you call a righteous defense? Does our truth that anyone who says 'I was on my way to church is probably lying' hold here? Please what did she say to Kurt in the hallterview? I heard 'are you Phil? I could you tell were Phil because I am an ordained blah blah blah.' He said I'm Kurt. Did she mean are you philistine or did she think his name was Phil or was it something else? My closed captioning for this show is laughably bad and didn't show what she said. She seemed very confused.
  25. 'Get out of my courtroom and take your bunny with you' gotta love Judge M M.
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