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Oinky Boinky

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Everything posted by Oinky Boinky

  1. Me of all people knows that Maker's Mark is bourbon. My clues were pointing to liquor in general and I said Mark was the only one who came close to a boozy name.
  2. CP if your only reasoning for TMunz is that you believe he may have targeted you last night,I have to disagree. Doesn't make him a hero,your suggestion to investigate him is a good one. If someone has better ideas please stop sitting on them. 2 to DL Athena (Drogo,Oinky Boinky), 8 to RSVP "Yes" to the Toga Party 1 to DL TMunz (CuriousParker), 8 to join the block party
  3. Really, really? the chance of ever killing a villain is 0% with no DL. The game is designed this way. It is why heroes outnumber villains by 3 or 4 to 1. It levels the field because we are blind for some time. Also if there is a DL on a hero that also gives clues. You can't analyse voting patterns and who supports who IF NO ONE VOTES! If you want to see serious facial gymnastics - my eyes rolled loudly reading your post. Thank you for considering my liquor clue.
  4. Some? I would say all. Everyone is working on preserve.
  5. I keep thinking about: Rum BRANDY still I read all of the definitions for still: calm quiet persisting liquor still One definition - not effervescent ie not bubbly also leads us to liquor. Racking my brain and the only player name to come close is Mark as in Maker's Mark. Anyone any ideas on this liquor business?
  6. The mom is threatening to take the boy out of the story. (edited because your quote did not re-quote)
  7. To add to possible language clues... 'the teller had no time to help the young woman and left in quick succession' (a singular noun leaving in a plural fashion) 'upcoming weeks of sitting still' (she is waiting but no one said she would be waiting in immobility and also she moved enough to attract a new lover) 'younger than she but still so naive and stubborn with it' (with it is wrong) got it got it got it The clue is 'still' can we add that to Rum and BRANDY and make something of it? (used full editor and couldn't get the stills in bold) 'younger than she but still so naive and stubborn with it' 'still' is redundant 'upcoming weeks of sitting still' 'still' is redundant
  8. <<< patting down vital bits Whew!! that was close
  9. Sounds like the last hotel I was in with 100 of my best friends. The manager was in the stairwell at 4 AM saying everyone get back to their rooms or he was calling police. We are old enough to be those boys parents and grandparents. What city are you in? If you have ever had the Hash House Harriers in your hotel - you know us. There were 700 of us running around DC for that trip.
  10. I meant of course announcing you have an important hero role is suicidal and the main way to be alive the next day is that your buddies don't NK you. The NK are random and just hoping to make an important game changing hit. Now if I was villainous it would also be an idea to save the NK and hope the town DLs him tomorrow because they believe his villainous buddies saved him.
  11. You immediately go to another night when the beloved is killed. How I like to see day one proceed is discussion of the story and clues. Discussion with each other. Try to rattle someone and see what happens ie what SVNBob said was huge. And while you are asking I like to see a DL at the end of day one. For those who want to give odds on a hero being DL'd we know the odds of no villain being killed are 100% with no DL. Do you not agree when you are the villain you absolutely love the no DL day? For day one non contributors are good for DL - they are not helping and the odds are the same re hero or no. Currently it is really easy to lay low in this game and get a by into the heart of the game. And if you are not getting the clue on Day 1, pretty sure you are not getting the clue on Day 2 but that is the day you will choose to DL someone. I don't see the difference in Day 1 DL and Day 2 DL or it is miniscule. I'm not going to argue this point anymore- the villains will be happy with a no DL. I won't vote for it. I am going to go back and read for clues. It would be nice to hear from anyone who hasn't posted yet.
  12. Sort of like day 1. Correct? This is a thing, it is a possibility that it is in this game. It's seen as a penalty to not allow the town to vote - or as I said - what you all call day 1. http://wiki.mafiascum.net/index.php?title=Beloved_Princess
  13. I had another thought (brace yourselves) In games where there is a princess, a beloved princess (and who could be more beloved than our Buttercup?)if she is killed the town may be forced into mourning. Anywhere from 1 to 3 days with no town abilities. Now as some of you want to cheerfully march to the end of a useless no lynch day think about the addition of days with no ability to DL. I would like more discussion of SVNBob and his declaration of importance + dire warning. That should be day 8 on his deathbed talk, not his first post, first day. Inexperience or guile?
  14. Wow - if I was hoping to strike a nerve... Wow - no way would I declare myself to be a 'very important' hero this early in the game. It puts a huge target on your back. There is only one way you can make that claim and not be immediately NK'd. Pretty sure by the end of the first night I will have my answer. I am going back over the last game and review everyone who made hero claims and what in fact they were. I know I have never seen someone make a 'very important' hero claim on day one. Not here, not anywhere.
  15. Bingo! CP. I looked at Aquarian1 and altho there is no mouth the whole face is visible and it may just not be emphasized. I was definitely thinking SVNBob all eyes and cut off just before the mouth starts.
  16. From the weekend. Dad doesn't want to help pay his share of a 10,000 dollar bill for dental work on his 5 year old son. JJ started to say - steel crowns on a 5 year old's baby teeth, are you nuts!? but stopped. Isn't that relevant? If the mom got scammed does he owe or only for legit expenses? And I agree mom labeling a toilet trained, speaking, mainstreamed 5 year old 'severely autistic' may be more damaging to the child in the long run than whatever his condition is.
  17. No that wasn't it but could be. I will see how discussion goes.
  18. I've got a suspicion based on the facial gymnastics, but will keep it to myself for now.
  19. Do you always have a serial killer? I have played many, many games in the time before here, with none.
  20. This odd phrasing.. his lip curled at the fire swamp we have facial manoeuveurs variously as: brow wrinkling, eye widening, eye rolling and eyebrow furrowing and the lip curling. Only the lip curling is directed at an object - the fire swamp. The other motions are non directional. The other odd thing is those other facial areas are all eye related and the lip is alone. The nose is doing nothing, nor the cheeks or jaw. Are we being directed towards the fire swamp - hey pssst over here?
  21. There are no small roles, only small players (getting ready to fret and strut my hour upon the stage) My PB story... My children and husband always had this movie on but I had never watched it. My daughter lent me PB on DVD. I had a long drive to and from Seaside Heights, Jersey Shore (20 hours) a week ago and a mini DVD player. PB makes for pretty good listening and I think I have the dialogue down pat.
  22. Yay! I finally got an award for going down. Those clues were hard. Great game.
  23. Great game everyone. Thank you TJ and Stacey.
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