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Oinky Boinky

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Everything posted by Oinky Boinky

  1. The clues are very elusive. What do you think the chances that our Lisin clue and (Makers) Mark clue were anything other than coincidence? If they were the clues maybe that helps us with others. For now I am going on the basis of who I have come to trust. Some have come straight out and given us their identity or act heroic, a few I was able to suss out. If you look at your own lists of who has not made themselves known, who has not proven their trustworthyness- we need maybe two more from that list and we win. I would like to hear from Dougal, seems to be flying low. And Drogo thank you for being my friend even tho we are separated by an impossible distance, time, and state.
  2. Good news,bad news... Drogo you were right Unfortunately someone else followed your suggestion so after this long night, I have nothing to offer other than MarkHB = Vizzini
  3. I just turned the raspberry margarita I invented black. Same delicious flavour, halloween colours. (it is really shitty weather here, golf cancelled so I am amusing myself mixologically.) I don't know how to attach pictures - this one is pretty cool.
  4. The case of the woman suing another woman for return of her engagement ring. What what what was wrong with the jilted woman? She had no lips - they looked like they were surgically removed and replaced with lips with no pigment. And she was having some sort of seizure or Tourette's in the hallway. She zoned out and said 'GRIMY' in the middle of her conversation and then did it again 'GRIMY' I thought Tourette's but her eyes went dead so I was thinking petit mal. Anyone know? She and the other lady knew each other only weeks before getting engaged - I think her fiance saw really bizarre behaviour and bailed.
  5. Overkill with understatement. I walk a tightrope every day.
  6. This is what Oinky Overkill looks like : BBQ invitation up to 8 guests bring cocktails. Off to liquor and grocery store. French 75. One person says she hates gin. Lets have a pina colada option. What if someone doesn't like coconut? Thus is born the margharita option. I arrive for dinner with a cooler of ice, two bottles of champagne,icy gin,Malibu rum,tequila, pineapple juice and cream. Next is a jumbo bag of jarred cherries,lemons,limes etc. Finish with a jumbo bag of glassware cuz you can't have a proper drink in the wrong glass. So champagne flutes, crystal tumblers and Margharita glasses packed. It was a great dinner. Some people got tipsy.
  7. David T. Cole has put out a call for new moderators. I wonder if any one of you might tell him I would love to do this and I am not an idiot. In sent him an email but not sure how many he will get. Happy birthday TJ
  8. I thought yesterday at 10AM we had 24 hours for night. Am I like in a really bad time zone?
  9. Think I've earned a drink but it is a little early for the frozen Mai Tai. Tom Collins old school please with real lemon.
  10. If day ends with this DL you will see protecting me is a good idea. Any requests before I go not quietly into this good night?
  11. Hmm written to infer that I tossed out the Drogo clue on Lisin but really meaning I tossed out the Makers Mark clue which I admitted a few times already. I in fact asked Drogo why he dropped that clue and part of it was that no one had the will to DL on day one. Then I knew about Lisin and referred to it again as now possibly being a good clue. Some people are referring back to things said on day one when we were all spit balling and nicely neglecting subsequent discussion.
  12. Bob, yes I do and if I have believed you, then surely you believe me.
  13. And I am not requesting the DL on Lisin based on any clue, slim or otherwise. I am basing it on knowing.
  14. That makers mark thing was early and pretty slim based on maybe alcohol clues.I discounted it when I threw it out myself. The request for a DL on Lisin is not based on clues but knowing who she is Drogo's clue against her may be valid. I have been pretty clear that I have nothing to gain by falsely lynching Lisin. The villains do not know who the special heroes are so IF I was a baddie it would be really stupid to all this just to get one Joe blow townie out. The proof will be in her reveal.
  15. Lisin, of course you are not a villain investigator, just a villain who claims they researched Drogo somehow. Jesse, I have more to lose sharing what I know and once Lisin is done I will need protection again. Thanks for the vote.
  16. I don't intend to argue for my surmise because as I said it is not important but we always have protected people in every single game and have not had the no reply or no result answer to investigations. However in this particular game we have a fourth wall situation AND a no reply situation which certainly would protect the fourth wall.
  17. Not sure how much it matters but I am thinking if one of the movie characters inquires about one of the characters reading the book, they wouldn't be allowed to know about them because it would break the fourth wall and like their heads would explode or something. This would be the boy, the grandfather, and maybe the mother.
  18. You are right Drogo started on that DL and jumped on by A1 and then yourself. He dropped off and moved to lynch you when I convinced him of who you are. Town: Now Lisin is saying she is an investigator and investigated Drogo. All the more reason to lynch her if she is a villain investigator. I don't need clues all we need is a DL on Lisin and you will see what I am telling you is correct. Clues that were mentioned before on SVNBob and Athena - I came out and cleared them pretty early and apologized to them for suspecting them. Lisin, starting a DL on me is a bad move for you, as soon as my role is revealed you are done. Sorry it's the truth.
  19. Thanks. I was thinking there may have been some discussion before the DL on LC was started.
  20. Question- can villains only communicate at night or also during day?
  21. As I said I believe there is an upside to it not going 'my way'. Initially I was a bit antsy ie frustrated about not getting the DL, but once I looked at the ramifications of this sort of stalemate, I am ok with it. It may be a way for me to stay in the game which has been tenuous since night one. I'm going to sleep on it as well. Long day of golf where myself and this really cool 73 year old Jamaican lady kicked the other players asses and I shot a 98 on a challenging course. A good but tiring day.
  22. There is 1 clue in this post There is one clue in this post There is one clue in this post
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