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Oinky Boinky

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Everything posted by Oinky Boinky

  1. And I am going to make my own character map according to who I think is claiming what and what I know so far. I listened to it on an 8 hour drive so I know I missed some nuance.
  2. Hi Athena, I thought I found this clue in maybe story number 2. It was: could-a speed things up was-a strong enough so I was thinking that was -a then -a athena It turns out I was wrong and I am sorry I doubted you. Any chance you or someone else saw this and what do you think about it? It does not point to you but it is the only clue I could find.
  3. I have an idea (again brace yourselves) Would it be possible as the town working together to gather the clues to identity that we have received so far? We don't have to say the character they hint they are but can we list things like who said as you wish, who referred to iocaine immunity, who is having mother issues? I would like a list for us so we can see which PB characters are not referenced and compare them against the players. Or were these subtle hints and if you got them - you are maybe the only one who did. Problem is if the only one who got the reference is a villain, that is not helpful to the town and they are not secret just buried a little? Are we allowed to do this as a group or do we each have to comb through posts and make our own flow charts and algorithms?
  4. It's funny I had to explain to my very practical sweetheart why sports cars were popular for single guys. You know honey, the 'vette makes them wet' He replies 'well there's my problem, I drove a reliant, 'the reliant makes them defiant' I can just picture him being young and trying to get lucky in that stupid car.
  5. Well I didn't know it was that William Goldman. Famous for his screen plays but his novel Boys and Girls was one of my favourites way back when. Read a few of his books.
  6. You would have to find an apple liqueur or it would be too acid in taste and also maybe curdle the milk. A sweet apple liqueur Bourbon and milk might be ok but I bet it would be very good with rum. I do a creamsicle drink and if you blend the liquor and the orange juice you can add cream and not curdle it.
  7. I have one in my mixology app called Triple Crown Julep. It is a basic mint julep but uses Jefferson's Reserve bourbon. That only covers Kentucky. NY could use a big apple or maybe a big nut- because it costs a big nut to live there.
  8. Add vodka and you have a screaming orgasm. I once gave 50 naked people screaming orgasms. In Michigan
  9. I've seen claims of Wesley, Inigo, the giant. I am thinking the princess and Wesley know each other, and I know who I am and of course the villains and anyone who trusts me know that also.This is the first game with no deaths where I feel we know a lot. That was a 3 glasses of wine post. I hope it made sense.
  10. Do you mean two people claiming to be Wesley? That's what I was thinking too.
  11. 6 to DL TMunz and 6 to DL someone else. That is a tie. Are we getting an extension?
  12. (funniest thing ever) I'm just a girl who can't say no. I am so lucky in my life that I never met a guy who liked to rob banks. And like Drogo, this is the last vote change. 6 to DL TMunz (CuriousParker, Jesse, stacey, Athena, egavasc, MarkHB), 4 to inconceive the conceivable and demonstrate the I before E except after C rule 1 to DL TJTrack99 (TMunz, ), 9 to do something inconceivable 4 to DL Jesse (SVNBob, Drogo, Lisin, Oinky Boinky), 6 to stop the merry-go-round and let me off Remember please, please if day ends I need protection for tonight and you won't regret it. I be good, I be good.
  13. Drogo because I had a different take on the facial stuff doesn't mean I was right and you were wrong. In fact I was wrong about Bob so you may want to look at this again 'cause you know lip calisthenics could be pointing at Lady Calypso
  14. Will anyone believe me if I say I am a very decisive person? I am pretty sure I know exactly who 3 people are in this game and half way to knowing two others. I have to vote with the ones I trust: 6 to DL TMunz (CuriousParker, Jesse, stacey, Athena, egavasc, MarkHB), 4 to inconceive the conceivable and demonstrate the I before E except after C rule 4 to DL TJTrack99 (TMunz, SVNBob, Drogo,Oinky Boinky,), 6 to dispute the claim that indecision is the hobgoblin of a weak mind
  15. I gave that an hour... Bob if you have something to say spit it out. I may be involved in a situation up until noon (day close?)so I am putting my vote back. 9 to DL TMunz (CuriousParker, Jesse, stacey, Athena, Oinky Boinky, Drogo, egavasc, Hanged Man, MarkHB), 1 to inconceive the conceivable and demonstrate the I before E except after C rule 2 to DL TJTrack99 (TMunz, SVNBob), 8 to hand out iocane powder.
  16. Bob I trust you. Can you please firm up why TMunz is a good guy? I'm unvoting until Bob speaks... 8 to DL TMunz (CuriousParker, Jesse, stacey, Athena, Drogo, egavasc, Hanged Man, MarkHB), 1 to inconceive the conceivable and demonstrate the I before E except after C rule 2 to DL TJTrack99 (TMunz, SVNBob), 8 to hand out iocane powder.
  17. I know I am, not sure what exactly I could say to prove it that wouldn't make it worse.
  18. This is an important message to the town, the good people of the town. Please whoever is our protector, I need you tonight. Please don't let me die. Protect me and keep me safe. This is not a selfish request. Not sure what else to say, I want to go to bed and day may end soon.
  19. Yes on the single malt, not a whole bottle but I will let you sample a variety. I found your argument compelling. I'm switching my vote 1 to DL Athena (Drogo), 9 to RSVP "Yes" to the Toga Party 5 to DL TMunz (CuriousParker, Jesse, stacey, Athena,Oinky Boinky), 5 to not have to gift a whole bottle of single malt 1 to DL TJTrack99 (TMunz), 9 to hand out iocane powder.
  20. This was how I explained what I found. I pointed out all of the awkward language in that one section. It led me to the word still plus it seemed we had some other alcohol related clues. I've also just realized that 'quick succession' could refer to shots I thought I had made it pretty clear that I thought Mark was a stretch for that clue and asked for other opinions.
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