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Oinky Boinky

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Everything posted by Oinky Boinky

  1. Just back from a weekend camping with 60 of my closest friends. I am on the wagon until at least Tuesday.
  2. She said 'GRIMY' twice. I rewound it. At first I thought it was her pet name for her fiance and she was trying to talk to her, but it wasn't that. In today's horrific apartment case. The man said when the stove caught on fire he threw flour on it. I know you all don't watch TPC for home safety tips but please never, never do this. Flour is highly flammable. I use uncooked spaghetti to light candles or a barbeque. Use soda or salt to put out a kitchen fire or just put a lid or something else to smother it. I learned this very young from my father. He was chief cook on a naval destroyer. There were weevils in the hold where the flour was kept and some bright boy set down burning pots to draw them out. The flour was stored right over the magazine and was a near miss for a ship housing 2200 men.
  3. Time wounds all heels. Sorry I missed the vote guys.
  4. Thanks Mark. I just posted again but new material at bottom of second post.
  5. I lost my notes in the great race to Jamaica but Lady Calypso has been on my trust but not confirmed list for quite a while. Also Stacey. Egavasc only got there because she jumped on the CS DL but we now know one of those was a villain vote. I am going to vote for a DL on Egavasc but I want to find my notes first and I have to get ready to go play golf right now. I had early notes regarding Princess Buttercup looking at the stars and then going to the market and looking at jewelry - there was sparkling, jewels, glinting, stars, shining, brightly = evanescence and could only tie that to Egavasc at the time - a stretch but that is where it took me. We forgot about our anonymous vote but I don't think it matters anymore. Any comment on the violacious liquid being Purple Rain?
  6. Sorry Drogs, that list was a 100% certainty list. You are at the top of the trust but not confirmed list. My trust but not confirmed list has to do with game play and character claims. My 3rd trust list is based on voting history but now I am not sure of that at all. Someone jumped in and lynched their buddy with alacrity and guile.
  7. We know we killed Rugan and Inigo took out Vizzini next night. Definitely a villain jumped on the Crazed Spruce/Humperdink DL. I was trying to suss out a villain from the non-voters and discovered it is NOT Jesse. Did I miss another non-voter in the DL? People I know I can trust for sure: SVNBob Athena Jesse Oinky Thoughts please on a baddie in the midst on the last DL. (Oh in case anyone is counting I got 4 hits on villains in a row)
  8. The wifi hot spot is in a clothing mandatory area.
  9. Hello everyone from Negril. I put my clothes on and found a hot spot. I should be able to connect tomorrow. Drunk? Who me? A little bit. Jamaican pour is 4 oz. I go up to the bar and take what is left in the blender. I am drinking a Bourbon/coke daiquiri pina colada right now.
  10. Thank you. It was hard to find on my phone but doing it on my pc switched it for my phone also. It's perfect now.
  11. Thanks Aquarian. Have to check what my PC has too.
  12. It's my phone with wacky time. My post says 3:30 AM and that was 6:30. Thus my confusion regarding time left to do night action. My phone shows correct time. When I am in PTV it is wrong.
  13. Ha just had a thought - violacious liquid = purple rain
  14. ooops never mind thanks guys You know I think the pernicious sprout clue led to this, it convinced me to find out for sure. I also believe the Lisin clue was correct. Not sure if the Mark/Vizzini clue was correct but but knowing these clues might help with this last story.
  15. Someone in the crowd said it perfectly... “Death to Humperd-” 1 to DL The Crazed Spruce (Oinky Boinky) 5 to spank a very bad boy I will read the story again but I am not sure how much help I can be. In 36 hours I will be naked on a beach in Jamaica. My participation for the next week depends on: 1. putting my clothes on and going on a mission to borrow a computer 2. giving someone $20 US for wifi So please discuss but recognize what must be done. This is our 3rd unearthed villain - one more after this seems right. Yay us!!
  16. I have information. Don't.DL until I can share. Sorry out with no glasses.
  17. Re the nice looking lady who sold her Rottweiler puppy to the bully looking guy because her child had allergies. He 'You can tell that dog was abused, every time I yell she shakes in her cage' (No shit Sherlock) Was - I don't think so. Is - yes. Some dogs lives are just horrible. I am not a dog lover but I totally changed my mind about pit bulls this weekend. I met two of the nicest doggies in the world this weekend - pit mom and son. Total sweethearts.
  18. Really 24 hours? Some of us went away because nothing was happening. When does the 24 hours end?
  19. Seems we are going to have another 'nothing should possibly happen on the weekend and lets start that on a Tuesday week' I forget - are we waiting for night to start?
  20. Me? I never miss a vote. Busy getting ready for Canada day. Sorry guys.
  21. No nothing in my notes to clear CS. You know if a sprout was tenacious and a bit wacky it could work its way into being some sort of tree and that tree could be a spruce. Regarding My Way (I hate Frank Sinatra and had to suffer through My Way and (ugh) Paul Anka a lot in my youth since he is from my city) the only thing I think of is Peggy and Don dancing to this song in the office.
  22. That is what I am thinking LC wise also. And yes Dougal and Egavasc - where are they, what have they said or done that is helpful at all? Curious Parker now Jesse was on us to investigate TMunz and that DL did not clear her. And Crazed Spruce - elusive spruce?
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