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Oinky Boinky

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Everything posted by Oinky Boinky

  1. You can not imagine how disappointed I am to finally see multiple posts in this my favourite forum only to realize they are all posts discussing language/regional accents/blah blah blah. Come on guys - I upped my game now up yours.
  2. I'm with you hellopatti - my guy friend and I used to have to run his 650 BSA down the street to start it - tricky part was me hopping on after him once it got going. I'm old.
  3. Never having owned a bug, I enjoyed a different aspect to this case. When JJ yelled at the fellow 'how can you say it's running if it's in pieces' He very nicely explained the difference between making the engine turn over and making the car move down the street. Kudos for a good, calm answer to a stupid proclamation.
  4. In no-neck v ho-lotta-neck I got so absorbed trying to count ho-lotta-neck's cervical vertebrae that I missed - WHAT HAPPENED TO THE DOG?
  5. Toaster (sorry I have no luck with quotes) to paraphrase Jim Morrison (may I) love you two times? One like is not enough for someone who feels the same way I do about dog slaves and how JJ changes her judicial opinion dependant on the breed and her experience with it. And WOW! That was a woman! That was big mom and not big step dad?? I have to re-watch.
  6. Not a beard but extremely deep Marionette Lines due to 20 pounds of pudge on her face. She embodied my pet peeve of someone who drives a car that they can't drive - for whatever ego reason you have for driving your huge car - if you can't park it or corner - get off the road!! I had a parking space next to a lady like that - it was her right to bang the hell out of my car every day on the basis that she was a senior with a slight disability. I don't know why MM did not advise the person who was death threatened to lay charges - when latent hostility becomes blatant it is a sign that real violence is on the horizon.
  7. Several of you put NT at the end of your comments. What does that mean please?
  8. Was the one where the GF finally got a clue when her BF totalled her third car a new episode? It said 2014 but I hadn't seen it. Entitled creep - women supply cars you total them or lend them to your side piece to total - in a parking lot!! How do you total a car in a parking lot?
  9. My PVR took a siesta, can someone please tell me the episodes I missed last Friday August 22nd? I know they are all repeats but some I haven't seen.
  10. Great minds don’t think alike. I thought the ruling would be for 1400. If the only reason the trailer (with two broken axles that hadn’t been moved for years) was worth 1900 was because marble mouth spent 500 fixing it, than the plaintiff rightfully would have only been entitled to 1400.
  11. It seemed to me that the 'wife' had a better relationship with the mother than the daughter did and was trying to hold them together.
  12. Agree on the poochy belly in the skintight dress and in that same vein there was a lady with those horrible, so long they are curled into claws, fingernails which MM ignored. That was probably the correct thing to do- don't encourage that shit. And no comments about the rats video? - that was the worst along with the horrible mother daughter relationship. I am confused as to whether these are new episodes or repeats especially when the rats evoked no comments.
  13. It's an old one but boy I just saw the Jamaican ladies with the broken couch. Did the 150 pound woman break her couch when her own family weighs in at a ton? That was so funny. I think Judge MM was crying she was laughing so hard at the argument in full dialect.
  14. Hi everyone, So I just made a post back at Twop. Guess we will straddle (uuuuuuummmmmm straddle) both sites for a while. Is there a way to vote up posts on this site? Any affirmation at all makes me giddy.
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