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Oinky Boinky

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Everything posted by Oinky Boinky

  1. Who I will refer to as sweet & really low
  2. I believe it was Al Bakhour. And all I could think of was Tony Soprano saying how his mother was like a fucking 'albacore' around his neck. Best TV malaprop ever!!
  3. Titles? You get titles? how do you get titles? Apparently some of you also get pretty good descriptions of the cases. The ones I get always must have a rotund description. The cases either swirl, circle, revolve, rotate or center (I suppose with a swirling outside perimeter) on something. It is nauseating.
  4. On line gaming was what they said at first. I met a two year boyfriend playing cribbage online and an 8 year common law husband playing spades. No gambling involved and I tell you, if you want to know if someone is easy tempered, smart and funny - play cards with them. Online gambling I would just not trust to not be rigged and if you don't even have to haul ass out of your chair and get dressed to do it, I think it indicates the worst sort of problem - it is not even a social thing.
  5. And she blamed the wilted flowers for ruining her special moment with her 80 year old mom. Pretty sure she wrecked that moment herself - and would do again - because you know she is a woman with a temper and can't control herself. Grow up.
  6. The florist tried to make a valid point but it was not heard. When exactly did she take the picture of the flowers? Have your wedding - wait four days and take pictures of them wilting seems like a profitable scam. And I hate those people who consider themselves famous for having a bad temper and the people who concede to it. Don't mess with her - she has a hot temper. Those people can always control their temper when they want. There is a comedy routine about rage issues. The comedian says something like 'say you have uncontrollable rage, you'restopped in the street by someone who puts a gun in your face and you turn into a simpering pussy in total control of your emotions'
  7. I only have 3 words for yesterdays dog custody episode... Crack IS whack
  8. A phone that is also a lighter? Who is your customer? Who is demanding this? Who will pay for this? I am going to stick to my old tried and true method of rubbing two smartphones together to start my fire.
  9. You’re going to love this move… At my hospital there is a 2 year waiting list for parking (offsite even). In 25 years I have never had on site parking and have to take a shuttle from my parking to my work. So employees park around the hospital in 3 hour parking. They run out at lunch to move their cars. The most awful ones go with a co- worker and move their car out while buddy moves his in. Yesterday an elderly lady was trying to park and take her husband (using a walker) in for his appointment. She asked a hospital worker sitting in his car if she could park there – he said no, he’s not leaving. Three minutes later co-worker pulls up and he leaves to give him the space. There are so many sides to this. Employees who are willing to pay for a parking pass can’t get one, yet the streets are overloaded with ‘disabled’ parkers. Apparently Ontario has something like 2 million disabled drivers with the ability to park anywhere who are currently over the age of 110. In any case- I have been the victim of no parking for years and still I have no sympathy for these people who feel they are owed the space for whatever reason. The other time JJ told the Fried Green Tomatoes story, the accused had let the air out of a guys tires because he got in the spot before her. She should have been criminally charged. ETA the JJ relevant bit
  10. Hate that story, hate having her tell it again. Hate this theory of 'my parking spot' Listen bozo it's not your spot until you are in it. If I get in there first it is not your spot unless I concede it to you. It is a politeness. It is not something you are owed or that allows you to behave like an asshole when it doesn't go your way. People have too many justifications for anger. FIDO.
  11. I have been giggling about Juloon all day long. All of todays snark has been giving me giggle fits.
  12. That is no accident, marketing execs freely admit they do this because woman make most of the buying decisions. The stride gum commercials used to show a white man being kicked and punched in the stomach. I wrote them and told them if this was a woman or a minority they would be in big trouble. They have since changed their ads. Now men are just stupid but not beat up.
  13. The creep doing his mating dance from the jet ski was a full on moron. He probably thought they were swingers too and that those guys will screw anyone so I will do jet ski tricks until they have no choice but to invite me aboard. Lifestyle people will say 'I may be easy, but I'm not stupid with no taste'
  14. Quintuple espresso shot girl - I kept thinking with 5 you get lobotomy. The original Dirty Sanchez. When you look up dirty sanchez in Urban Dictionary it has his picture.
  15. He put his ear to his chest and couldn't hear anything. The shots show Ricks chest is not moving to breathe and then he couldn't get him out of the room. What Shane did saved Rick ultimately and Lori and Carl. Lori is just a bitch - whichever way it is going she is going to whine and control until it goes the other way. Stay away, leave, why are you going , stay, hate Shane, get rid of Shane, goddamit you killed Shane - you bastard.
  16. I think we saw a flash of what they saw when he said 'c'mon you can admit it, it's not escaping you' I myself am a sucker for witty repartee. It shows some brains and charm. He must have had his moments. I would be with someone like that as opposed to a terminal dullard. I wouldn't give him money or bail him out but I sure would enjoy his company.
  17. I know they needed to pull us in with extra dramatic effect but there was a glaring error in episode one. Ricks first zombie, the little girl in the bunny slippers, bends down and picks up her Teddy Bear. Ouch. Not zombie behaviour at all. Lori was horrible – everyone who said Shane was the evil one, they showed what he did to save Rick. He put his ear to his chest and heard nothing. Lori within hours of rolling around on the ground with Shane as soon as Rick shows up is screaming at Shane to stay away from her family. She’s yelling at Shane to stay away from his best friend, who he tried so hard to save and he loved like a brother. I hadn’t realized she got so nasty to Shane so fast.
  18. Sorry CWL - truthfully I only looked at the top few rows of that page. I was taught if you can see the white completely around the iris it is exophthalmos .
  19. Marfans - gangly and tall but eyes normal... https://www.flickr.com/photos/nationalmarfanfoundation/sets/72157612643340384/ vs exophthalmos - those eyes and also underweight due to overactive thyroid. https://www.google.ca/search?q=exophthalmos&rlz=1C1KMZB_enCA565CA577&espv=2&biw=1024&bih=515&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=Wz_MVMyvEIWVNvW9hPAL&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ
  20. Holy exophthalmos Batman. Mr Jackson needed to get himself to a thyroid specialist for his Graves disease.
  21. Tomorrow's show... JM to defendant who has two women bailing him out all the time: 'WHAT magnetism do you possess that is escaping me right now?!' Defendant: 'C'mon you can be honest, it's not escaping you'
  22. I was thinking of that old canard 'the camera adds 10 pounds' 'well how many cameras were on you?' That date dress was truly unfortunate. She looked normal size prior to the date and then someone put that bloaty, heifer metamorphosis dress on her and made her hair look greasy. I thought these people had stylists or does only JZ? Oh BTW - shut up Jill. What a horrible person. I find it hard to believe she is a mother. She should read what someone said on the The People's Court forum today 'don't be a stereotype' her schickt is an insult to 'her people' The prince I found amusing until I read what you all wrote about the adult adoptions and then it is just a whole pile of yuck.
  23. The bad sax case... A 9 year old that is screaming because he is playing and gramma isn't applauding and whose parents demand an appolgy for hurting his little feelings has got much worse problems. Screaming? Really? That is reserved for tipping a boiling pot onto yourself not when your blowing is sucking. (take that Harvey!) Spoiled brat.
  24. He was successfully redundant as soon as he followed garbage with trash. He was looking for refuge after he hit and run. Maybe refuge was a Freudian slip, You know a Freudian slip is when you say one thing but mean your mother.
  25. An admission from JJ that some of her cases are boring… Ok Byrd this is a good one, some of my cases are boring you know, and I have to work them but this one is coming together nicely. She is almost rubbing her hands in glee. And I did enjoy the very wise son for guffawing at the apt description of his trashy mother. And who thought breaking a back window of an SUV could cost 2500. Did JJ even ask the vintage of that vehickle to make sure it was worth that much?
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