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Oinky Boinky

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Everything posted by Oinky Boinky

  1. Bad grammar but jargon and what we used to call a lot of jive talking made them almost incomprehensible. My grand daddy, my daddy, my sugar daddy, He my lips and hips - grammar is not the reason that is lost on us and it was never ending with constant over talking.
  2. Have you noticed and do you have the opinion that they ask the plaintiff and defendants to colour coordinate their outfits? It was really obvious yesterday while watching repeat episodes from last week. There were the two larger women with comments of you both look very good in red. The next case same episode had plaintiff and defendant in the exact same shade of medium blue dresses. I first thought they had on the same dress. The next episode it was the case of black bottoms, white shirt V black bottoms, white shirt. I wonder if this is something they only did in the early episodes because I noticed it right at the beginning but failed to comment.
  3. On his other end we would call this a scrotee. So he has scrotee facial hair.
  4. Tomorrow's show... 'How many lawsuits have you been involved in?' 'None' 'And I won every single last one of them!!' Can't wait
  5. Guy Smiley and the Muppets... Judge Judy told the mother 'speak to your boy' What do you think the mother whispered in his ear? It seemed to work a bit. I thought there was something wrong with him. Is that what a shrink would call a labile affect?
  6. Rick was that Friday's broadcast? My PVR didn't tape anything and I am not sure why. That guy was a prize that's for sure.
  7. If your last name is Hiscock. You don't name your boy Holden. Ooops too late. Was it a JJ case or my real life that introduced me to a used car salesman named Rusty Heeps? I can picture him in my mind.
  8. I knew a girl, not quite 30 who did that. She watched your mouth the whole time and I wonder if it was a comprehension or hearing disability thing. To me it is sort of a habit like mouthing the words when you read with the mistaken idea that it gets to your brain better.
  9. How not to pitch in the DD: 1. I bought this dog 10 years ago but I am sticking with it 2. I really don't need your money, not sure I need you either.
  10. Darn - missed my chance to call her the nutty, naked, nubian.
  11. You guys are awesome. Thank you for making me smile. Really impressed by the ferret info and the research on that nut. I would love to know what she was being honoured for. I know it was a repeat but my dvr decided to re-boot. I am assuming the nutty naked lady left with nothing?
  12. This may have been TPC but I remember one fellow (Hispanic? anyone remember him) appolizing at the start of his case for his single teardrop and saying this one doesn't mean what you think.
  13. Since last week we have had a few new episodes but not consistently.
  14. I think she was referring not to his god given gifts but to all the ways he had enhanced himself to be a very ugly person. If I ever considered trying to earn my living on my back - his image would stop me cold. He would probably end up being a regular or my pimp and I am not sure what would be worse. Beauty is only skin deep but ugly goes right to the bone. The double tear drop tattooes with the swagger were just gagworthy. JJ seems pretty tolerant of people - it is how they clown themselves up that sets her off.
  15. She hustled herself right off the couch when he approached her 3 year old and yet during that hustle he managed to misuse her garden hose for a full 25 minutes. And I hate and resent that she pulls the race card on this. You are stupid and lazy which is something you control.
  16. Thank you Teebax for that. This points up my biggest pet peeve. Why are we subjected to reruns and reruns of the current shows and never get to see the vintage ones? JJ is going through her 'vintage' reruns on Saturday of 2010 but only 2010. Would love to see some very old shows.
  17. We all remember that one - she was an indignant piece of work. How dare you block me in, I did what I had to to free my car. I think the house owner lady was out and was locked out of her own house for hours because she expected her back door to be unlocked. Jane Austen said it best 'Vanity working on a weak head, produces every sort of mischief.'
  18. My gift to you: (cookies in less than 15 minutes) 1 2 3 cookies: 1 part fat (shortening, butter or marg) 2 parts sugar 3 parts flour Add raisins or nuts or chocolate chips if you like. This could be 1/4 cup butter, 1/2 cup sugar, 3/4 flour and make less than 2 dozen cookies. No salt, no vanilla, no levening or; The Kraft peanut butter recipe 1 cup any peanut butter 1/2 cup sugar 1 egg Add chocolate chips and it makes about one dozen gluten free very tasty cookies. Recipe on any Kraft PB jar. I resent, resent baking packages that have you add the fat and eggs - all it is is a pkg of self raising flour and sugar. And it still doesn't taste quite right. As someone said- this is not rocket surgery. If you can't master a simple 3 ingredient recipe - buy your cookies. Many pkgs are more work than scratch.
  19. Rick, I had that episode with the kittens PVR'd. What happened to the kittens... It seemed they survived. No mention of the stuck one that was footling for so many hours. What happened to ALL of the kittens... This was a senior cat where they had never spent the comparatively wee amount to have her fixed. They either were surprisingly scrupulous about keeping mommy cat in or there were upwards of 60 kittens we don't know the fate of. What happened to mommy cat... We don't know, they didn't say, but at least we know the defendants did not wring her neck or drown her. The friend who was the vet tech paid to have mommy cat taken to a vet and defendants were ordered to pay her back. Assuming the stuck kitten went to vet also but no mention of if the new kitties were. I understand people not having the money to put down a cat but go to a subsidized clinic and have them fixed and go to that same clinic and spent a much smaller amount to have them put down humanely. In Canada it is about 50 dollars as opposed to 200.
  20. The juicing lady was far too arrogant. 1. You are not Booster Juice. 2. The juicing thing is being shown for what it is - a trendy fad for dumb people. Your ship has sailed.
  21. UK apprentice is still the old format AFAIK and you can watch it on youtube. Very enjoyable.
  22. Yes and yes his 'don't worry kid you are going to be just fine' speech made me gag.
  23. Two issues with MM: How much do you think they are lying about their age? There was one guy, white hair, big belly. His misogynist attitude put him in his 60s and he is trying for 57. A million is easy. I’m not impressed. Houses here are 6 and 7 hundred K easy. Liquidate and I could get to a cool mill and yet I drive an old Hyundai instead of a Lamborghini. They should raise the stakes and call this MMM Multi Millionaire Matchmaker. Also I would really like one of them to end their date with this Groucho Marx quote: “I’ve had a perfectly wonderful evening. Unfortunately, this wasn’t it.”
  24. I guess I am spoiled now. Not sure where I am in this season 1. Bravo is showing it and I was thinking there would be previouslies or something to indicate if it was the first episode. Where I am is the court scene where the fellow is supposed to plead guilty and pleads not guilty. Can someone tell me if that is the first episode or how far in that is? Thanks
  25. A new episode. As soon as they described a private club with private parties, I knew exactly what this was. You pay a membership fee, bring your own liquor and leave it at the bar. If all you do all night is dance, meet people, and have someone serve you your own liquor (ie not at 8 dollars a shot) it really is a fun time. There will probably be a dinner put out at midnight. You don't have to go anywhere near the play rooms and in Canada they are legally bound to keep any thing you don't want to see confined to back rooms.
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