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Oinky Boinky

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Everything posted by Oinky Boinky

  1. Yay for Teebax using my favourite word - subrogate. I was beginning to think that Canadians wouldn't need to have car insurance that covers medical because our health care would cover it - but then I do know that OHIP subrogates. I am not sure if they jump in on every accident with injuries. I am just not sure if they only do it for major, major amounts for example a friend of mine who worked on subrogation for a plane crash with millions of dollars in damages. Back in my brain I am thinking Teebax is Canadian so please enlighten if you know this. Being in a car that was hit by a motorcycle that swerved out of the line of traffic and hit our car at high speed while we were making a left turn, I really felt that this fellow today was pretty responsible - he is going to drive as fast as he can until he hits something WTF! In our case we were responsible for him hitting us even because we were turning left even though the motorcyclist had only got his bike that day, racked up 2 accidents that first day and my husband was 30 years no accidents. There are hard and fast rules but maybe they should be a little softer and a little slower when picking the guilty driver.
  2. (I've read all of these pages, didn't see it mentioned).... Bob did not laugh hysterically and tell Sasha 'I'm tainted meat' is there a difference between chowing on his cooked leg and swapping spit with him? Did Bob really believe he was tainted or eating him would make them more infected than they already are or was he just trying to get them to stop chewing on him? It worked either way.
  3. Wait a minute, wait a minute, how do you get such nice program summaries? For a long time I have been extremely annoyed by what I get. Every program description must have a circular word in it; Lititgation swirls around... A case centers around... A marauding pooch causes testimony to revolve... A case centers on bad rent cheques... I hate it so bad - almost as bad as TPC litigator I hardly knew her. Has this person been told to write these up like this or are they just horrible at their job? Does everyone get these horrible case descriptions? You know they get paid to write this crap and anyone of the snarkers here could come up with better ones.
  4. The Baron, Esquire guy just proved how much people will pay to have someone blow air up their own skirts. I thought those coat of arms things were always scams. I want so bad for him to find out his great titled ancestor was the 'groom of the stool'.
  5. Dry cleaning sneakers?? I thought the chemicals would do a number on the rubbers and adhesives. As a very active Hash House Harrier (drinkers with a running problem) we do a lot of running in muck. We wash sneakers, you can just dunk the topsides or throw them in the washing machine and after one filthy run in Las Vegas we put them in the condo dishwasher.
  6. Well if she can't be Michonne Katana - I would think June 'Cleaver' is a pretty good alternative- doncha think?
  7. Regarding the first question... Did Lori contribute to his decent into becoming InShane? What was the timeline: How long after Rick was thought to be dead did Lori and Shane hook up? How long were Lori and Shane together so how long was it that Shane was thinking Lori really cared for and maybe loved him? We know she pushed him away immediately- he was persona non grata as soon as Rick came back with no acknowledgement that Shane was anything special to her. Shane loved Rick, loved Lori, was ready to be father to Carl- he was very, very important to them and wham he is outside looking in. And BTW your baby isn't going to be yours either. We know people can go a little nutty when they are dumped. He got dumped by Rick, Lori and Carl and then slowly was seeing himself as apart from everyone. I think how Lori handled things totally started him on the way down. Given a bit of time I am sure he would have pulled things back together.
  8. You must agree if she refused to watch the video she wouldn't know it was not bad at all. All she ever saw was the injury which looked gory but could have just been broken blood vessels.
  9. Not going to quote your lengthy post Timetoread but thanks for that. I was amazed when I first saw 'rapist' being attached to Shane. I really was in conflict as to how to categorize this and your legal discussion with your friend really helped me. From the original viewing it never did imprint as anything but a very drunk man who had priveleges to put his hands on this woman very recently and now didn't. Channel 167 has started showing TWD and ironically this was the episode aired. I again thought this is a very drunk, grabby guy. Also of note - they were in the CDC and Rick was close to hand. There was no way this was ever going to be rape OR consensual sex. Also what I saw that puts this in another light is the previous episode where Lori is in the woods by herself and Shane tries to scare her and then ends up on the ground with her. They looked like a couple who would play catch me, catch me. As you said context and the history of the couple is important. If you ever really cared about a person you would have some compassion for what they are going through and you might have to explain the new rules more than once.
  10. I have the mathematical answer to the question of the too fast appearance of repeats. TPC is an hour show. Judge Judy and Hot Bench are two half hour segments. Two or three weeks ago they switched to one segment new, one segment repeat. If they had stuck with two new segments they would be out of new shows by now also. I figure at this rate JJ and HB will have new episodes for 2 maybe 3 more weeks. My complaint about the repeats is why show us TPC that we just saw a few weeks ago. I never want to see the sex teacher and the apartment case again. I would like to see some previous seasons that we either missed or forgot we loved.
  11. JJ knows she can't say anything about agreeance because it is now recognized (shudder!!) but in the next episode she flipped out pretty well on the moron who used 'irregarding'
  12. Angela, Angela, Angela - you are endowing Ms Fish with more restraint than deserved - it was 17 days after he got out.
  13. Very Ironically and referring back to the 1400 judgement for a car valued at 1900 by KBB- The People's Court on Friday had someone who had wrecked a friends car that had been purchased the day before. Judge MM's opinion of KBB is that it is dealer's (jacked up) prices. It is what the dealer believes he can get for a car and the best indicator of the value of the car was what the person had just paid for it. And that is what she awarded.
  14. And of course we have had many instances (for certain on TPC) where someone has claimed a much lower price to fraud the sales tax. Let that be a lesson to you if you claim you only paid 1,000 for the 2,000 dollar car and are committing fraud that you only get back what you 'paid' for it. Giving her what she paid for the vehicle (or says she paid) for the vehicle puts her exactly back where she was 2 minutes before she bought it and if she wants another bargain she can hunt for it.
  15. Wait a minute, wait a minute When did Shane try to 'rape' a woman? He had sex with Lori and Andrea. Unless it was bicycle girl I missed this. Sorry to go back so many pages but I was away and catching up.
  16. Because as Judge Milian would say you're here to be made whole not get a bOnanza!!
  17. You felt that way because really her life was very sad. A grown woman working at her mom's bakery and getting all lip quivery about her spatula. She got me too. (is there a way to quote and not get the whole quote? ie above - I have nothing to say about the steroid guy)
  18. My favourite was Aquanetta but maybe I am too harsh and her parents were hairspray magnates.
  19. Has anyone else lost this show from their lineup? Is this show on the way out or was what we got just a trial preview?
  20. Putting the chair under the door is a girl thing. It's an 'old' girl alone thing. My sister and I (age 11 and 12) were left home alone for days in the country. We had the chair under the door and also you put a knife in the door jamb. You hold a table knife flat to the door and slide it under the frame - it works better than the chair.
  21. Sarcastico, I thought he said something about dancing on the street for a store or service to draw customers - you know like the dancing weiner in front of the push cart. Then again with the dancing weiner maybe he was a stripper.
  22. Invoking OJ during an argument was so tasteless. We need an OJ law similiar to Godwin's law.
  23. All that whah whah whah for the dog getting killed. I have zero sympathy for a woman who has no control or supervision of her dog or her 5 year old baby. Not one of those boo hooers gave a thought to what would have happened (on Christmas Eve no less) if that baby had followed the dog into the road. And who cares if it is Christmas Eve – if he had waited to tell her his car was damaged he would have had a different type of fight on his hands from those morons. On the other hand 17 days car rental while you are waiting for parts to replace a bumper? The guy was probably too vain to be seen driving a car with a damaged front end.
  24. This show is growing on me. I find the case variety more interesting than JJ and enjoy that some of the rationale and that indeed there is rationale for their decisions is given. I think they may have shortened their deliberation process a bit possibly due to viewer complaints. It has a good pace.
  25. Here's a zombie joke from my daughter... What does a vegan zombie say? I want to eat your grains
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